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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24(2): 153-159

Published online June 25, 2024

© The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems

Statistical Convergence on Intuitionistic Fuzzy n-Normed Spaces over Non-Archimedean Fields

Saranya N and Suja K

Department of Mathematics,College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

Correspondence to :
Suja K (

Received: December 22, 2022; Revised: November 30, 2023; Accepted: February 28, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In this study, we investigated the notion of statistical convergence, specifically statistically Cauchy convergence, for a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space. This study shows that certain properties of statistical convergence, which are not classically true, hold in a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space. Furthermore, we defined statistically complete and statistically continuous spaces and established some basic facts about them.

Keywords: Non-Archimedean field, Statistically convergent, Statistically Cauchy sequence, Intutionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces

Steinhaus [1] and Fast [2] first proposed the concept of statistical convergence, which was subsequently examined and developed by several authors. Suja and Srinivasan [3] presented statistical convergence and Cauchy sequences over non-Archimedean fields. The analysis of non-Archimedean fields is known as non-Archimedean analysis. The concept of n-isometries in non-Archimedean n-normed spaces was first studied by Chu and Ku [4]. In 1965, Zadeh [5] developed the fuzzy set theory in a fuzzy-normed linear space, statistically convergent sequences, statistically Cauchy sequences, statistical limit points, and statistical cluster points of a sequence were introduced by Sencimen and Pehlivan [6].

Mohiuddine et al. [7] studied the statistical convergence of double sequences in fuzzy normed spaces. The n-normed linear space to a fuzzy n-normed linear space by Narayanan and Vijayabalaji [8]. Saadati and Park [9] introduced the concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space. Karakus et al. [10] recently studied the concept of statistical convergence of single sequences in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space, and Mursaleen and Mohiuddine [11] extended it to double sequences.

Mohiuddine and Lohani [12] studied generalized statistical convergence in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space, which provides a better tool for analyzing a broader class of sequences. Karakaya et al. [13] investigated the types of convergence of function sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy-normed spaces. Melliani et al. [14] defined the intuitionistic fuzzy deferred statistical convergence in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space by considering the deferred density.

Generalized statistical convergence in a non-Archimedean L-fuzzy normed space was investigated by Eghbati and Ganji [15]. The idea of statistically convergent and statistically Cauchy sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed spaces was first explored by Alotaibi [16] and later expanded by Savas [17] to ideal lambda-statistical convergence in these spaces.

Vijayabalaji et al. [18] and Sen and Debnath [19] introduced the concepts of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed linear spaces (IFnNLS). Konwar and Debnath [20] extended the concept of IFnNLS to define an intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed algebra (IFnNA).

The objective here is to present and explore the concepts of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequence in an intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space and to extract some useful conclusions about them. Additionally, we present statistical completeness as a paradigm for investigating the fullness of intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces.

In this study, we consider a sequence in the non-archimedean field K. Throughout this paper, K denotes a nontrivially valued complete non-archimedean field. We begin by recalling several notations and definitions used throughout this paper.

Definition 2.1

Let X be a vector space with the dimension dn over a valued field K with a non-Archimedean valuation |.|.

A function ||., ., ., ..., .|| : X × X × . . .X → [0,∞) is said to be a non-Archimedean n-norm if

  • (i) ||x1, x2, …, xn|| = 0 ⇔ x1, x2, …, xn are linearly dependent,

  • (ii) ||x1, x2, …,xn|| = ||xr1 , xr2 , …, xrn|| for every permutation (r1, r2, …, rn) of (1, 2, …n),

  • (iii) ||ax1, x2, …, xn|| = |a| ||x1, x2, …, xn||,

  • (iv) ||x + y, x2, x3, …, xn|| ≤ max{||x, x2, …, xn||, ||y, x2, …xn||} for all αK and x, y, x2, …, xnX. Then (X, ||., ., ., ..., .||) is a non-Archimedean n-normed space.

