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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(3): 311-317

Published online September 25, 2023

© The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems

Study on Fuzzy ℑ*-Structure Compact-Open Topology

Mitali Routaray1, Prakash Kumar Sahu2, and Sunima Naik1

1Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
2Department of Mathematics, Model Degree College, Nayagarh, Odisha, India

Correspondence to :
Mitali Routaray (

Received: September 2, 2021; Revised: May 5, 2023; Accepted: August 28, 2023

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This study introduces the concepts of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact space and fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are introduced and a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering the map between two fuzzy ℑ*-structure spaces is studied. In addition, the concept of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law and related theories are demonstrated. Finally, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology is introduced and some of its results are explained.

Keywords: Fuzzy ℑ*-structure space, Fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff space, Fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact spaces, Fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology

Fuzzy sets have many applications in engineering, economics, and clinical science. Since then, numerous authors have contributed to the development of a new mathematical field known as “fuzzy mathematics.” Fuzzy topological space theory is a branch of mathematics. In mathematics, the topology provides the most natural framework for fuzzy units to excel. Chang [1] introduced and developed the concept of a fuzzy topological space. The main problem in fuzzy mathematics is applying ordinary concepts to fuzzy cases. Madhuri and Amudhambigai [2] introduced the concept of fuzzy ℑ*-structural spaces related to fuzzy topological spaces. The concept of a compact-open topology is crucial in defining the functional spaces in standard topologies. We aim to introduce the concept of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology and contribute to several theories and effects related to this concept. The concept of the exponential law can be used for the KU algebra [3, 4].

In this study, a new concept of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact space and fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are introduced, and a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering the map between two fuzzy ℑ*-structure spaces is studied. In addition, the concept of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law and other theories have been proven. Finally, a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology is introduced, and some results of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology are proven. In this study, we established the pivotal concepts of fuzzy local compactness and fuzzy product topology.

In terms of notation, we use letters such as A, B, C, U, V, and W to represent the fuzzy sets. The set of all fuzzy sets on a nonempty set X is denoted by IX. Constant fuzzy sets with values 0 and 1 on X are denoted as 0X and 1X, respectively. The fuzzy closure, fuzzy interior, and fuzzy complement of AIX are denoted as Ã, Ao, and A′, respectively. For future use, we require the following definitions and findings:

Definition 2.1([5])

A function from a nonempty set X to a unit interval I = [0, 1] is called a fuzzy set λ. IX denotes the entire fuzzy set family.

Definition 2.2([5])

LetX be a set and τ be a family of fuzzy subsets of X. Subsequently, τ is called a fuzzy topology on X if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • (i) 0X, 1Xτ

  • (ii) If λ, μτ, then λμτ

  • (iii) If λiτ for all I, then ∨λiτ.

The ordered pair (X, τ) is called a fuzzy topological space (FTS). Moreover, members of τ are considered to be fuzzy open sets, and their complements are to be fuzzy closed sets.

Definition 2.3([2])

Let (X, τ) be the fuzzy topological space. A fuzzy set λIX is called fuzzy-irreducible if λ ≠ 0X and for all fuzzy closed sets γ and δIX with λ ≤ (γδ), it follows that either λγ or λδ.

Let (X, τ) be the fuzzy topological space. Any αIX is considered to be fuzzy irreducible closed if both fuzzy irreducible and fuzzy are closed. The complement of a fuzzy irreducible closed set is called a fuzzy irreducible open set. For two fuzzy sets, we write αqμ such that α is quasi-coincident (q-coincident) with μ; that is, there exists a minimum of one point xX such that α(x) + μ(x) > 1.

Definition 2.4([2])

Let (X, τ) be a fuzzy topological space and let αIX be a fuzzy open set in (X, τ). Subsequently, collection ℑ = {σIX: α q σ and 1 − σ is a fuzzy irreducible closed set in (X, τ)}. Subsequently, the collection ℑ which is finer than the fuzzy topology τ on X is considered an ℑ-structure on X. A nonempty set X with an ℑ-structure, denoted by (X, ℑ) is considered a fuzzy ℑ-structure space. An ℑ-structure on nonempty sets X and 0X is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*structure. Subsequently, (X, ℑ*) is called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure space generated by τ. Each member of ℑ* is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set, and the complement of each fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set is called a be fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.

Example 2.5

Let X = {c, d} and let λ1, λ2IX defined as λ1(c) = 0.3, λ1(d) = 0.5, λ2(c) = 0.6 and λ2(d) = 0.7. Subsequently, τ = {0X, 1X, λ1, λ2}. Clearly, τ is a fuzzy topology and (X, τ) is a fuzzy topological space. Subsequently, 0X, 1X, 1Xλ1, 1Xλ2 are the possible fuzzy irreducible closed sets in (X, τ). Let α = (0.6, 0.7) ∈ IX be a fuzzy open set in (X, τ). Subsequently, ℑ∪0X forms a fuzzy ℑ*-structure on X. Thus, (X, ℑ*) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structural space generated by τ.

Definition 2.6([2])

Let (X, Ix*) and (Y, Iy*) be two fuzzy ℑ*structure spaces generated by τx and τy. A function f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous function if for each fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set λIY, f1(λ) is a fuzzy Ix* -structure open set in (X, Ix*).

