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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24(1): 74-82

Published online March 25, 2024

© The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems

DC Motor Speed Control via Fractional-Order PID Controllers

Iqbal M. Batiha1,2, Shaher Momani2,3, Radwan M. Batyha4, Iqbal H. Jebril1, Duha Abu Judeh1, and Jamal Oudetallah5

1Department of Mathematics, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan-
2Nonlinear Dynamics Research Center (NDRC), Ajman University, Ajman, UAE
3Department of Mathematics, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
4Department of Computer Science, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan
5Department of Mathematics, Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan

Correspondence to :
Iqbal M. Batiha (

Received: March 11, 2023; Accepted: March 19, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This work proposes several designs for controlling the DC motor speed of a car. Such a motor is broadly used in numerous applications like blowers, lathe machines, cranes, elevators, milling machines, fans, drilling rigs, etc. to achieving our aim, two optimization algorithms, particle swarm optimization and bacterial foraging optimization, will be executed to adjust the proposed controllers’ parameters. Accordingly, four Fractional-order PID controllers (FoPID-controllers) will be formed in agreement with two types of schemes (Outstaloup’s and continued fraction expansion (CFE) schemes), which will be used to approximate the yielded Laplacian operators s±α, where 0 < α < 1.

Keywords: DC motor speed model, FoPID-controller, Particle swarm optimization, Bacterial foraging optimization, Laplacian operator, Oustaloup scheme, Continued fractional expansion scheme

The DC motor represents a type of rotary electrical motor that can transform direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is applied in a broad range of industrial, residential and commercial applications [1]. It comprises of a shunt field connected similarly to the armature. With various turns of a small gauge fence, the shunt field curve is constructed so that it has very high or low current flow in comparison with a series fence field. Thus, this kind of motor has good position control and excellent speed compared to others. It has therefore used in many implementations that necessitate at least five horsepowers.

In [2], the authors reported the transfer function of the DC motor speed model, which was of the form:


where Kb is the back electromotive force constant, Jm is the rotor inertia, La is the armature inductance, Ra is the armature resistance and Bm is the viscous friction coefficient. However, the values of the previous parameters are defined in Table 1, as reported in [2].

To improve the performance of the classical proportional-integral-derivative PID (controller), Podlubny et al. [3] proposed the so-called fractional-order PID controller (FoPID-controller) in 1997. They demonstrated that when his proposed controller is employed for controlling a system, a better responsiveness than traditional PID controller will be then yielded. Such controller has two extra parameters (δ and λ) added to the conventional PID-controller parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd) [4,5]. To find the optimal FoPID-controller, the best values of its parameters must be tuned [6]. Tuning the FoPID-controller parameters adds greater flexibility to the aimed design. For this purpose, a lot of optimization algorithms have been efficiently executed to find the optimal values of the PID-controller’s parameters [7, 8].

In this work, the bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are carried out to outline the best FoPID-controller parameters. The role of these algorithms is to minimize the objective function J that has the form [9, 10]:


where ess is the steady state error, Ts is the settling time, Tr is the rise time, Mp is the peak overshoot, and β is a scaling factor. It is relevant to note that the scaling factor β could be chosen by a designer as β = 0.5 [9, 10]. In particular, the execution of the PSO and BFO algorithms will provide an excellent overshoot, short settling time and short rise time to the closed-loop system of the DC motor speed model. These specifications can hence measure the powerful of the controlled system. The Laplacian operators s±α yielded from the optimization process will be substituted by proper rational transfer functions of integer-order by implementing two schemes; the Outstaloup’s approach and the continued fraction expansion (CFE).

In PSO, a population of possible answers, referred to as particles, traverses the search space repeatedly. A potential solution to the optimization problem is represented by each particle. Particles move according to two parameters: the global best known position found by all particles in the population, and their personal best known position. Particles modify their positions at every iteration according to two primary principles: exploitation and exploration. Whereas exploitation entails traveling in the direction of the most well-established solutions, exploration is accomplished by permitting particles to travel toward uncharted areas of the search space. Each particle’s position and current velocity are the two primary factors that govern its motion. Every iteration updates a particle’s velocity based on its previous velocity, distance to its personal best location, and distance to the global best-known position. Particles can dynamically adjust their movement to balance exploitation and exploration thanks to this update equation (see [11] to get an overview of this algorithm).

