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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(2): 162-172

Published online June 25, 2023

© The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems

On Fuzzy Point Applications of Fuzzy Topological Spaces

Radwan Abu-Gdairi1, Arafa A. Nasef2, Mostafa A. El-Gayar3, and Mostafa K. El-Bably4

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
2Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt
4Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Correspondence to :
Mostafa K. El-Bably (

Received: January 31, 2023; Revised: March 21, 2023; Accepted: April 7, 2023

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In this study, different kinds of fuzzy point applications in fuzzy topological spaces were examined. In addition, the characteristics of fuzzy β-closed sets via the contribution of fuzzy points, as well as new separation axioms, were investigated. Besides, some properties related to the β-closure of such points using the notions of weak and strong fuzzy points were examined with illustrated examples. New ideas regarding fuzzy β-upper limit, fuzzy β-lower limit, and fuzzy β-limit using the idea of fuzzy points were also discussed. Lastly, the fuzzy -continuous convergence on the set of fuzzy β-continuous functions was characterized with the help of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

Keywords: Fuzzy topological space, Fuzzy point, Fuzzy convergence, Fuzzy separation axioms, Fuzzy β-open sets

Recently, topological structures have been used in many approaches and applications, such as rough sets and their extensions [16], decision-making problems [79], medical applications [1014], topological reduction of attributes for predicting lung cancer and heart failure [15,16], biochemistry [1720], fuzzy sets applications [21, 22], and bipolar hypersoft classes [2326]. Thus, the main goal of this study is to discuss and study some topological structures in fuzzy topological spaces. First, we summarize some properties of fuzzy β-closed sets via the contribution of fuzzy points, and new separation axioms in fuzzy topological spaces are examined. In addition, based on the ideas of weak and strong fuzzy points, some properties related to the β-closure of such points are presented. Section 3 is describes the investigation of the concepts of fuzzy β-upper limit, fuzzy β-lower limit, and fuzzy β-limit. As a final point, the fuzzy β-continuous convergence on the set of fuzzy β-continuous functions is given. Accordingly, a characterization of the fuzzy β-continuous convergence with the assistance of fuzzy β-upper limit is discussed in Section 4. In this paper, we customize the symbol / to denote the unit interval [0, 1].

The main notion of a fuzzy set, which led to the expansion of fuzzy mathematics, was established in 1965 by Zadeh [27]. Let X be a nonempty set, and then a fuzzy set in X is defined by a function with domain X and values in I, i.e., an element of IX.

Then, for any members M,N of IX, we say that M is contained in N if M(s)N(s) for every sX, denoted by MN.

Definition 1.1 ([27])

For each M,NIX, we define the next fuzzy sets in IX as follows:

(i) (MN)(s)=min{M(s),N(s)}, for each sX.

(ii) (MN)(s)=max{M(s),N(s)}, for each sX.

(iii) Mc(s)=1-M(s), for each sX.

(iv) Letting f:XY,MIX and NIY, then f(M) is a fuzzy set in Y, such that f(M)(t)=sup{M(s):sf-1(t)}, if f-1(t)Φ. Moreover, f(M)(t)=0 if f-1(t)=Φ. Also, f-1(N) is a fuzzy set in X, given by f-1(N)(s)=N(f(s)),sX.

Definition 1.2 ([27])

A fuzzy topology T on a set X is defined by a family of fuzzy sets (TIX) such that T satisfies the following three conditions:

(i) If 0̄ and 1̄ are the characteristic functions of χΦ and χX, respectively, then 0̄, 1¯T.

(ii) MNT, for each M,NT.

(iii) If {Mj:jJ}T, then {Mj:jJ}T.

Therefore, the pair (X, T) is called a fuzzy topological space (and in briefly, we call X a fuzzy space).

Wong [28] used the concept of fuzzy set to present and examine the ideas of fuzzy points. In the current article, we assumed the definition of a fuzzy point in the sense of Pu and Liu [29,30] as follows:

Considering a set X, the point sX is called a fuzzy point if it takes the value 0 for all tX except one 1. Moreover, if its value at s is λ such that 0 < λ ≤ 1, then the fuzzy point is denoted by psλ, and the point s is called its support, denoted by supp(psλ), that is supp(psλ)=s. We symbolize the class of all fuzzy points in X by ℵ.