Example 2.2

Let X = Rn be equipped with the Euclidean n-norm


where xj = (xj1, ..., xjn) ∈ Rn for each j = 1, 2, ..., n.

Definition 2.3

A binary operations * : [0, 1]×[0, 1] → [0, 1] is said to be a continuous t-norm, if

  • (a) * is associative and commutative.

  • (b) * is continuous.

  • (c) a * 1 = a for all a ∈ [0, 1].

  • (d) a * bc * d, whenever ac and bd for each a, b, c, d ∈ [0, 1].

Definition 2.4

A binary operation ⋄ : [0, 1] × [0, 1] is considered a continuous t-conorm if

  • (a’) ⋄ is associative and commutative.

  • (b’) ⋄ is continuous.

  • (c’) a ⋄ 0 = a for all a ∈ [0, 1].

  • (d’) abcd whenever ac and bd for each a, b, c, d ∈ [0, 1].

Definition 2.5

The intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces over K is defined as follows. The five-tuple (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is said to be an NA-IFnN space if V is a vector space over a field , ⋄ is a continuous t-conorm, * is a continuous t-norm, and η, φ are functions of X × ℝ to [0, 1] satisfying the following conditions. For every (x1, x2, ....xn) ∈ Xn and u, v.

  • (i) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) + φ(x1, x2, ....xn, u) ≤ 1.

  • (ii) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) > 0.

  • (iii) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) = 1 ⇔ x1, x2, ..., xn are linearly dependent.

  • (iv) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) is invariant under any permutation of x1, x2, ..., xn.

  • (v) η(x1,x2,....c.xn,u)=η(x1,x2,....xn,uc) for c ≠ 0, cK.

  • (vi) η(x1,x2,,xn,u)*η(x1,x2,,xn,v)μ(x1,x2,,xn+xn,max{u,v}).

  • (vii) η(x1, x2, ..., xn, ·) : (0,∞) → [0, 1] is continuous.

  • (viii) limuη(x1,x2,,xn,u)=1 and limu0η(x1,x2,,xn,u)=0.

  • (ix) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) < 1.

  • (x) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) = 0 ⇔ x1, x2, ..., c·xn are linearly dependent.

  • (xi) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) is invariant under any permutation of x1, x2, ..., xn.

  • (xii) φ(x1,x2,....c.xn,u)=φ(x1,x2,....c.xn,uc) for each c ≠ 0, cK

  • (xiii) φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)φ(x1,x2,,xn,v)φ(x1,x2,,xn+xn,max{u,v}).

  • (xiv) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, ·) : (0,∞) → [0, 1] is continuous.

  • (xv) limuφ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=0 and limu0φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=1.

Here, (η, φ) is called a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm.

Example 2.5

Let (X, ||.||) be an n-normed space. Also let a * b = ab and a ⋄ b = min{a + b, 1} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1], η(x1,x2,,xn)=tt+x1,x2,,xn and φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=x1,x2,,xnt+x1,x2,,xn. Thus, (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is the IFnNS.

Definition 2.6

A sequence x = {xk} in a NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is considered convergent to X with respect to NA-IFnNS (η, φ)n, if for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX, there exist n0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε for all kk0. This is denoted by (η, φ)nlimx = .

Definition 2.7

A sequence x = {xk} is considered statistically convergent to the number if, for every ε > 0, limn1nk:xk-lε=0. In this case, we write Stat–limx = .

Example 2.8

Consider the sequence x = {xk} defined by


By choosing the non-Archimedean valuation to be 2-adic, the terms of the sequence are (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/8, 0, 0, ...). This sequence statistically converged to 0.

Definition 3.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be a NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = {xk} in X is said to be statistically convergent to X with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm (η, φ)n if, for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX,


In this case, we write stat(η,φ)nlimx = .

Lemma 3.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an IFnNLS. Then for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y1, y2, …, yn − 1X, the following statements are equivalent:

  • (a) stat(η,φ)nlimx = .