In contrast, the optimization issue in BFO is formulated as a nutrient space, and the objective function is used to describe the nutrient concentration at various points within the space. The technique uses a population of synthetic bacteria, each of which stands for a possible fix for the optimization issue. At each iteration, the following three main mechanisms control how bacteria move through the nutrient space:

  • • Chemotaxis: Similar to how actual bacteria travel toward higher food concentrations, bacteria gravitate toward areas with higher nutritional concentrations. The gradient of the nutrient content dictates the direction of movement, and the bacteria adapt by changing positions.

  • • Reproduction: Reproduction is more likely in bacteria with higher fitness, or better solutions. Bacteria pass on traits from their parents to their offspring, however certain differences are added to increase population diversity.

  • • Elimination-dispersal: Bacteria are eliminated from the population if they cannot locate enough nutrients or if they get stuck in local optima. New bacteria are also added to the colony in order to preserve its diversity and size.

The population of bacteria collectively searches the nutrient space through repetitions of these processes, becoming convergent towards optimal or nearly optimal solutions (see [12] for a summary of this algorithm).

Fractional calculus is the calculus so that the order of its integration or differentiation could be real or complex [13, 14]. The primary operation of the non-integer calculus is the fractional-order differential operator Datα that has the form:

Datα={dαdtαif (α)>0,1if (α)=0,at(dτ)-αif (α)<0,

where a and t denote respectively the lower and the upper bounds of the above operator, α is the fractional-order value, and ℜ(α) is the real part of α. In what follows, we recall some basic definitions that illustrate the Riemann-Liouville operator, followed by the Caputo operator.

Definition 3.1

Let f be an integrable piecewise continuous function on any finite subinterval of t ∈ (0,+∞), then the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of f(t) of order α is defined as [15]:


where Γ(·) is the Gamma function, t > 0 and 0 < α ≤ 1.

Definition 3.2

Let α ∈ ℝ+ and m ∈ ℕ such that m – 1 < α < m, then the Caputo fractional derivative operator of order α is defined by [15]:


It is well-known that the frequency response of dynamical systems is a commonly scheme for realizing the designed controllers. From this point of view, the Laplace transform was extended to involve the fractional calculus.

Definition 3.3

By assuming that the initial state equals zero, the Caputo fractional-order derivative operator has Laplace transform of the form [15]:


Definition 3.4

By assuming that the initial state equals zero, the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator has Laplace transform of the form [15]:


FoPID-controller is typically implemented to enhance the systems’ performance in many industrial applications. It provides to the closed-loop system extra degrees of freedom via its integration component λ and its differentiator component δ [16,17]. The output signal of this controller m(t) might be expressed as:


where e(t) is the error signal and Kp, Ki, Kd, λ, δ are real constants. Obviously, if λ = δ = 1, then the conventional PID controller is yielded [18, 19]. Now, if one takes the Laplace transform to Eq. (7), then we generate the following integro-differential equation of fractional-order [7]:


Clearly, the parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd, λ, δ) need to be adjusted by applying an optimization algorithm [20, 21]. In this regard, we execute the BFO and PSO algorithms, and then we must consider the Laplacian operators (sλ and sδ) generated in Eq. (8). To deal with such operators within a limited frequency band, we should approximate them to equivalent rational transfer functions of integer-order [22]. There exist several common approximations that could be utilized for this purpose, such as the Oustaloup, least square method, Carlson, Continued Fractional Expansion (CFE), AbdelAty et al., El-Khazali, Chareff and Matsuda approximations [2226]. Figure 1 represents the closed-loop system of the DC motor speed model.

In Figure 1, the output from the plant is monitored and the feedback will be sent to the controller by which it can be compared with the system input to determine deviations from the expected output. This would allow the controller to make any necessary adjustments and regulations. Next, we describe briefly two approximations of these operators; the Oustaloup and the CFE approximations.

4.1 Oustaloup’s Approach

The Oustaloup approximation is one of the well-known methods that can be implemented to yield certain odd-order rational transfer functions. The bandwidth during which time this approach is taken into consideration can be customized to produce, within a predefined frequency band, a good fitting to the fractional-order values s±α, where 0 < α < 1. In this connection, the rational function, which can be utilized for approximating sα over the frequency range of interest (ωb.ωh), can be expressed as [22]:


where the poles, zeros and the gain can be computed respectively according to following formulas:


Because of the frequencies geometric distribution, the unity gain geometric frequency ωu can be computed by using the following relation:


where the approach at hand relies on the lower frequency range (ωb, ωh) and the order filer N, with observing that the transfer function (9) is always of order n = 2N + 1.