Definition 1.3 ([29, 30])

Suppose that psλ is a fuzzy point and M is a fuzzy set. We say that psλ is contained in M or belongs to M, indicated by psλM, if λM(s). Obviously, each fuzzy set M can be represented as a union of all fuzzy points that belong to M.

Definition 1.4 ([29, 30])

A fuzzy point psλ is called quasi-coincident with a fuzzy set M if and only if λ>Mc(s) or λ+M(s)>1 and denoted by psλqM. Furthermore, the fuzzy set M is said to be quasi-coincident with N, denoted by MqN, if and only if there exists sX such that M(s)>Nc(s) or M(s)+N(s)>1. On the contrary, we write MN if M is not quasi-coincident with N.

The following results were proved in [2938].

For any function f from X to Y, the following properties are true:

  • i. f-1(Nc)=(f-1(N))c, for any fuzzy set NY.

  • ii. f(f-1(N))N, for any fuzzy set NY.

  • iii. Mf-1(f(M)), for any fuzzy set MX.

  • iv. Let p be a fuzzy point of X and M,N be fuzzy sets in X. Then, we get

    • (1) if f(p)qN, then pqf-1(N), and

    • (2) if pqM, then f(p)qf(m).

  • v. Let M (resp. N) be a fuzzy set in X (resp. Y) and p be a fuzzy point in X. Then,

    • (1) pf-1(N) if f(p)N, and

    • (2) f(p)f(M) if pM.

Definition 1.5 ([28])

For a directed set Λ and ordinary set X, a function S:Λχ is called a fuzzy net in X and we denote S(λ), ∀λ ∈ Λ by Sλ. Accordingly, the net S is symbolized as {Sλ, λ ∈ Λ}.

Definition 1.6 ([29])

Consider the fuzzy space X and let {An, nN} represent a net of fuzzy sets in X. Thus, we denote the fuzzy upper limit of the net {An, nN} in IX by F-limN¯(An). Thus, the fuzzy set that is a union of all fuzzy points pxλ in X such that for all n0N and each fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of pxλ in X, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. Otherwise, we write F-limN¯(An)=0¯.

Definition 1.7 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space. Then, a fuzzy subset A of X is said to be

(i) fuzzy β-open (or fuzzy semi-preopen) if ACl(Int(Cl(A))) and

(ii) fuzzy β-closed if Int(Cl(Int(A))) ≤ A.

The family of all fuzzy β-open (resp. fuzzy β-closed) sets of X is denoted by FβO(X) (resp. FβC(X)).

Definition 1.8 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space and A be a fuzzy subset of X. Then,

(i) the fuzzy β-closure of A is defined by the intersection of all fuzzy β-closed sets containing A and is symbolized by βCl(A), that is, βCl(A) = inf{K : AK, KFβC(X)}, and

(ii) the fuzzy β-interior of A, denoted by βInt(A), is defined as follows:


Definition 1.9 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. If A is fuzzy β-open (resp. β-closed), then βInt(A) = A (resp. βCl(A) = A), and we get βCl(Ac) = 1̄ − βInt(A) = 1̄ − A = Ac (resp. βInt(Ac) = 1̄ − βCl(A) = 1̄ − A = Ac). Hence, the fuzzy set Ac is fuzzy β-closed (resp. β-open).

In this section, we introduce and study the concept of fuzzy points and β-closed sets. Moreover, we give and discuss separation axioms in fuzzy topological space.

Definition 2.1

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, A is said to be a fuzzy β-neighborhood of a fuzzy point pxλ there exists a υFβO(X) such that pxλvA. Therefore, a fuzzy β-neighborhood is fuzzy β-open if AFβO(X).

Definition 2.2

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, A is said to be a fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood of pxλ if there exists BFβO(X) such that pxλqB and BA.

Remark 2.3

In general, we note that any point does not belong to its fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood.

In the following, we denote a family of all fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhoods of the fuzzy point pxλ in X by NQ-p-n(pxλ). The set NQ-p-n(pxλ) with relation ≤* (that is, U1*U2 if and only if U2U1) forms a directed set.

Proposition 2.4

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space and AX. Then, a fuzzy point pxλβCl(A) if and only if for all UFβO(X) for which pxλqU, we get UqA.