  • (b) limn1n{kn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)1-ε}=limn1n{kn:φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)ε}=0.

  • (c) limn1nkn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)>1-εand φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)<ε=1

  • (d) limn1nkn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)>1-ε=limn1nkn:φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)<ε=1.

  • (e) statlimη(xk, y2, y3, ....yn, u) = 1 and statlimφ(xk, y2, y3, ....yn, u) = 0

Theorem 3.3

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If the sequence x = {xk} in X is statistically convergent with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm (η, φ)n, stat(η,φ)nlimx is unique.


Assume that stat(η,φ)nlimx = 1 and stat(η,φ)nlimx = 2.

Given ε > 0, we choose t ∈ (0, 1) ∋: (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε and tt < ε. For any u > 0 and y1, y2, ..., yn − 1X, the following sets are defined:


As stat(η,φ)nlimx = 1, using the lemma, we have


In addition, by using stat(η,φ) nlimx = 2, we obtain


Now let, kη,φ(ε, u) = (kη,1(ε, u)∩kη,2(ε, u))∪(kφ,1(ε, u)∩ kφ,2(ε, u)).

Subsequently, limn1n{kη,φ(ε,u)}=1.

Now, if kkη,φ(ε, u), we first consider k ∈ (kη,1(ε, u) ∩ kη,2(ε, u)). Then we have


Since (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε, we have η(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and since ε > 0 was arbitrary, we get η(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1 ∀ u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX.

Thus, 1 = 2.

On the otherhand, if k ∈ (kφ,1(ε, u) ∩ kφ,2(ε, u)), then


As ε is arbitrary, we have that φ(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 0 ∀ u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX, which yields that 1 = 2. Thus, stat(η,φ)nlimx is unique.

Theorem 3.4

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If (η, φ)nlimx = then stat(η,φ)nlimx = .


Let (η, φ)nlimx = . Subsequently, for every ε > 0, t > 0 and y1, y2, ..., yn − 1X, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε for all kn0. So the set {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} has, atmost finite terms, which implies limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or ϕ(xkl,y2,y3,,yn,u)ε}=0.

Therefore, stat(η, φ)nlimx = .


Interestingly, the converse of the above theorem, which is not classically true, is true in NA-IFnNS as shown below.

Let x = {xk} be stat(η,φ)n that converges to X. Subsequently, for every ε > 0 and u > 0


We now prove that {xk} is (η, φ)n - convergent to X. i.e., to prove η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

We assume that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε ⇒ {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} has infinitely many terms.

limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| ≠ 0. However, this finding is contradictory.

Thus, {xk} is (η, φ)n, which converges to X.

Theorem 3.5

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If stat(η,φ)nlimxk = x and stat(η,φ)nlimyk = y then stat(η,φ)nlim(xk + yk) = x + y.


For a given ε > 0, we select t > 0 ∋: (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε. Subsequently, for any u > 0, y2, y3, ..., ynX, the sets are defined as follows.


As stat(η, φ)nlimxk = x and stat(η, φ)nlimyk = y, limn1n{kη,1(ε,t)}=limn1n{kφ,1(ε,t)}=1 and limn1n{kη,2(ε,t)}=limn1n{kφ,2(ε,t)}=1.

Let kη,u = (kη,1(ε, u)∩kη,2(ε, u))∪(kφ,1(ε, u)∩kφ,2(ε, u)). Then, limn1n{kη,φ(ε,u)}=1 If kkη,φ (ε,u) first let us consider, k ∈ (kη,1(ε, u) ∩ kη,2(ε, u)).

Then we have


Since, ε is arbitrary, η(xk +yk − (x+y), y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1.

In a similar way, φ(xk +yk − (x+y), y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 0.

Thus, stat(η, φ)nlim(xK + yk) = x + y.

Theorem 3.6

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. If lim η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, t) = 1 and lim φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, t) = 1.