4.2 The CFE Approach

This scheme is considered the principal mathematical method that can be used to approximate the Laplacian operator by suitable rational transfer functions of integer-order. This scheme is proposed in accordance with the following relation [27]:


where 0 < α < 1 and n ∈ ℕ.

With the aim of finding an integer-order approximation of sα, one can substitute s instead of z in (14). This substitution allows the nth-order approximation of sα to be expressed around the center frequency ω0 = 1rad/sec as [27]:


where 0 < αi< 1, i = 0, 1, 2, · · ·, 5. It should be mentioned that the values of the coefficients of αi are taken from reference [28], for i = 0, 1, · · ·, 5.

A lot of research workers have examined the FoPID-controller design using several popular optimization techniques. The type of approach used to replace the Laplacian operators plays a key role in the effectiveness of such controller [22, 29]. As we mentioned before, we intend in this work to tune the five parameters of the FoPID-controller by using the BFO and PSO algorithms. The performance of the DC motor speed model will be then optimized by evaluating the unit-step response. The enhancement of the system’s performance in time domain is identical to a minimization problem [30]. In particular, for a suitable design of the FoPID-controller (i.e. finding the best parameters of (8)), the objective function J reported in (2) should be minimized by using the BFO and PSO algorithms. The two generated fractional-order operators (sλ and sδ) will be then approximated using the Oustaloup and the CFE approximations. As a result, four FoPID-controllers Ci(s) would be then yielded. These controllers would, in their turn, imply four closed-loop systems Hi(s), where i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Such closed-loop systems will finally compete to each other to outline which controller will be the best.

To this aim, we first execute the PSO algorithm via CFE and Oustaloup approaches. Accordingly, we obtain respectively the following results

  • • The FoPID-controller via CFE approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.177 and s0.166) are approximated using the CFE approach as follows:

      s0.177=2.2541s5+46.1835s4+1.6220e         +002s3+1.4413e+002s2         +31.4520s+1s5+31.4520s4+1.4413e+002s3         +1.6220e+002s2+46.1835s         +2.2541,s0.166=2.1419s5+44.4013s4+1.5719e         +002s3+1.4070e+002s2         +30.9712s+1s5+30.9712s4+1.4070e+002s3         +1.5719e+002s2+44.4013s         +2.1419.

    • - The closed-loop system H1(s) is then given by:

      H1(s)=155s10+7814s9+1.3e005s8         +7.9e005s7+2.3e006s6+3.2e006s5         +7.9e005s7+2e006s4+7.6e005s3         +1.2e005s2+7154s+136.80.0008s13+0.12s12+8.3s11         +417s10+1.1e004s9+1.5e005s8         +8.5e005s7+2.4e006s6+3e006s5         +2.3e006s4+7.7e005s3+1.2e005s2         +7157s+136.8.

  • • The FoPID-controller via Oustaloup approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.165 and s0.247) are approximated using the Oustaloup approach as follows:

      s0.165=2.138s5+86.88s4+482.7s3         +414.6s2+55.07s+1s5+55.07s4+414.6s3         +482.7s2+86.88s+2.138,s0.247=3.119s5+117.5s4+605.4s3         +482.2s2+59.39s+1s5+59.39s4+482.2s3         +605.4s2+117.5s+3.119.

    • - The closed-loop system H2(s) is then given by

      H2(s)=302.5s10+2.9e004s9         +8.7e005s8+9.2e006s7         +3.9e007s6+6.2e007s5         +4e007s4+1e007s3         +9.9e005s2+3.4e004s         +368.30.0008s13+0.15s12+13.1s11         +909s10+4.3e004s9         +1e006s8+9.7e006s7         +3.9e007s6+6.2e007s5         +4.1e007s4+1e007s3         +9.9e005s2+3.4e004s         +368.

Now, in a similar manner to the previous discussion, we execute here the BFO algorithm via CFE and Oustaloup approaches. As a result, we obtain respectively the following results:

  • • The FoPID-controller via CFE approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.534 and s0.748) are approximated using the CFE approach as follows:

      s0.534=13.24s5+1.93e+002s4         +5.27e+002s3         +3.68e+002s2+59.42s+1s5+59.42s4+3.68e+002s3         +5.27e+002s2+1.931e         ++002s13.24,s0.748=50.02s5+6.08e+002s4         +1.44e+003s3         +8.65e+002s2+1.14e         +002s+1s5+66.11s4+4.26e         +002s3+6.29e+002s2         +2.37e+002s+16.91.