Definition 2.7([6])

A fuzzy topological space is called a fuzzy Hausdorff space if and only if (iff), for any two distinct fuzzy points p, q of X, there exist disjoint open sets U and V of τ with pU and qV.

Definition 2.8([2])

A mapping f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphism iff f is fuzzy ℑ*-structure bijective, fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous and fuzzy ℑ*-structure open.

Definition 2.9

Let (X, ℑ*) be any fuzzy ℑ*-structure space generated by τ. Let U be a subset of X and χU be the fuzzy characteristic function of U. Subsequently, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure introduced by τ is ℑ*(τ) = {χU: UX} and the pair (X, ℑ*) is considered to be the fuzzy ℑ*-structure space introduced by (X, τ).

Let I be a unit interval. Let δ be a Euclidean topology on I then, (I, ℑ*(ζ)) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure space introduced by the (usual) topological space (I, ζ).

Definition 2.10

If fi: XiYi, i = 1, 2, Subsequently, f1 × f2: X1 × X2Y1 × Y2 is defined as follows: (f1 × f2)(x1, x2) = (f1(x1), f2(x2)) for each (x1, x2) ∈ X1 × X2.

Definition 3.1

Let (X, ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structured topological space. The family of fuzzy sets A of X is said to be a cover of fuzzy set B in X iff B = ∨A. If each member of the cover is a member of ℑ*, then the cover is said to be an open cover of B. The fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space (X, ℑ*) is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact if every fuzzy ℑ*-structure open cover of IX contains a finite fuzzy ℑ*-structure open subcover.

Example 3.2

Let (X, τ) be the unit interval I with ℑ*-structure topology, and τ = {0X, 1X, λX, μX}. We consider λX(x) = {xI: 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7} and λX(y) = {yI: 0.7 ≤ y ≤ 1}. Clearly, {λX(x), λX(y)} are open covers of X. Now define ∀xI, x ≠ 0, x ≠ 1, let μX(x) = 1 and y[0,x2][1+x2,1], μX(y) = 0. Thus, {μX(x), μX(y)} is a subcover of the open cover of X. Thus, (X, τ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact space.

Definition 3.3

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure space (X, ℑ*) is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff space if any two distinct fuzzy points, that is, xt and yt, exist in fuzzy ℑ*-structure open sets U and V such that xtU, ytV UV = 0X

Example 3.4

Let X = {x, y} and λIX defined as λ(x) = 0.5 and λ(y) = 0.6. Subsequently, τ = {0X, 1X, λ}. Here, τ ∪0X forms a fuzzy ℑ*-structure on X: Clearly, (X, ℑ*) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space generated by τ.

Definition 3.5

Let p:(Xx,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering map and let f:(X˜,I˜*)(Y,Iy*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous function. Subsequently, a map f˜:(X˜,I˜*)(X1,I1*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure lifted on map f if p = f.

Definition 3.6

The mapping e: YX ×XY is defined as follows: using e(f, xt) = f(xt) for each fuzzy point xt, where fYx is the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map.

Definition 3.7

The product of two fuzzy sets A and B in a fuzzy ℑ*-structure space (X, ℑ*) is defined as (A×B)(x, y) = min(A(x), B(y)) for all (x, y) ∈ X × Y.

Theorem 3.8

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subspace of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff space is fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.


Let (X, ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff topological space YX and let Y be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. We must demonstrate that Y is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed; that is, (XY ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open. Let xt ∈ (XY ) be arbitrary. For each ytY, xtyt, because X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure opens sets U and V such that xtU, ytV and UV = 0X. The collection {Vy: yY } is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured open cover for Y. Since Y is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact there exists a finite subcover {Vy1, Vy2 · · · Vyn} such that YVy1Vy2 · · · Vyn = V. Let U = Uy1Uy2 ∧· · ·Uyn then U and V are the fuzzy ℑ*-structure is open in X. Clearly UV = 0X. And YV implies (XV ) ⊂ (XY ), Thus, x0U ⊂ (XV ) ⊂ (XY ). Thus, (XY ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.

Theorem 3.9

The following criteria are equivalent in a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space:

  • (a) X is fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact.

  • (b) For every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X such that xtU and Ū is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact.


We assume that X is fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact. Therefore, for every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X which is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact. U is a closed fuzzy ℑ*-structure, as X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff. Therefore, U = Ū. Hence, xtU and Ū are fuzzy ℑ*-structured compacts.

Assume that for every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X such that xtU and Ū is fuzzy ℑ*-structure is compact; then, X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact.

Theorem 3.10

The fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure that is locally compact at fuzzy point xt in X if and only if there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U containing xt, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set V such that xtV, is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, and U.


We assume that X is locally fuzzy at fuzzy point xt. Therefore, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U such that xtU and U are fuzzy ℑ*-structure compacts. X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff. Thus, U is a fuzzy ℑ*-closed structure and U = Ū. Let us consider fuzzy point yr ∈ (1XU). Because X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff, there exist open sets A and B such that xtA, yrB and AB = 0X. Let V = AB. Hence VU implies Ū = U. As is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed, and U is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, it follows that is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. Thus, xtU and Ū are the fuzzy ℑ*-structured compacts. The converse follows from the previous theorem.