Let limη(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1 and limφ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1.

Then, ∀ ε > 0 and u > 0 and there exists a number k0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

Hence, the number of terms in the set {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} is finite.

So, limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| = 0.

Thus, stat(η, φ)nlimxk = x.

Definition 4.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = { xn } is said to be a Cauchy sequence if, for each ε > 0 and u > 0, there exists a number n0 ∈ ℕ such that for all n, mn0, η( xnxm, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ( xnxm, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

Definition 4.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = {xk} is said to be a statistically Cauchy sequence if for every ε > 0 and u > 0, there exists ℕ such that for all k, N,


The NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is complete if every (η, φ)n - Cauchy is (η, φ)n-convergent.

In this case, (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is called an NA-intuitionistic fuzzy Banach space.

Theorem 4.3

In the NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K, every Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n is statistically Cauchy.


If {xk} is a Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n, then for all ε > 0 and t > 0, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ and an arbitrary constant p, and we have η(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and η(xk+pxk, y2, y3 ..., yn, u) < ε.

The number of terms in set {n ∈ ℕ: η(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} is finite. So


Theorem 4.4

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. A sequence was considered statistically significant if it converged.


Assume that {xk} is statistically convergent to then,


Now, we have


Definition 5.1

A NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K is said to be statistically complete if every statistically Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n is statistically convergent with respect to (η, φ)n.

Theorem 5.2

Every NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K is statistically complete with respect to (η, φ)n.


Assume that {xk} is statistically Cauchy but not statistically convergent to X; then, we have


However, this finding is contradictory.

Definition 6.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be a NA-IFnNS over K. A map f : XX is called (η, φ)n continuous at point xX if the convergence of the sequence in the NA-IFnNS implies the convergence of f(xn) to f(x) in the NA-IFnNS.

Definition 6.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. A map f : XX is called statistically continuous at point xX if stat(η,φ)nlimxn = x, implying that stat(η,φ) nlimf(xn) = f(x).

Theorem 6.3

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. Subsequently, f is statistically continuous if f : XX is continuous with respect to (η, φ)n.


Let { xn } ∈ X and stat(η, φ)nlimxn = x then, for every ε > 0 and u > 0, the inequalities, η( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε implies that


As f is continuous, {nN:η(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),....,f(yn),u)1-εorφ(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),...f(yn),u)ε}{nN:η(xn-x,y2,y3,....,yn,u)1-εorφ(xn-x,y2,y3),....yn,u)ε}.

As stat(η, φ)nlimxn = x, limn1n{n:η(xn-x,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| = 0. This conveys that limn1n{nN:η(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),....f(yn),u)1-εφ(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),...f(yn),u)ε}=0,

which conveys that stat(η,φ)nlimf(xn) = f(x).

Thus, f is statistically continuous.

In this study, we developed the concept of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequence in the NA-IFnNS and established new results. We have proven that some properties of statistical convergence, which are not classically true, are true in the NA-IFnNS. Definition 5.1 and Definition 6.2 gives new ideas for studying completeness and continuity, respectively, in terms of statistical convergence.

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Saranya N received her B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.Phil. degrees in Mathematics from Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, India, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in non-Archimedean analysis at SRMIST, Kattankulathur, India.


Suja K received her B. S. and M.Sc., degrees in Mathematics from Bharadhidasan University and M.Phil., degree from Madurai Kamaraj University, and her Ph.D. degree in non-Archimedean analysis at SRMIST, Kattankulathur, India. She is currently an assistant professor of Mathematics, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, India. Her research interests include functional and non-Archimedean analyses.



Original Article

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24(2): 153-159

Published online June 25, 2024

Copyright © The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems.