    • - The closed-loop system H3(s) is given by

      H3(s)=9420s10+2.9e005s9+3.3e006s8         +1.6e007s7+4.1e007s6         +5.5e007s5+4.1e007s4         +1.6e007s3+3.4e006s2         +3.2e005s+1.1e0040.013s13+2.2s12+166.4s11         +1.5e004s10+3.8e005s9+3.8e006s8         +1.7e007s7+4.2e007s6+5.6e007s5         +4.1e007s4+1.6e007s3+3.4e006s2         +3.2e005s+1.1e004.

  • • The FoPID-controller via Oustaloup approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.831 and s0.390) are approximated using the Oustaloup approach as follows:

      s0.831=45.88s5+1010s4+3039s3         +1414s2+101.7s+1s5+101.7s4+1414s3         +3039s2+1010s+45.88,s0.390=6.028s5+199.1s4+899s3         +627.7s2+67.75s+1s5+67.75s4+627.7s3         +899s2+199.1s+6.028.

    • - The closed-loop system H4(s) is given by (31)

      H4(s)=7971s10+4.6e005s9+8.4e006s8         +5.6e007s7+1.6e008s6+2e008s5         +1.3e008s4+4.1e007s3+5.9e006s2         +3.2e005s+56990.016s13+3.01s12+250.3s11         +1.9e004s10+6.6e005s9+9.9e006s8         +6.1e007s7+1.6e008s6+2.1e008s5         +1.3e008s4+4.1e007s3+5.9e006s2         +3.2e005s+5699.

In the following content, we aim to carry out a numerical competition between all Hi(s) to outline which FoPID-controller is the best, where i = 1, 2, 3, 4. For this purpose, we present a graphical comparison in Figure 2 between the closed-loop systems Hi(s), which are generated with the help of applying the FoPID-controllers (Ci(s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4).

To highlight the variations between all design methods, some numerical results related to the step response specifications of the closed-loop transfer functions Hi(s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are exhibited in Table 2.

In Figure 2 and Table 2, one might choose the FoPID-controller generated by PSO algorithm via the CFE approach C1(s) as the best controller among the others. Although it provides to the closed-loop system a slightly high overshoot, but it at the same time provides a good rise time and an excellent settling time. However, another might see that the FoPID-controller generated by BFO algorithm via the Oustaloup approach C4(s) is the best. It provides to the closed-loop system a good settling time and an excellent rise time.

In this work, four optimal FoPID-controllers have been designed for the DC motor speed model. The PSO and BFO algorithms have been implemented to tune the parameters of such controllers. The CFE and Outstaloup’s approaches have been used to approximate the Laplacian operators in the form of integer-order transfer functions. The proposed controllers have been compared to each others, and as an results, it has been shown that FoPID-controller generated by PSO algorithm via the CFE approach is the best one. Overall, it can be said that the FoPID-PSO-CFE method can efficiently manage the nonlinear dynamics present in DC motors, resulting in faster settling times, smoother operation, and less overshoot. Based on available data, FoPID-PSO-CFE controllers can be an effective tool for improving DC motor speed control systems’ performance and efficiency in practical applications like industrial processes or mechatronic systems.

Table. 1.

Table 1. The values of the model’s parameters.

Kb1.28 Vs/rad
Jm0.002953 Nms/rad
La0.1215 H
Ra11.2 Ω
Bm0.002953 Nms/rad

Table. 2.

Table 2. Numerical comparisons between step response specifications of the closed-loop systems.

Ts (sec.)0.03050.68890.90680.4519
Tr (sec.)0.27020.01780.10790.0212
Mp (%)30.21242.00123.69134.799

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Iqbal M. Batiha holds a MSc in applied mathematics (2014) from Al al-Bayt University, and a PhD (2019) from The University of Jordan. He is currently working as an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics in Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan as well as he also working at the Non-linear Dynamics Research Center (NDRC) at Ajman University. He has published several papers in different peer reviewed international journals.

Radwan Batyha is an associate professor in Computer Information System at Applied Science University, Computer Science department. He received his PhD in Computer Information System from the Arab Academy for banking and financial studies, Jordan in 2012. His research interests are in the areas of applied mathematics, Computer systems, Information retrieval, artificial intelligence.

Iqbal H. Jebril is Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. He obtained his PhD in 2005 from National University of Malaysia (UKM). His fields of interest include Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Fuzzy Logic. He had several prestigious Journal/Conference publications and was in various journals and conferences’ committees.

Duha Abu Judeh graduated with a master’s degree in applied mathematics in 2022 from the mathematics department of Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan. Fractional Probability Distributions was her master’s study major. Her research has been studying probability distributions and fractional calculus.