Let (X, Ix*) and (Y, Iy*) be any two fuzzy ℑ*-structural spaces generated by τx and τy. Let

YX={f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*)fis fuzzy I*-structure continuous function}.

We give this class Y X a topology called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology as follows:

Let κ : {K : IX : K is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact in X}

η={U:IYsuch that Uis fuzzy I*-structure open in Y}.

For any Kκ and Uη, let W(K,U) = {ωYX: ω(K) ⊆ U}. The collection


can be as a fuzzy sub base to generate a fuzzy ℑ*-structure topology on the class YX, called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology. The class YX with this topology is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topological space. Unless otherwise stated, YX will constantly have the fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact-open topology.

We now consider the fuzzy ℑ*-structure product topological space YX ×C and define a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous map from YX × X into Y.

Definition 4.1

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map is a mapping f′: ZW ×WZ defined by f′ (f, λt) = f(λt) for each fuzzy point λtW and fZW.

Theorem 4.2

Let (W,ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure in locally compact Hausdorff space. Susbequently, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map f′: ZW × WZ is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.


Suppose (f, λt) ∈ ZW ×W where fYW and λtW. Let V be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z with f(x) = f′ (f, λt). According to Theorem 3.3, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in W such that λtU, Ū is a fuzzy compact, and f(U) ⊆ V because W is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact and f is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

Consider the NŪ· V ×U fuzzy ℑ*structure open set in ZW × W. Clearly (f, λt) ∈ NŪ· V × U. Assume (g, λr) ∈ NŪ· V × U is random; hence f′ (g, λr) = g(xr) ∈ V where λrU, g(λr) ∈ V. Consequently, f′ (g, λr × U) ⊆ V, indicating that f′ is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

Now, we consider the induced map of a given. function f: Z′ ×WZ.

Definition 4.3

(W,Iw*),(Z,Iz*),(L,Il*) are any of the three ℑ*-structures generated by τx, τz and τl. Let f:(L,Il*)×(W,Iw*)(Z,Iz*) denote the function. For fuzzy point wt(W,Iw*) and lr(L,Il*) the induced map : WZl is defined by (f(wt))(lr)=f(lr,wt) for fuzzy points. For the function : WZl a comparable function f can be found using the same rule.

’s continuity can be described in terms of f’s continuity, and vice versa. For this purpose, the following outcomes are required.

Theorem 4.4

Consider two fuzzy ℑ*-structures, W and Z, with Z fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. Let O be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in the fuzzy ℑ*-structure product space and wt be any fuzzy point in W. wt × Z is contained in W × Z, Subsequently, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure neighborhood S of wt in W such that {wt} × ZS × ZO.


wt ×Z is clearly a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphic to Z; hence, {wt} × Z is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. We cover {wt} × Z with the basis elements U × V (fuzzy ℑ*-structure topology of W × Z) residing in O. As wt × Z is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, {U × V } has a finite subcover; that is,


Without loss of generality, we will suppose that wtUi for each i = 1, 2, · · ·, n. Suppose S=i=1nUi. Clearly S is fuzzy ℑ*-structure open and wtS. We have to show that


Any fuzzy point in S × Z can be represented as (ws, μz). For some i, (ws, μz) ∈ Ui ×Vi. However, for each j = 1, 2, …, n, wrS. Therefore, (ws, μz) ∈ Ui × Vi as required. However, Ui × ViO for all i = 1, …, n and S×Zi=1n(Ui×Vi) . Therefore, S × ZO.

Theorem 4.5

Let (X,Ix*),(Y,Iy*) be an arbitrary fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space and Z be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact Hausdorff space. Subsequently, a map α × XY is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous iff g: XYZ is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure, where g is defined by the rule g(λt)(zs) = g(zs, λt).


We assume that g is a fuzzy, ℑ*-structured continuous function. We consider the function


The fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity function on Z is denoted by iZ, the ℑ*-structure switching map is denoted by s, and the ℑ*-structure evaluation map is denoted by f. Because


implies α = fs(iz×g).

By contrast, assume that α is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. Let λk represent any arbitrary fuzzy point in X. Subsequently, we obtain g(λk) ∈ YZ. Consider the following subbasis elements: ML,V = {hYZ: h(L) ⊆ V}, LIZ is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact and VIY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open containing g(λr). To prove that g is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured continuous map, we must discover a fuzzy neighborhood N of λk such that α(N) ⊆ ML,V; this suffices.

We have (g(λk))(zv) = α(zv, λk) for each fuzzy point zv in L; hence, α(L × {λk} ⊆ V ), that is, L × {λv} ⊆ α1(V ). As α1(V ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z × X, it is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. Consequently, α1(V ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z × X that includes L × {λk}. From Theorem 4.2, a fuzzy ℑ*-structured neighborhood N of λk in X exists such that


Consequently, α(L × N) ⊆ V. Currently,


for any λrN, and zvL. Therefore, for all λrN, (g(λr))(L) ⊆ V, that is, g(λr) ∈ ML,V for all λrN. Therefore, g(N) ⊆ ML,V is desirable.

We explored some of the features of the exponential law using induced maps.