Statistical Convergence on Intuitionistic Fuzzy n-Normed Spaces over Non-Archimedean Fields

Saranya N and Suja K

Department of Mathematics,College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

Correspondence to:Suja K (

Received: December 22, 2022; Revised: November 30, 2023; Accepted: February 28, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In this study, we investigated the notion of statistical convergence, specifically statistically Cauchy convergence, for a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space. This study shows that certain properties of statistical convergence, which are not classically true, hold in a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space. Furthermore, we defined statistically complete and statistically continuous spaces and established some basic facts about them.

Keywords: Non-Archimedean field, Statistically convergent, Statistically Cauchy sequence, Intutionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces

1. Introduction

Steinhaus [1] and Fast [2] first proposed the concept of statistical convergence, which was subsequently examined and developed by several authors. Suja and Srinivasan [3] presented statistical convergence and Cauchy sequences over non-Archimedean fields. The analysis of non-Archimedean fields is known as non-Archimedean analysis. The concept of n-isometries in non-Archimedean n-normed spaces was first studied by Chu and Ku [4]. In 1965, Zadeh [5] developed the fuzzy set theory in a fuzzy-normed linear space, statistically convergent sequences, statistically Cauchy sequences, statistical limit points, and statistical cluster points of a sequence were introduced by Sencimen and Pehlivan [6].

Mohiuddine et al. [7] studied the statistical convergence of double sequences in fuzzy normed spaces. The n-normed linear space to a fuzzy n-normed linear space by Narayanan and Vijayabalaji [8]. Saadati and Park [9] introduced the concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space. Karakus et al. [10] recently studied the concept of statistical convergence of single sequences in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space, and Mursaleen and Mohiuddine [11] extended it to double sequences.

Mohiuddine and Lohani [12] studied generalized statistical convergence in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space, which provides a better tool for analyzing a broader class of sequences. Karakaya et al. [13] investigated the types of convergence of function sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy-normed spaces. Melliani et al. [14] defined the intuitionistic fuzzy deferred statistical convergence in an intuitionistic fuzzy normed space by considering the deferred density.

Generalized statistical convergence in a non-Archimedean L-fuzzy normed space was investigated by Eghbati and Ganji [15]. The idea of statistically convergent and statistically Cauchy sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed spaces was first explored by Alotaibi [16] and later expanded by Savas [17] to ideal lambda-statistical convergence in these spaces.

Vijayabalaji et al. [18] and Sen and Debnath [19] introduced the concepts of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed linear spaces (IFnNLS). Konwar and Debnath [20] extended the concept of IFnNLS to define an intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed algebra (IFnNA).

The objective here is to present and explore the concepts of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequence in an intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed space and to extract some useful conclusions about them. Additionally, we present statistical completeness as a paradigm for investigating the fullness of intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces.

In this study, we consider a sequence in the non-archimedean field K. Throughout this paper, K denotes a nontrivially valued complete non-archimedean field. We begin by recalling several notations and definitions used throughout this paper.

2. Preliminary Concepts

Definition 2.1

Let X be a vector space with the dimension dn over a valued field K with a non-Archimedean valuation |.|.

A function ||., ., ., ..., .|| : X × X × . . .X → [0,∞) is said to be a non-Archimedean n-norm if

  • (i) ||x1, x2, …, xn|| = 0 ⇔ x1, x2, …, xn are linearly dependent,

  • (ii) ||x1, x2, …,xn|| = ||xr1 , xr2 , …, xrn|| for every permutation (r1, r2, …, rn) of (1, 2, …n),

  • (iii) ||ax1, x2, …, xn|| = |a| ||x1, x2, …, xn||,

  • (iv) ||x + y, x2, x3, …, xn|| ≤ max{||x, x2, …, xn||, ||y, x2, …xn||} for all αK and x, y, x2, …, xnX. Then (X, ||., ., ., ..., .||) is a non-Archimedean n-normed space.

Example 2.2

Let X = Rn be equipped with the Euclidean n-norm


where xj = (xj1, ..., xjn) ∈ Rn for each j = 1, 2, ..., n.