First, a fuzzy point pxλβCl(A) if and only if pxλF, for each fuzzy β-closed set F of X for which AF. Thus, this is equivalent to pxλβCl(A) if and only if λ1-U(s), for all fuzzy β-open sets U for which A1¯-U. Consequently, pxλβCl(A) if and only if U(s)1-λ, for each fuzzy β-open set U for which U1¯-A. Therefore, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X such that U(s)>1-λ,U1¯-A. Consequently, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X, U(s)+λ>1 and UqA. Thus, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X, pxλqU and UqA.

Definition 2.5

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, the fuzzy point pxλ is called a β-boundary point of a fuzzy set A if and only if pxλβCl(A)(1¯-βCl(A)). Moreover, the fuzzy set βCl(A) ∧ (1̄ − βCl(A)) is denoted by βBd(A).

Proposition 2.6

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space and AX. Then, AβBd(A) ≤ βCl(A).


First, if pxλAβBd(A), then pxλA or pxλβBd(A). Obviously, if pxλβBd(A), then pxλβCl(A). Now, let us suppose that pxλA. Then, we get βCl(A) = ∧{F : FIX, F is β-closed and AF}. Accordingly, if pxλA, then pxλF, for each fuzzy β-closed set F of X for which AF, and hence, pxλβCl(A).

Example 2.7

Consider a fuzzy topological space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}. Then, the fuzzy sets A of X contained in the family of all fuzzy β-closed sets of X are

  • (i) AIX such that A(s)[0,12) and A(t)[0,1].

    Consequently, Int(Cl(Int(A))) = Int(Cl(0̄)) = Cl(0̄) = 0̄ ≤ A.

  • (ii) AIX such that A(s)[12,1] and A(t)=1.

    Consequently, Int(Cl(Int(A)))=Cl(ps12)(ps12)cA.

Similarly, the family of all fuzzy β-open sets of X is given by the following fuzzy sets Uof X:

  • (i) UIX such that U(s)[0,12] and U(t)=0.

    Consequently, Cl(Int(Cl(U)))=Int((ps12)c)ps12U.

  • (ii) UIX such that U(s)[12,1) and U(t)[0,1].

    Consequently, Cl(Int(Cl(U)))=Int(1¯)=1¯U.

Now, take a fuzzy set BIX, where B=ps23. Accordingly, we get βCl(B)=(ps13)c such that (ps13)c(z)=23 if z=s, and (ps13)c(z)=1 if z=s.

Also, we get 1¯-βCl(B)=ps13 and βBd(B)=βCl(B)(1¯-βCl(B))=ps13. Thus, BβBd(B) = BβCl(B).

Definition 2.8

If for every two fuzzy points psλ and ptμ such that psλptμ, either psλβCl(ptμ) or ptμβCl(psλ), then a fuzzy space X is said to be β-T0.

Definition 2.9

If every fuzzy point is fuzzy β-closed, then the fuzzy space X is called β-T1.

Remark 2.10

Obviously, every β-T1 fuzzy space is β-T0.

Proposition 2.11

A fuzzy space X is β-T1 if and only if for each sX and each λ ∈ [0, 1], there exists a fuzzy β-open set A such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts.


(Necessity) Suppose that λ = 0. We set A = 1̄. Then, A is a fuzzy β-open set such that A(s)=1-0 and A(t)=1 for all ts. Now, let λ ∈ (0, 1] and sX. We set A=(psλ)c. The set A is fuzzy β-open such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts.

(Sufficiency) Let psλ be an arbitrary fuzzy point of X. We prove that the fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed. By assumption, there exists a fuzzy β-open set A such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts. Evidently, Ac=psλ. Accordingly, the fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed, and therefore, the fuzzy space X is β-T1.

Definition 2.12

A fuzzy space X is called a β-Hausdorff space if for any fuzzy points psλ and ptμ for which supp(psλ)=ssupp(ptμ)=t, there exist two fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhoods U and υ of psλ and ptμ, respectively, such that Uv=0¯.

Example 2.13

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}.

The fuzzy point ps12 is not fuzzy β-closed. Certainly, we get Int(Cl(Int(ps12)))=Cl(ps12)cps12. Hence, the fuzzy space X is not β-T1. Meanwhile, it is clear that X is β-T0.