Theorem 5.1

Let (X, Ix*) and (Z, Iz*) be the fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff spaces generated by τx and τy respectively, which are locally fuzzy and compact. The function e: Y Z×X → (Y Z)X defined by e(α) = g, that is, e(α) = α̂(e(α)(λt)(zu) = α(zu, λt) = (α̂(λt))(zu) for all α: Z × XY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphism for every fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space Y.


e is clearly fuzzy ℑ*-structure surjective. Let e(α) = e(β) for e to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structured injective. Consequently, α̂ = β̂, where α̂ and β̂ are the induced maps of α and β, respectively. any fuzzy point zu in Z, and any fuzzy point λt in X. We have


thus α = β.

Consider any fuzzy ℑ*-structure subbasis neighborhood P of α in (Y Z)X, that is, P is of the form MKW, whereK is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subset of X and W is fuzzy ℑ*-structure open in YZ, to prove e is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuity. We assume W = MLV. Without loss of generality, where L is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subset of Z and VIY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open. Subsequently, α̂(K) ⊆ MLV = W, therefore, we obtain (α̂(K))(L) ⊆ V for any fuzzy point λt in K and all fuzzy points zu in L, that is, (α̂(λt)(zu)) ∈ V and then α(Zu, λt) ∈ V*-structure compact in Z × X. We conclude that αML×K,VY Z×X because V is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Y.

We assert that e(ML×K) ⊆ MK,W, Let γ ∈ (ML×K) be an arbitrary. Thus, γ(L×K) ⊆ V, that is,γ(zu, λt) = (γ̂(λt))(zu) for all fuzzy points zuLZ, and γ(zu, λt) = (γ̂(λt))(zu) for all fuzzy points λtKX. Therefore, (γ̂(λt)(L)) ⊆ V for all fuzzy points λtKX, that is, (γ̂ (λt) ∈ ML,V = W for all fuzzy points λtKX, that is, γ̂ (λt) ∈ ML,V = W for all fuzzy points λtKX. Therefore, we have γ̂ (K) ⊆ W; that is, γ̂ = e(γ) ∈ MKW for any γML×K, V. Therefore, e(ML×K) ⊆ MK,W. This indicates that e is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

The following ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are used to show the fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuity of e1: e′: (YZ)X × XYZ is defined by e′ (α̂, λt) = α̂(λt), where α̂ ∈ (YZ)X and λt are any fuzzy points in X and e″: (YZ) × ZY is defined by e″(β̂, zu) = β̂(zu), where βYZ and zuZ. Let φ denote the composition of the following ℑ*-structured continuous function:


The fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity maps on (YZ)X and Z are denoted by i and iz, respectively, whereas the ℑ*-structure switching maps are denoted by F and . Therefore, φ: (Z × X) × (YZ)XY,; that is, φY(Z×X)×(YZ)X. We investigate the ℑ*-structure map : Y(Z×X)×(YZ)XY(Z×X)(YZ)X,, that is, (φ) ∈ Y(Z×X)(YZ)X. We obtain a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous map (φ): (YZ)XYZ×X.

Now, checking that ((φ) ∘e)(α)(zu, λt) = α(zu, λt), therefore, (φ) ∘ e = ℑ*-structure identity. It is routine to verify that (e(φ))(β̂)(λt)(zu) = β̂(λt)(zu); therefore, e(φ) = ℑ*-structure identity for any β̂ ∈ (YZ)X and fuzzy points zuZ, λtX. The demonstration that e is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured homeomorphism is thus complete.

Definition 5.2

The fuzzy ℑ*-structure map e in Theorem 5.1 is known as the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law.

Corollary 5.3

Let X, Y, Z be the locally fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact Hausdorff spaces. Subsequently, the map u: YX × ZYZX defined by u(f, g) = gf is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.


Consider the following composition.


where T, t denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure switching maps, ix and i denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity functions on X and ZY, respectively, and e1, e2 denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps. Let ϕ = e2 ∘ (i × e1) ∘ (t × iX) ∘ T. By Theorem 5.1, we have a fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential map e: ZX × YX × ZY → (ZX)YX×ZY.

Let ϕZX×YX×ZY, e(ϕ) ∈ (ZX)YX×ZY. Again we consider let u = e(ϕ) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. For fYX, gZY and any fuzzy ℑ*structure point xt in X, it is easy to observe that u(fg)(xt) = g(f(xt)).

In this study, the concepts of fuzzy ℑ*-structure compactopen topology and fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law were introduced, along with some basic theories. This work is foundational for further research on fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact-open topologies. We aim to build the concept of fuzzy higher homotopy groups and a fuzzy universal covering space using this concept. Furthermore, this topic can be expanded to fuzzy category theory in the future.

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Mitali Routaray is currently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. She received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2017. She worked in theoretical and applied mathematics.

Prakash Kumar Sahu is currently an assistant professor at Department of Mathematics, Model Degree College, Nayagarh, Odisha, India. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, 2016. His broad research areas include applied mathematics, numerical analysis, differential equations, integral equations, fractional calculus, and fuzzy topology.

Sunima Naik is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Her research interests include fuzzy topologies and category theories.


Original Article

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(3): 311-317

Published online September 25, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems.