Jamal Oudetallah is an associate professor in the mathematics department at Irbid National University. In 2017, he obtained his Doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Jordan, located in Jordan. His research interests are in the areas of applied mathematics, topology, applied analysis, etc.

Shaher Momani received his B.Sc. in Mathematics from Yarmouk University in 1984, and his PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of Wales Aberystwyth in 1991, under the supervision of professor Ken Walters, FRS. Momani is a leading Scientific Researcher at The University of Jordan and he has been classified as one of the Top Ten Scientists in the World in this field for the period 2009-current according to Thomson Reuters (Web of Knowledge).


Original Article

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24(1): 74-82

Published online March 25, 2024

Copyright © The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems.

DC Motor Speed Control via Fractional-Order PID Controllers

Iqbal M. Batiha1,2, Shaher Momani2,3, Radwan M. Batyha4, Iqbal H. Jebril1, Duha Abu Judeh1, and Jamal Oudetallah5

1Department of Mathematics, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan-
2Nonlinear Dynamics Research Center (NDRC), Ajman University, Ajman, UAE
3Department of Mathematics, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
4Department of Computer Science, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan
5Department of Mathematics, Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan

Correspondence to:Iqbal M. Batiha (

Received: March 11, 2023; Accepted: March 19, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This work proposes several designs for controlling the DC motor speed of a car. Such a motor is broadly used in numerous applications like blowers, lathe machines, cranes, elevators, milling machines, fans, drilling rigs, etc. to achieving our aim, two optimization algorithms, particle swarm optimization and bacterial foraging optimization, will be executed to adjust the proposed controllers’ parameters. Accordingly, four Fractional-order PID controllers (FoPID-controllers) will be formed in agreement with two types of schemes (Outstaloup’s and continued fraction expansion (CFE) schemes), which will be used to approximate the yielded Laplacian operators s±α, where 0 < α < 1.

Keywords: DC motor speed model, FoPID-controller, Particle swarm optimization, Bacterial foraging optimization, Laplacian operator, Oustaloup scheme, Continued fractional expansion scheme

1. Introduction

The DC motor represents a type of rotary electrical motor that can transform direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is applied in a broad range of industrial, residential and commercial applications [1]. It comprises of a shunt field connected similarly to the armature. With various turns of a small gauge fence, the shunt field curve is constructed so that it has very high or low current flow in comparison with a series fence field. Thus, this kind of motor has good position control and excellent speed compared to others. It has therefore used in many implementations that necessitate at least five horsepowers.

2. Preliminaries

In [2], the authors reported the transfer function of the DC motor speed model, which was of the form:


where Kb is the back electromotive force constant, Jm is the rotor inertia, La is the armature inductance, Ra is the armature resistance and Bm is the viscous friction coefficient. However, the values of the previous parameters are defined in Table 1, as reported in [2].

To improve the performance of the classical proportional-integral-derivative PID (controller), Podlubny et al. [3] proposed the so-called fractional-order PID controller (FoPID-controller) in 1997. They demonstrated that when his proposed controller is employed for controlling a system, a better responsiveness than traditional PID controller will be then yielded. Such controller has two extra parameters (δ and λ) added to the conventional PID-controller parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd) [4,5]. To find the optimal FoPID-controller, the best values of its parameters must be tuned [6]. Tuning the FoPID-controller parameters adds greater flexibility to the aimed design. For this purpose, a lot of optimization algorithms have been efficiently executed to find the optimal values of the PID-controller’s parameters [7, 8].

In this work, the bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are carried out to outline the best FoPID-controller parameters. The role of these algorithms is to minimize the objective function J that has the form [9, 10]:


where ess is the steady state error, Ts is the settling time, Tr is the rise time, Mp is the peak overshoot, and β is a scaling factor. It is relevant to note that the scaling factor β could be chosen by a designer as β = 0.5 [9, 10]. In particular, the execution of the PSO and BFO algorithms will provide an excellent overshoot, short settling time and short rise time to the closed-loop system of the DC motor speed model. These specifications can hence measure the powerful of the controlled system. The Laplacian operators s±α yielded from the optimization process will be substituted by proper rational transfer functions of integer-order by implementing two schemes; the Outstaloup’s approach and the continued fraction expansion (CFE).