Definition 2.3

A binary operations * : [0, 1]×[0, 1] → [0, 1] is said to be a continuous t-norm, if

  • (a) * is associative and commutative.

  • (b) * is continuous.

  • (c) a * 1 = a for all a ∈ [0, 1].

  • (d) a * bc * d, whenever ac and bd for each a, b, c, d ∈ [0, 1].

Definition 2.4

A binary operation ⋄ : [0, 1] × [0, 1] is considered a continuous t-conorm if

  • (a’) ⋄ is associative and commutative.

  • (b’) ⋄ is continuous.

  • (c’) a ⋄ 0 = a for all a ∈ [0, 1].

  • (d’) abcd whenever ac and bd for each a, b, c, d ∈ [0, 1].

Definition 2.5

The intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces over K is defined as follows. The five-tuple (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is said to be an NA-IFnN space if V is a vector space over a field , ⋄ is a continuous t-conorm, * is a continuous t-norm, and η, φ are functions of X × ℝ to [0, 1] satisfying the following conditions. For every (x1, x2, ....xn) ∈ Xn and u, v.

  • (i) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) + φ(x1, x2, ....xn, u) ≤ 1.

  • (ii) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) > 0.

  • (iii) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) = 1 ⇔ x1, x2, ..., xn are linearly dependent.

  • (iv) η(x1, x2, ....xn, u) is invariant under any permutation of x1, x2, ..., xn.

  • (v) η(x1,x2,....c.xn,u)=η(x1,x2,....xn,uc) for c ≠ 0, cK.

  • (vi) η(x1,x2,,xn,u)*η(x1,x2,,xn,v)μ(x1,x2,,xn+xn,max{u,v}).

  • (vii) η(x1, x2, ..., xn, ·) : (0,∞) → [0, 1] is continuous.

  • (viii) limuη(x1,x2,,xn,u)=1 and limu0η(x1,x2,,xn,u)=0.

  • (ix) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) < 1.

  • (x) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) = 0 ⇔ x1, x2, ..., c·xn are linearly dependent.

  • (xi) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, u) is invariant under any permutation of x1, x2, ..., xn.

  • (xii) φ(x1,x2,....c.xn,u)=φ(x1,x2,....c.xn,uc) for each c ≠ 0, cK

  • (xiii) φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)φ(x1,x2,,xn,v)φ(x1,x2,,xn+xn,max{u,v}).

  • (xiv) φ(x1, x2, ..., xn, ·) : (0,∞) → [0, 1] is continuous.

  • (xv) limuφ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=0 and limu0φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=1.

Here, (η, φ) is called a non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm.

Example 2.5

Let (X, ||.||) be an n-normed space. Also let a * b = ab and a ⋄ b = min{a + b, 1} for all a, b ∈ [0, 1], η(x1,x2,,xn)=tt+x1,x2,,xn and φ(x1,x2,,xn,u)=x1,x2,,xnt+x1,x2,,xn. Thus, (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is the IFnNS.

Definition 2.6

A sequence x = {xk} in a NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is considered convergent to X with respect to NA-IFnNS (η, φ)n, if for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX, there exist n0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε for all kk0. This is denoted by (η, φ)nlimx = .

Definition 2.7

A sequence x = {xk} is considered statistically convergent to the number if, for every ε > 0, limn1nk:xk-lε=0. In this case, we write Stat–limx = .

Example 2.8

Consider the sequence x = {xk} defined by


By choosing the non-Archimedean valuation to be 2-adic, the terms of the sequence are (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/8, 0, 0, ...). This sequence statistically converged to 0.

3. Statistical Convergence in NA-IFnNS

Definition 3.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be a NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = {xk} in X is said to be statistically convergent to X with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm (η, φ)n if, for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX,


In this case, we write stat(η,φ)nlimx = .

Lemma 3.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an IFnNLS. Then for every ε > 0, u > 0 and y1, y2, …, yn − 1X, the following statements are equivalent:

  • (a) stat(η,φ)nlimx = .