Study on Fuzzy ℑ*-Structure Compact-Open Topology

Mitali Routaray1, Prakash Kumar Sahu2, and Sunima Naik1

1Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
2Department of Mathematics, Model Degree College, Nayagarh, Odisha, India

Correspondence to:Mitali Routaray (

Received: September 2, 2021; Revised: May 5, 2023; Accepted: August 28, 2023

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This study introduces the concepts of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact space and fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are introduced and a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering the map between two fuzzy ℑ*-structure spaces is studied. In addition, the concept of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law and related theories are demonstrated. Finally, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology is introduced and some of its results are explained.

Keywords: Fuzzy &image,*-structure space, Fuzzy &image,*-structure Hausdorff space, Fuzzy &image,*-structure compact spaces, Fuzzy &image,*-structure compact-open topology

1. Introduction

Fuzzy sets have many applications in engineering, economics, and clinical science. Since then, numerous authors have contributed to the development of a new mathematical field known as “fuzzy mathematics.” Fuzzy topological space theory is a branch of mathematics. In mathematics, the topology provides the most natural framework for fuzzy units to excel. Chang [1] introduced and developed the concept of a fuzzy topological space. The main problem in fuzzy mathematics is applying ordinary concepts to fuzzy cases. Madhuri and Amudhambigai [2] introduced the concept of fuzzy ℑ*-structural spaces related to fuzzy topological spaces. The concept of a compact-open topology is crucial in defining the functional spaces in standard topologies. We aim to introduce the concept of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology and contribute to several theories and effects related to this concept. The concept of the exponential law can be used for the KU algebra [3, 4].

In this study, a new concept of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact space and fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are introduced, and a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering the map between two fuzzy ℑ*-structure spaces is studied. In addition, the concept of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law and other theories have been proven. Finally, a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology is introduced, and some results of the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology are proven. In this study, we established the pivotal concepts of fuzzy local compactness and fuzzy product topology.

2. Preliminaries

In terms of notation, we use letters such as A, B, C, U, V, and W to represent the fuzzy sets. The set of all fuzzy sets on a nonempty set X is denoted by IX. Constant fuzzy sets with values 0 and 1 on X are denoted as 0X and 1X, respectively. The fuzzy closure, fuzzy interior, and fuzzy complement of AIX are denoted as Ã, Ao, and A′, respectively. For future use, we require the following definitions and findings:

Definition 2.1([5])

A function from a nonempty set X to a unit interval I = [0, 1] is called a fuzzy set λ. IX denotes the entire fuzzy set family.

Definition 2.2([5])

LetX be a set and τ be a family of fuzzy subsets of X. Subsequently, τ is called a fuzzy topology on X if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • (i) 0X, 1Xτ

  • (ii) If λ, μτ, then λμτ

  • (iii) If λiτ for all I, then ∨λiτ.

The ordered pair (X, τ) is called a fuzzy topological space (FTS). Moreover, members of τ are considered to be fuzzy open sets, and their complements are to be fuzzy closed sets.

Definition 2.3([2])

Let (X, τ) be the fuzzy topological space. A fuzzy set λIX is called fuzzy-irreducible if λ ≠ 0X and for all fuzzy closed sets γ and δIX with λ ≤ (γδ), it follows that either λγ or λδ.

Let (X, τ) be the fuzzy topological space. Any αIX is considered to be fuzzy irreducible closed if both fuzzy irreducible and fuzzy are closed. The complement of a fuzzy irreducible closed set is called a fuzzy irreducible open set. For two fuzzy sets, we write αqμ such that α is quasi-coincident (q-coincident) with μ; that is, there exists a minimum of one point xX such that α(x) + μ(x) > 1.

Definition 2.4([2])

Let (X, τ) be a fuzzy topological space and let αIX be a fuzzy open set in (X, τ). Subsequently, collection ℑ = {σIX: α q σ and 1 − σ is a fuzzy irreducible closed set in (X, τ)}. Subsequently, the collection ℑ which is finer than the fuzzy topology τ on X is considered an ℑ-structure on X. A nonempty set X with an ℑ-structure, denoted by (X, ℑ) is considered a fuzzy ℑ-structure space. An ℑ-structure on nonempty sets X and 0X is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*structure. Subsequently, (X, ℑ*) is called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure space generated by τ. Each member of ℑ* is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set, and the complement of each fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set is called a be fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.

Example 2.5

Let X = {c, d} and let λ1, λ2IX defined as λ1(c) = 0.3, λ1(d) = 0.5, λ2(c) = 0.6 and λ2(d) = 0.7. Subsequently, τ = {0X, 1X, λ1, λ2}. Clearly, τ is a fuzzy topology and (X, τ) is a fuzzy topological space. Subsequently, 0X, 1X, 1Xλ1, 1Xλ2 are the possible fuzzy irreducible closed sets in (X, τ). Let α = (0.6, 0.7) ∈ IX be a fuzzy open set in (X, τ). Subsequently, ℑ∪0X forms a fuzzy ℑ*-structure on X. Thus, (X, ℑ*) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structural space generated by τ.

Definition 2.6([2])

Let (X, Ix*) and (Y, Iy*) be two fuzzy ℑ*structure spaces generated by τx and τy. A function f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous function if for each fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set λIY, f1(λ) is a fuzzy Ix* -structure open set in (X, Ix*).

Definition 2.7([6])

A fuzzy topological space is called a fuzzy Hausdorff space if and only if (iff), for any two distinct fuzzy points p, q of X, there exist disjoint open sets U and V of τ with pU and qV.