In PSO, a population of possible answers, referred to as particles, traverses the search space repeatedly. A potential solution to the optimization problem is represented by each particle. Particles move according to two parameters: the global best known position found by all particles in the population, and their personal best known position. Particles modify their positions at every iteration according to two primary principles: exploitation and exploration. Whereas exploitation entails traveling in the direction of the most well-established solutions, exploration is accomplished by permitting particles to travel toward uncharted areas of the search space. Each particle’s position and current velocity are the two primary factors that govern its motion. Every iteration updates a particle’s velocity based on its previous velocity, distance to its personal best location, and distance to the global best-known position. Particles can dynamically adjust their movement to balance exploitation and exploration thanks to this update equation (see [11] to get an overview of this algorithm).

In contrast, the optimization issue in BFO is formulated as a nutrient space, and the objective function is used to describe the nutrient concentration at various points within the space. The technique uses a population of synthetic bacteria, each of which stands for a possible fix for the optimization issue. At each iteration, the following three main mechanisms control how bacteria move through the nutrient space:

  • • Chemotaxis: Similar to how actual bacteria travel toward higher food concentrations, bacteria gravitate toward areas with higher nutritional concentrations. The gradient of the nutrient content dictates the direction of movement, and the bacteria adapt by changing positions.

  • • Reproduction: Reproduction is more likely in bacteria with higher fitness, or better solutions. Bacteria pass on traits from their parents to their offspring, however certain differences are added to increase population diversity.

  • • Elimination-dispersal: Bacteria are eliminated from the population if they cannot locate enough nutrients or if they get stuck in local optima. New bacteria are also added to the colony in order to preserve its diversity and size.

The population of bacteria collectively searches the nutrient space through repetitions of these processes, becoming convergent towards optimal or nearly optimal solutions (see [12] for a summary of this algorithm).

3. Overview on Fractional Calculus

Fractional calculus is the calculus so that the order of its integration or differentiation could be real or complex [13, 14]. The primary operation of the non-integer calculus is the fractional-order differential operator Datα that has the form:

Datα={dαdtαif (α)>0,1if (α)=0,at(dτ)-αif (α)<0,

where a and t denote respectively the lower and the upper bounds of the above operator, α is the fractional-order value, and ℜ(α) is the real part of α. In what follows, we recall some basic definitions that illustrate the Riemann-Liouville operator, followed by the Caputo operator.

Definition 3.1

Let f be an integrable piecewise continuous function on any finite subinterval of t ∈ (0,+∞), then the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of f(t) of order α is defined as [15]:


where Γ(·) is the Gamma function, t > 0 and 0 < α ≤ 1.

Definition 3.2

Let α ∈ ℝ+ and m ∈ ℕ such that m – 1 < α < m, then the Caputo fractional derivative operator of order α is defined by [15]:


It is well-known that the frequency response of dynamical systems is a commonly scheme for realizing the designed controllers. From this point of view, the Laplace transform was extended to involve the fractional calculus.

Definition 3.3

By assuming that the initial state equals zero, the Caputo fractional-order derivative operator has Laplace transform of the form [15]:


Definition 3.4

By assuming that the initial state equals zero, the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator has Laplace transform of the form [15]:


4. FoPID-Controller

FoPID-controller is typically implemented to enhance the systems’ performance in many industrial applications. It provides to the closed-loop system extra degrees of freedom via its integration component λ and its differentiator component δ [16,17]. The output signal of this controller m(t) might be expressed as:


where e(t) is the error signal and Kp, Ki, Kd, λ, δ are real constants. Obviously, if λ = δ = 1, then the conventional PID controller is yielded [18, 19]. Now, if one takes the Laplace transform to Eq. (7), then we generate the following integro-differential equation of fractional-order [7]:


Clearly, the parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd, λ, δ) need to be adjusted by applying an optimization algorithm [20, 21]. In this regard, we execute the BFO and PSO algorithms, and then we must consider the Laplacian operators (sλ and sδ) generated in Eq. (8). To deal with such operators within a limited frequency band, we should approximate them to equivalent rational transfer functions of integer-order [22]. There exist several common approximations that could be utilized for this purpose, such as the Oustaloup, least square method, Carlson, Continued Fractional Expansion (CFE), AbdelAty et al., El-Khazali, Chareff and Matsuda approximations [2226]. Figure 1 represents the closed-loop system of the DC motor speed model.

In Figure 1, the output from the plant is monitored and the feedback will be sent to the controller by which it can be compared with the system input to determine deviations from the expected output. This would allow the controller to make any necessary adjustments and regulations. Next, we describe briefly two approximations of these operators; the Oustaloup and the CFE approximations.