  • (b) limn1n{kn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)1-ε}=limn1n{kn:φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)ε}=0.

  • (c) limn1nkn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)>1-εand φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)<ε=1

  • (d) limn1nkn:η(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)>1-ε=limn1nkn:φ(xk-l,y2,y3,....yn,u)<ε=1.

  • (e) statlimη(xk, y2, y3, ....yn, u) = 1 and statlimφ(xk, y2, y3, ....yn, u) = 0

Theorem 3.3

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If the sequence x = {xk} in X is statistically convergent with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy n-norm (η, φ)n, stat(η,φ)nlimx is unique.


Assume that stat(η,φ)nlimx = 1 and stat(η,φ)nlimx = 2.

Given ε > 0, we choose t ∈ (0, 1) ∋: (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε and tt < ε. For any u > 0 and y1, y2, ..., yn − 1X, the following sets are defined:


As stat(η,φ)nlimx = 1, using the lemma, we have


In addition, by using stat(η,φ) nlimx = 2, we obtain


Now let, kη,φ(ε, u) = (kη,1(ε, u)∩kη,2(ε, u))∪(kφ,1(ε, u)∩ kφ,2(ε, u)).

Subsequently, limn1n{kη,φ(ε,u)}=1.

Now, if kkη,φ(ε, u), we first consider k ∈ (kη,1(ε, u) ∩ kη,2(ε, u)). Then we have


Since (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε, we have η(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and since ε > 0 was arbitrary, we get η(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1 ∀ u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX.

Thus, 1 = 2.

On the otherhand, if k ∈ (kφ,1(ε, u) ∩ kφ,2(ε, u)), then


As ε is arbitrary, we have that φ(12, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 0 ∀ u > 0 and y2, y3, ..., ynX, which yields that 1 = 2. Thus, stat(η,φ)nlimx is unique.

Theorem 3.4

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If (η, φ)nlimx = then stat(η,φ)nlimx = .


Let (η, φ)nlimx = . Subsequently, for every ε > 0, t > 0 and y1, y2, ..., yn − 1X, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε for all kn0. So the set {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} has, atmost finite terms, which implies limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or ϕ(xkl,y2,y3,,yn,u)ε}=0.

Therefore, stat(η, φ)nlimx = .


Interestingly, the converse of the above theorem, which is not classically true, is true in NA-IFnNS as shown below.

Let x = {xk} be stat(η,φ)n that converges to X. Subsequently, for every ε > 0 and u > 0


We now prove that {xk} is (η, φ)n - convergent to X. i.e., to prove η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

We assume that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε ⇒ {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} has infinitely many terms.

limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| ≠ 0. However, this finding is contradictory.

Thus, {xk} is (η, φ)n, which converges to X.

Theorem 3.5

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. If stat(η,φ)nlimxk = x and stat(η,φ)nlimyk = y then stat(η,φ)nlim(xk + yk) = x + y.


For a given ε > 0, we select t > 0 ∋: (1 − t) * (1 − t) > 1 − ε. Subsequently, for any u > 0, y2, y3, ..., ynX, the sets are defined as follows.


As stat(η, φ)nlimxk = x and stat(η, φ)nlimyk = y, limn1n{kη,1(ε,t)}=limn1n{kφ,1(ε,t)}=1 and limn1n{kη,2(ε,t)}=limn1n{kφ,2(ε,t)}=1.

Let kη,u = (kη,1(ε, u)∩kη,2(ε, u))∪(kφ,1(ε, u)∩kφ,2(ε, u)). Then, limn1n{kη,φ(ε,u)}=1 If kkη,φ (ε,u) first let us consider, k ∈ (kη,1(ε, u) ∩ kη,2(ε, u)).

Then we have


Since, ε is arbitrary, η(xk +yk − (x+y), y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1.

In a similar way, φ(xk +yk − (x+y), y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 0.

Thus, stat(η, φ)nlim(xK + yk) = x + y.