Definition 2.8([2])

A mapping f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphism iff f is fuzzy ℑ*-structure bijective, fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous and fuzzy ℑ*-structure open.

Definition 2.9

Let (X, ℑ*) be any fuzzy ℑ*-structure space generated by τ. Let U be a subset of X and χU be the fuzzy characteristic function of U. Subsequently, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure introduced by τ is ℑ*(τ) = {χU: UX} and the pair (X, ℑ*) is considered to be the fuzzy ℑ*-structure space introduced by (X, τ).

Let I be a unit interval. Let δ be a Euclidean topology on I then, (I, ℑ*(ζ)) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure space introduced by the (usual) topological space (I, ζ).

Definition 2.10

If fi: XiYi, i = 1, 2, Subsequently, f1 × f2: X1 × X2Y1 × Y2 is defined as follows: (f1 × f2)(x1, x2) = (f1(x1), f2(x2)) for each (x1, x2) ∈ X1 × X2.

3. Fuzzy ℑ*-Structure Locally Compact Space

Definition 3.1

Let (X, ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structured topological space. The family of fuzzy sets A of X is said to be a cover of fuzzy set B in X iff B = ∨A. If each member of the cover is a member of ℑ*, then the cover is said to be an open cover of B. The fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space (X, ℑ*) is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact if every fuzzy ℑ*-structure open cover of IX contains a finite fuzzy ℑ*-structure open subcover.

Example 3.2

Let (X, τ) be the unit interval I with ℑ*-structure topology, and τ = {0X, 1X, λX, μX}. We consider λX(x) = {xI: 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7} and λX(y) = {yI: 0.7 ≤ y ≤ 1}. Clearly, {λX(x), λX(y)} are open covers of X. Now define ∀xI, x ≠ 0, x ≠ 1, let μX(x) = 1 and y[0,x2][1+x2,1], μX(y) = 0. Thus, {μX(x), μX(y)} is a subcover of the open cover of X. Thus, (X, τ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact space.

Definition 3.3

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure space (X, ℑ*) is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff space if any two distinct fuzzy points, that is, xt and yt, exist in fuzzy ℑ*-structure open sets U and V such that xtU, ytV UV = 0X

Example 3.4

Let X = {x, y} and λIX defined as λ(x) = 0.5 and λ(y) = 0.6. Subsequently, τ = {0X, 1X, λ}. Here, τ ∪0X forms a fuzzy ℑ*-structure on X: Clearly, (X, ℑ*) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space generated by τ.

Definition 3.5

Let p:(Xx,Ix*)(Y,Iy*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure covering map and let f:(X˜,I˜*)(Y,Iy*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous function. Subsequently, a map f˜:(X˜,I˜*)(X1,I1*) is said to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure lifted on map f if p = f.

Definition 3.6

The mapping e: YX ×XY is defined as follows: using e(f, xt) = f(xt) for each fuzzy point xt, where fYx is the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map.

Definition 3.7

The product of two fuzzy sets A and B in a fuzzy ℑ*-structure space (X, ℑ*) is defined as (A×B)(x, y) = min(A(x), B(y)) for all (x, y) ∈ X × Y.

Theorem 3.8

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subspace of a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff space is fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.


Let (X, ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff topological space YX and let Y be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. We must demonstrate that Y is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed; that is, (XY ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open. Let xt ∈ (XY ) be arbitrary. For each ytY, xtyt, because X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure opens sets U and V such that xtU, ytV and UV = 0X. The collection {Vy: yY } is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured open cover for Y. Since Y is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact there exists a finite subcover {Vy1, Vy2 · · · Vyn} such that YVy1Vy2 · · · Vyn = V. Let U = Uy1Uy2 ∧· · ·Uyn then U and V are the fuzzy ℑ*-structure is open in X. Clearly UV = 0X. And YV implies (XV ) ⊂ (XY ), Thus, x0U ⊂ (XV ) ⊂ (XY ). Thus, (XY ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed.

Theorem 3.9

The following criteria are equivalent in a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space:

  • (a) X is fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact.

  • (b) For every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X such that xtU and Ū is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact.


We assume that X is fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact. Therefore, for every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X which is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact. U is a closed fuzzy ℑ*-structure, as X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff. Therefore, U = Ū. Hence, xtU and Ū are fuzzy ℑ*-structured compacts.

Assume that for every fuzzy point xtX, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in X such that xtU and Ū is fuzzy ℑ*-structure is compact; then, X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact.

Theorem 3.10

The fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff space X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure that is locally compact at fuzzy point xt in X if and only if there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U containing xt, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set V such that xtV, is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, and U.


We assume that X is locally fuzzy at fuzzy point xt. Therefore, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U such that xtU and U are fuzzy ℑ*-structure compacts. X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff. Thus, U is a fuzzy ℑ*-closed structure and U = Ū. Let us consider fuzzy point yr ∈ (1XU). Because X is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure Hausdorff, there exist open sets A and B such that xtA, yrB and AB = 0X. Let V = AB. Hence VU implies Ū = U. As is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure closed, and U is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, it follows that is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. Thus, xtU and Ū are the fuzzy ℑ*-structured compacts. The converse follows from the previous theorem.