4.1 Oustaloup’s Approach

The Oustaloup approximation is one of the well-known methods that can be implemented to yield certain odd-order rational transfer functions. The bandwidth during which time this approach is taken into consideration can be customized to produce, within a predefined frequency band, a good fitting to the fractional-order values s±α, where 0 < α < 1. In this connection, the rational function, which can be utilized for approximating sα over the frequency range of interest (ωb.ωh), can be expressed as [22]:


where the poles, zeros and the gain can be computed respectively according to following formulas:


Because of the frequencies geometric distribution, the unity gain geometric frequency ωu can be computed by using the following relation:


where the approach at hand relies on the lower frequency range (ωb, ωh) and the order filer N, with observing that the transfer function (9) is always of order n = 2N + 1.

4.2 The CFE Approach

This scheme is considered the principal mathematical method that can be used to approximate the Laplacian operator by suitable rational transfer functions of integer-order. This scheme is proposed in accordance with the following relation [27]:


where 0 < α < 1 and n ∈ ℕ.

With the aim of finding an integer-order approximation of sα, one can substitute s instead of z in (14). This substitution allows the nth-order approximation of sα to be expressed around the center frequency ω0 = 1rad/sec as [27]:


where 0 < αi< 1, i = 0, 1, 2, · · ·, 5. It should be mentioned that the values of the coefficients of αi are taken from reference [28], for i = 0, 1, · · ·, 5.

5. Numerical Results

A lot of research workers have examined the FoPID-controller design using several popular optimization techniques. The type of approach used to replace the Laplacian operators plays a key role in the effectiveness of such controller [22, 29]. As we mentioned before, we intend in this work to tune the five parameters of the FoPID-controller by using the BFO and PSO algorithms. The performance of the DC motor speed model will be then optimized by evaluating the unit-step response. The enhancement of the system’s performance in time domain is identical to a minimization problem [30]. In particular, for a suitable design of the FoPID-controller (i.e. finding the best parameters of (8)), the objective function J reported in (2) should be minimized by using the BFO and PSO algorithms. The two generated fractional-order operators (sλ and sδ) will be then approximated using the Oustaloup and the CFE approximations. As a result, four FoPID-controllers Ci(s) would be then yielded. These controllers would, in their turn, imply four closed-loop systems Hi(s), where i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Such closed-loop systems will finally compete to each other to outline which controller will be the best.

To this aim, we first execute the PSO algorithm via CFE and Oustaloup approaches. Accordingly, we obtain respectively the following results

  • • The FoPID-controller via CFE approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.177 and s0.166) are approximated using the CFE approach as follows:

      s0.177=2.2541s5+46.1835s4+1.6220e         +002s3+1.4413e+002s2         +31.4520s+1s5+31.4520s4+1.4413e+002s3         +1.6220e+002s2+46.1835s         +2.2541,s0.166=2.1419s5+44.4013s4+1.5719e         +002s3+1.4070e+002s2         +30.9712s+1s5+30.9712s4+1.4070e+002s3         +1.5719e+002s2+44.4013s         +2.1419.

    • - The closed-loop system H1(s) is then given by:

      H1(s)=155s10+7814s9+1.3e005s8         +7.9e005s7+2.3e006s6+3.2e006s5         +7.9e005s7+2e006s4+7.6e005s3         +1.2e005s2+7154s+136.80.0008s13+0.12s12+8.3s11         +417s10+1.1e004s9+1.5e005s8         +8.5e005s7+2.4e006s6+3e006s5         +2.3e006s4+7.7e005s3+1.2e005s2         +7157s+136.8.

  • • The FoPID-controller via Oustaloup approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.165 and s0.247) are approximated using the Oustaloup approach as follows:

      s0.165=2.138s5+86.88s4+482.7s3         +414.6s2+55.07s+1s5+55.07s4+414.6s3         +482.7s2+86.88s+2.138,s0.247=3.119s5+117.5s4+605.4s3         +482.2s2+59.39s+1s5+59.39s4+482.2s3         +605.4s2+117.5s+3.119.

    • - The closed-loop system H2(s) is then given by

      H2(s)=302.5s10+2.9e004s9         +8.7e005s8+9.2e006s7         +3.9e007s6+6.2e007s5         +4e007s4+1e007s3         +9.9e005s2+3.4e004s         +368.30.0008s13+0.15s12+13.1s11         +909s10+4.3e004s9         +1e006s8+9.7e006s7         +3.9e007s6+6.2e007s5         +4.1e007s4+1e007s3         +9.9e005s2+3.4e004s         +368.