Example 2.14

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯}. Therefore, every fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed. Certainly, we get Int(Cl(Int(psλ)))=0¯psλ. Consequently, the fuzzy space X is β-T1 and hence is β-T0. Meanwhile, it is clear that X is β-Hausdorff.

Note: According to the definitions of T0,T1, and Hausdorff spaces in [21], it is clear that the fuzzy space X is not T0,T1, and Hausdorff.

Definition 2.15

A fuzzy space X is called a β-regular space if for any fuzzy point pxλ and fuzzy β-closed set F not containing pxλ, there exist U, υFβO(X) such that pxλU, Fυ and Uv=0¯.

Example 2.16

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯}. Thus, X is β-Hausdorff but not β-regular, as illustrated as follows:

Suppose the fuzzy point ps13 and fuzzy set A of X such that A(s)=14 and A(t)=1.

For the fuzzy set A, we obtain Int(Cl(Int(A))) = 0̄ ≤ A. Thus, A is fuzzy β-closed. Also, we get ps13A. Now, let U and υ be two arbitrary fuzzy β-open sets such that ps13U and Aυ. Then, (Uv)(s)14, and hence, Uv0¯. Consequently, X is not β-regular.

Definition 2.17

The fuzzy space X is called quasi β-T1 if for any fuzzy points psλ and pyμ for which supp(psλ)=ssupp(ptμ)=t, there exists a fuzzy β-open set U such that psλU,ptμU and another υ such that pxλv and ptμv.

Example 2.18

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}. Thus, X is quasi β-T1 but not β-T1.

Definition 2.19 ([43])

A fuzzy point psλ is called weak (resp. strong) if λ12 (resp. λ>12).

Definition 2.20

A fuzzy set A of a fuzzy space X is called fuzzy β-generalized closed (or fβg-closed) if βCl(A)U whenever AU and U is a fuzzy β-open set of X.

Proposition 2.21

Let X be a fuzzy space, and let pxλ and ptμ be weak and strong fuzzy points, respectively. If psλ is β-generalized closed, then


Let ptμβCl(psλ) and psλβCl(ptμ). Then, βCl(ptμ)(s)<λ. Also, λ12. Thus, βCl(ptμ)(s)1-λ, and then λ1-βCl(ptμ)(s). Therefore, psλ(βCl(ptμ))c, but psλ is β-generalized closed and (βCl(ptμ))c is fuzzy β-open. Thus, βCl(psλ)(βCl(ptμ))c. By assumption, we get ptμβCl(psλ). Thus, ptμ(βCl(ptμ))c.

Now, we prove that this is a contradiction. Indeed, we have μ1-βCl(ptμ)(t) or βCl(ptμ)(t)1-μ. Also, ptμβCl(ptμ). Thus, μ ≤ 1 − μ.

However, ptμ is a strong fuzzy point, that is, μ>12. Thus, the above relation μ ≤ 1 − μ is a contradiction. Hence, psλβCl(ptμ).

Proposition 2.22

If X is a quasi β-T1 fuzzy space and psλ a weak fuzzy point in X, then (pxλ)c is a fuzzy β-neighborhood of each fuzzy point ptμ with ts.


Let ts and ptμ be a fuzzy point of X. Because X is quasi β-T1, there exists a fuzzy β-open U of X such that ptμU and pxλU. This implies that λ>U(s). Also, λ12. Thus, U(s)1-λ. Hence, U(t)1=(psλ)c(t) for every tX\{s}. Thus, U(psλ)c. Therefore, the fuzzy point psλ is a β-neighborhood of (ptμ)c.

Proposition 2.23

If X is a β-regular fuzzy space, then for any strong fuzzy point psλ and any fuzzy β-open set U containing psλ, there exists a fuzzy β-open set W containing psλ such that βCl(W)U.


Suppose that psλ is any strong fuzzy point contained in UFβO(X). Then, 12<λU(s). Thus, the complement of U, that is, the fuzzy set Uc, is a fuzzy β-closed set that does not contain the fuzzy point psλ. Thus, there exist W, VFβO(X) such that psλW

and Uc<v with Wυ = 0̄. Hence, we have Wυc and βCl(W) ≤ βCl(υc) = υc. Now, Ucv implies vcU. This means that βCl(W)U, which completes the proof.