4. Fuzzy ℑ*-Structure Compact-Open Topology

Let (X, Ix*) and (Y, Iy*) be any two fuzzy ℑ*-structural spaces generated by τx and τy. Let

YX={f:(X,Ix*)(Y,Iy*)fis fuzzy I*-structure continuous function}.

We give this class Y X a topology called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology as follows:

Let κ : {K : IX : K is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact in X}

η={U:IYsuch that Uis fuzzy I*-structure open in Y}.

For any Kκ and Uη, let W(K,U) = {ωYX: ω(K) ⊆ U}. The collection


can be as a fuzzy sub base to generate a fuzzy ℑ*-structure topology on the class YX, called the fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topology. The class YX with this topology is called a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact-open topological space. Unless otherwise stated, YX will constantly have the fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact-open topology.

We now consider the fuzzy ℑ*-structure product topological space YX ×C and define a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous map from YX × X into Y.

Definition 4.1

A fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map is a mapping f′: ZW ×WZ defined by f′ (f, λt) = f(λt) for each fuzzy point λtW and fZW.

Theorem 4.2

Let (W,ℑ*) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure in locally compact Hausdorff space. Susbequently, the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation map f′: ZW × WZ is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.


Suppose (f, λt) ∈ ZW ×W where fYW and λtW. Let V be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z with f(x) = f′ (f, λt). According to Theorem 3.3, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set U in W such that λtU, Ū is a fuzzy compact, and f(U) ⊆ V because W is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact and f is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

Consider the NŪ· V ×U fuzzy ℑ*structure open set in ZW × W. Clearly (f, λt) ∈ NŪ· V × U. Assume (g, λr) ∈ NŪ· V × U is random; hence f′ (g, λr) = g(xr) ∈ V where λrU, g(λr) ∈ V. Consequently, f′ (g, λr × U) ⊆ V, indicating that f′ is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

Now, we consider the induced map of a given. function f: Z′ ×WZ.

Definition 4.3

(W,Iw*),(Z,Iz*),(L,Il*) are any of the three ℑ*-structures generated by τx, τz and τl. Let f:(L,Il*)×(W,Iw*)(Z,Iz*) denote the function. For fuzzy point wt(W,Iw*) and lr(L,Il*) the induced map : WZl is defined by (f(wt))(lr)=f(lr,wt) for fuzzy points. For the function : WZl a comparable function f can be found using the same rule.

’s continuity can be described in terms of f’s continuity, and vice versa. For this purpose, the following outcomes are required.

Theorem 4.4

Consider two fuzzy ℑ*-structures, W and Z, with Z fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. Let O be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in the fuzzy ℑ*-structure product space and wt be any fuzzy point in W. wt × Z is contained in W × Z, Subsequently, there exists a fuzzy ℑ*-structure neighborhood S of wt in W such that {wt} × ZS × ZO.


wt ×Z is clearly a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphic to Z; hence, {wt} × Z is fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact. We cover {wt} × Z with the basis elements U × V (fuzzy ℑ*-structure topology of W × Z) residing in O. As wt × Z is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact, {U × V } has a finite subcover; that is,


Without loss of generality, we will suppose that wtUi for each i = 1, 2, · · ·, n. Suppose S=i=1nUi. Clearly S is fuzzy ℑ*-structure open and wtS. We have to show that


Any fuzzy point in S × Z can be represented as (ws, μz). For some i, (ws, μz) ∈ Ui ×Vi. However, for each j = 1, 2, …, n, wrS. Therefore, (ws, μz) ∈ Ui × Vi as required. However, Ui × ViO for all i = 1, …, n and S×Zi=1n(Ui×Vi) . Therefore, S × ZO.

Theorem 4.5

Let (X,Ix*),(Y,Iy*) be an arbitrary fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space and Z be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure locally compact Hausdorff space. Subsequently, a map α × XY is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous iff g: XYZ is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure, where g is defined by the rule g(λt)(zs) = g(zs, λt).


We assume that g is a fuzzy, ℑ*-structured continuous function. We consider the function


The fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity function on Z is denoted by iZ, the ℑ*-structure switching map is denoted by s, and the ℑ*-structure evaluation map is denoted by f. Because


implies α = fs(iz×g).

By contrast, assume that α is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. Let λk represent any arbitrary fuzzy point in X. Subsequently, we obtain g(λk) ∈ YZ. Consider the following subbasis elements: ML,V = {hYZ: h(L) ⊆ V}, LIZ is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact and VIY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open containing g(λr). To prove that g is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured continuous map, we must discover a fuzzy neighborhood N of λk such that α(N) ⊆ ML,V; this suffices.

We have (g(λk))(zv) = α(zv, λk) for each fuzzy point zv in L; hence, α(L × {λk} ⊆ V ), that is, L × {λv} ⊆ α1(V ). As α1(V ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z × X, it is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. Consequently, α1(V ) is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Z × X that includes L × {λk}. From Theorem 4.2, a fuzzy ℑ*-structured neighborhood N of λk in X exists such that


Consequently, α(L × N) ⊆ V. Currently,


for any λrN, and zvL. Therefore, for all λrN, (g(λr))(L) ⊆ V, that is, g(λr) ∈ ML,V for all λrN. Therefore, g(N) ⊆ ML,V is desirable.