Now, in a similar manner to the previous discussion, we execute here the BFO algorithm via CFE and Oustaloup approaches. As a result, we obtain respectively the following results:

  • • The FoPID-controller via CFE approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.534 and s0.748) are approximated using the CFE approach as follows:

      s0.534=13.24s5+1.93e+002s4         +5.27e+002s3         +3.68e+002s2+59.42s+1s5+59.42s4+3.68e+002s3         +5.27e+002s2+1.931e         ++002s13.24,s0.748=50.02s5+6.08e+002s4         +1.44e+003s3         +8.65e+002s2+1.14e         +002s+1s5+66.11s4+4.26e         +002s3+6.29e+002s2         +2.37e+002s+16.91.

    • - The closed-loop system H3(s) is given by

      H3(s)=9420s10+2.9e005s9+3.3e006s8         +1.6e007s7+4.1e007s6         +5.5e007s5+4.1e007s4         +1.6e007s3+3.4e006s2         +3.2e005s+1.1e0040.013s13+2.2s12+166.4s11         +1.5e004s10+3.8e005s9+3.8e006s8         +1.7e007s7+4.2e007s6+5.6e007s5         +4.1e007s4+1.6e007s3+3.4e006s2         +3.2e005s+1.1e004.

  • • The FoPID-controller via Oustaloup approach:


    • - The two Laplacian operators (s0.831 and s0.390) are approximated using the Oustaloup approach as follows:

      s0.831=45.88s5+1010s4+3039s3         +1414s2+101.7s+1s5+101.7s4+1414s3         +3039s2+1010s+45.88,s0.390=6.028s5+199.1s4+899s3         +627.7s2+67.75s+1s5+67.75s4+627.7s3         +899s2+199.1s+6.028.

    • - The closed-loop system H4(s) is given by (31)

      H4(s)=7971s10+4.6e005s9+8.4e006s8         +5.6e007s7+1.6e008s6+2e008s5         +1.3e008s4+4.1e007s3+5.9e006s2         +3.2e005s+56990.016s13+3.01s12+250.3s11         +1.9e004s10+6.6e005s9+9.9e006s8         +6.1e007s7+1.6e008s6+2.1e008s5         +1.3e008s4+4.1e007s3+5.9e006s2         +3.2e005s+5699.

In the following content, we aim to carry out a numerical competition between all Hi(s) to outline which FoPID-controller is the best, where i = 1, 2, 3, 4. For this purpose, we present a graphical comparison in Figure 2 between the closed-loop systems Hi(s), which are generated with the help of applying the FoPID-controllers (Ci(s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4).

To highlight the variations between all design methods, some numerical results related to the step response specifications of the closed-loop transfer functions Hi(s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are exhibited in Table 2.

In Figure 2 and Table 2, one might choose the FoPID-controller generated by PSO algorithm via the CFE approach C1(s) as the best controller among the others. Although it provides to the closed-loop system a slightly high overshoot, but it at the same time provides a good rise time and an excellent settling time. However, another might see that the FoPID-controller generated by BFO algorithm via the Oustaloup approach C4(s) is the best. It provides to the closed-loop system a good settling time and an excellent rise time.

6. Conclusion

In this work, four optimal FoPID-controllers have been designed for the DC motor speed model. The PSO and BFO algorithms have been implemented to tune the parameters of such controllers. The CFE and Outstaloup’s approaches have been used to approximate the Laplacian operators in the form of integer-order transfer functions. The proposed controllers have been compared to each others, and as an results, it has been shown that FoPID-controller generated by PSO algorithm via the CFE approach is the best one. Overall, it can be said that the FoPID-PSO-CFE method can efficiently manage the nonlinear dynamics present in DC motors, resulting in faster settling times, smoother operation, and less overshoot. Based on available data, FoPID-PSO-CFE controllers can be an effective tool for improving DC motor speed control systems’ performance and efficiency in practical applications like industrial processes or mechatronic systems.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.

The closed-loop system.

The International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24: 74-82

Fig 2.

Figure 2.

Comparison between the closed-loop systems (Hi(s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4).

The International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024; 24: 74-82

Table 1 . The values of the model’s parameters.

Kb1.28 Vs/rad
Jm0.002953 Nms/rad
La0.1215 H
Ra11.2 Ω
Bm0.002953 Nms/rad

Table 2 . Numerical comparisons between step response specifications of the closed-loop systems.

Ts (sec.)0.03050.68890.90680.4519
Tr (sec.)0.27020.01780.10790.0212
Mp (%)30.21242.00123.69134.799


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