Theorem 3.6

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. If lim η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, t) = 1 and lim φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, t) = 1.


Let limη(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1 and limφ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) = 1.

Then, ∀ ε > 0 and u > 0 and there exists a number k0 ∈ ℕ such that η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

Hence, the number of terms in the set {k ∈ ℕ: η(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} is finite.

So, limn1n{k:η(xk-l,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ(xk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| = 0.

Thus, stat(η, φ)nlimxk = x.

4. Statistical Cauchy Sequence in NA-IFnNS

Definition 4.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = { xn } is said to be a Cauchy sequence if, for each ε > 0 and u > 0, there exists a number n0 ∈ ℕ such that for all n, mn0, η( xnxm, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ( xnxm, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε.

Definition 4.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS. A sequence x = {xk} is said to be a statistically Cauchy sequence if for every ε > 0 and u > 0, there exists ℕ such that for all k, N,


The NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is complete if every (η, φ)n - Cauchy is (η, φ)n-convergent.

In this case, (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) is called an NA-intuitionistic fuzzy Banach space.

Theorem 4.3

In the NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K, every Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n is statistically Cauchy.


If {xk} is a Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n, then for all ε > 0 and t > 0, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ and an arbitrary constant p, and we have η(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and η(xk+pxk, y2, y3 ..., yn, u) < ε.

The number of terms in set {n ∈ ℕ: η(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≤ 1 − ε or φ(xk+pxk, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε} is finite. So


Theorem 4.4

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. A sequence was considered statistically significant if it converged.


Assume that {xk} is statistically convergent to then,


Now, we have


5. Statistically Complete in NA-IFnNS

Definition 5.1

A NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K is said to be statistically complete if every statistically Cauchy sequence with respect to (η, φ)n is statistically convergent with respect to (η, φ)n.

Theorem 5.2

Every NA-IFnNS (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) over K is statistically complete with respect to (η, φ)n.


Assume that {xk} is statistically Cauchy but not statistically convergent to X; then, we have


However, this finding is contradictory.

6. Statistically Continuous in NA-IFnNS

Definition 6.1

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be a NA-IFnNS over K. A map f : XX is called (η, φ)n continuous at point xX if the convergence of the sequence in the NA-IFnNS implies the convergence of f(xn) to f(x) in the NA-IFnNS.

Definition 6.2

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. A map f : XX is called statistically continuous at point xX if stat(η,φ)nlimxn = x, implying that stat(η,φ) nlimf(xn) = f(x).

Theorem 6.3

Let (X, η, φ, *, ⋄) be an NA-IFnNS over K. Subsequently, f is statistically continuous if f : XX is continuous with respect to (η, φ)n.


Let { xn } ∈ X and stat(η, φ)nlimxn = x then, for every ε > 0 and u > 0, the inequalities, η( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) > 1 − ε and φ( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) < ε implies that


As f is continuous, {nN:η(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),....,f(yn),u)1-εorφ(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),...f(yn),u)ε}{nN:η(xn-x,y2,y3,....,yn,u)1-εorφ(xn-x,y2,y3),....yn,u)ε}.

As stat(η, φ)nlimxn = x, limn1n{n:η(xn-x,y2,y3,,yn,u}1-ε or φ( xnx, y2, y3, ..., yn, u) ≥ ε}| = 0. This conveys that limn1n{nN:η(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),....f(yn),u)1-εφ(f(xn)-f(x),f(y2),f(y3),...f(yn),u)ε}=0,

which conveys that stat(η,φ)nlimf(xn) = f(x).

Thus, f is statistically continuous.

7. Conclusion

In this study, we developed the concept of statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy sequence in the NA-IFnNS and established new results. We have proven that some properties of statistical convergence, which are not classically true, are true in the NA-IFnNS. Definition 5.1 and Definition 6.2 gives new ideas for studying completeness and continuity, respectively, in terms of statistical convergence.


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