5. Fuzzy ℑ*-Structure Exponential Law

We explored some of the features of the exponential law using induced maps.

Theorem 5.1

Let (X, Ix*) and (Z, Iz*) be the fuzzy ℑ*-structured Hausdorff spaces generated by τx and τy respectively, which are locally fuzzy and compact. The function e: Y Z×X → (Y Z)X defined by e(α) = g, that is, e(α) = α̂(e(α)(λt)(zu) = α(zu, λt) = (α̂(λt))(zu) for all α: Z × XY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure homeomorphism for every fuzzy ℑ*-structure topological space Y.


e is clearly fuzzy ℑ*-structure surjective. Let e(α) = e(β) for e to be a fuzzy ℑ*-structured injective. Consequently, α̂ = β̂, where α̂ and β̂ are the induced maps of α and β, respectively. any fuzzy point zu in Z, and any fuzzy point λt in X. We have


thus α = β.

Consider any fuzzy ℑ*-structure subbasis neighborhood P of α in (Y Z)X, that is, P is of the form MKW, whereK is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subset of X and W is fuzzy ℑ*-structure open in YZ, to prove e is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuity. We assume W = MLV. Without loss of generality, where L is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure compact subset of Z and VIY is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open. Subsequently, α̂(K) ⊆ MLV = W, therefore, we obtain (α̂(K))(L) ⊆ V for any fuzzy point λt in K and all fuzzy points zu in L, that is, (α̂(λt)(zu)) ∈ V and then α(Zu, λt) ∈ V*-structure compact in Z × X. We conclude that αML×K,VY Z×X because V is a fuzzy ℑ*-structure open set in Y.

We assert that e(ML×K) ⊆ MK,W, Let γ ∈ (ML×K) be an arbitrary. Thus, γ(L×K) ⊆ V, that is,γ(zu, λt) = (γ̂(λt))(zu) for all fuzzy points zuLZ, and γ(zu, λt) = (γ̂(λt))(zu) for all fuzzy points λtKX. Therefore, (γ̂(λt)(L)) ⊆ V for all fuzzy points λtKX, that is, (γ̂ (λt) ∈ ML,V = W for all fuzzy points λtKX, that is, γ̂ (λt) ∈ ML,V = W for all fuzzy points λtKX. Therefore, we have γ̂ (K) ⊆ W; that is, γ̂ = e(γ) ∈ MKW for any γML×K, V. Therefore, e(ML×K) ⊆ MK,W. This indicates that e is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.

The following ℑ*-structure evaluation maps are used to show the fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuity of e1: e′: (YZ)X × XYZ is defined by e′ (α̂, λt) = α̂(λt), where α̂ ∈ (YZ)X and λt are any fuzzy points in X and e″: (YZ) × ZY is defined by e″(β̂, zu) = β̂(zu), where βYZ and zuZ. Let φ denote the composition of the following ℑ*-structured continuous function:


The fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity maps on (YZ)X and Z are denoted by i and iz, respectively, whereas the ℑ*-structure switching maps are denoted by F and . Therefore, φ: (Z × X) × (YZ)XY,; that is, φY(Z×X)×(YZ)X. We investigate the ℑ*-structure map : Y(Z×X)×(YZ)XY(Z×X)(YZ)X,, that is, (φ) ∈ Y(Z×X)(YZ)X. We obtain a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous map (φ): (YZ)XYZ×X.

Now, checking that ((φ) ∘e)(α)(zu, λt) = α(zu, λt), therefore, (φ) ∘ e = ℑ*-structure identity. It is routine to verify that (e(φ))(β̂)(λt)(zu) = β̂(λt)(zu); therefore, e(φ) = ℑ*-structure identity for any β̂ ∈ (YZ)X and fuzzy points zuZ, λtX. The demonstration that e is a fuzzy ℑ*-structured homeomorphism is thus complete.

Definition 5.2

The fuzzy ℑ*-structure map e in Theorem 5.1 is known as the fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law.

Corollary 5.3

Let X, Y, Z be the locally fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact Hausdorff spaces. Subsequently, the map u: YX × ZYZX defined by u(f, g) = gf is fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous.


Consider the following composition.


where T, t denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure switching maps, ix and i denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure identity functions on X and ZY, respectively, and e1, e2 denote the fuzzy ℑ*-structure evaluation maps. Let ϕ = e2 ∘ (i × e1) ∘ (t × iX) ∘ T. By Theorem 5.1, we have a fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential map e: ZX × YX × ZY → (ZX)YX×ZY.

Let ϕZX×YX×ZY, e(ϕ) ∈ (ZX)YX×ZY. Again we consider let u = e(ϕ) be a fuzzy ℑ*-structure continuous. For fYX, gZY and any fuzzy ℑ*structure point xt in X, it is easy to observe that u(fg)(xt) = g(f(xt)).

6. Conclusion and Future Work

In this study, the concepts of fuzzy ℑ*-structure compactopen topology and fuzzy ℑ*-structure exponential law were introduced, along with some basic theories. This work is foundational for further research on fuzzy ℑ*-structured compact-open topologies. We aim to build the concept of fuzzy higher homotopy groups and a fuzzy universal covering space using this concept. Furthermore, this topic can be expanded to fuzzy category theory in the future.


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