Proposition 2.24

If X is a fuzzy β-regular space, then the strong fuzzy points in X are fβg-closed.


Let psλ be any strong fuzzy point in X and U be a fuzzy open set such that psλU. By Proposition 2.23, there exists a WFβO(X) such that psλW and βCl(W)U. Now, we have βCl(psλ)βCl(W)U. Thus, the fuzzy point psλ is fβg-closed.

Definition 2.25

A fuzzy space X is called a weakly β-regular space if for any weak fuzzy point psλ and fuzzy β-closed set F not containing psλ, there exist U, υFβO(X) such that psλU, Fυ and Uυ = 0̄. Observe that every β-regular fuzzy space is weakly β-regular.

Definition 2.26

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space. A fuzzy set U in X is said to be fuzzy β-nearly crisp if βCl(U)(βCl(U))c=0¯.

Proposition 2.27

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space. If for any weak fuzzy point psλ and any UFβO(X) containing psλ, there exists a fuzzy β-open and β-nearly crisp fuzzy set W containing psλ such that βCl(W)U, then X is fuzzy weakly β-regular.


Assume that F is a fuzzy β-closed set not containing the weak fuzzy point psλ. Then, Fc is a fuzzy β-open set containing psλ. By hypothesis, there exists a fuzzy β-open and β-nearly crisp fuzzy set W such that psλW and βCl(W) ≤ Fc. We set N = βInt(βCl(W)) and M = 1 − βCl(W). Then, N is fuzzy β-open, psλN, and FM. We are going to prove that MN = 0̄. Now, assume that there exists tX such that (NM)(y) = μ ≠ 0̄. Then, ptμNM. Hence, ptμβCl(W) and ptμ(βCl(W))c. This is a contradiction because W is β-nearly crisp. Thus, the fuzzy space X is weakly β-regular.

Definition 2.28

Let X be a fuzzy space. A fuzzy point psλ in X is said to be well-β-closed if there exists ptμβCl(psλ) such that supppsλsupp(ptμ).

Proposition 2.29

If X is a fuzzy space and psλ is a fβg-closed and well-β-closed fuzzy point, then X is not a quasi β-T1 space.


Let X be a fuzzy quasi β-T1 space. By the fact that psλ is well-β-closed, there exists a fuzzy point ptμ with supppsλsupp(ptμ) such that ptμβCl(psλ). Then, there exists UFβO(X) such that psλU and ptμU. Therefore, βCl(psλ)U and ptμU. However, this is a contradiction, and hence, X cannot be a quasi β-T1 space.

Definition 2.30

Let X be a fuzzy space. A fuzzy point psλ is said to be just-β-closed if the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is again a fuzzy point. Clearly, in a fuzzy β-T1 space every fuzzy point is just-β-closed.

Proposition 2.31

Let X be a fuzzy space. If psλ and ptμ are two fuzzy points such that λ < μ and ptμ is fuzzy β-open, then psλ is just-β-closed if it is fβg-closed.


We prove that the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is again fuzzy point. We have psλpsμ and the fuzzy set psμ is fuzzy β-open. Since psλ is fβg-closed we have βCl(psλ)psμ. Thus βCl(psλ)(s)μ and βCl(psλ)(z)0, for every zX\{s}. So, the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is a fuzzy point.

In this section, we discuss the fuzzy β-convergence and fuzzy points, and some of their properties are investigated.

Definition 3.1

Let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space X. Then, by F-β-limN¯(An), we denote the fuzzy β-upper limit of the net {An, nN} in X, that is, the fuzzy set which is the union of all fuzzy points psλ in X, such that for every n0N and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of pxλ in X, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. In other cases, we set F-β-limN¯(An)=0¯.

Example 3.2

Let (X, T) be a fuzzy space such that X={s,t} and T={0,1¯,ps12}. Also, let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets of X such that An(X) = {0.5} for every nN. The fuzzy point ps12F-β-limN¯(An). Indeed, for every n0N and for the only fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U=1¯ of ps12, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. The fuzzy point ps12F-β-limN¯(An). Indeed, for every n0N and for the fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U=px23 of ps12, there is no element nN such that nn0 and AnqU. However, from the above, we have F-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(An).

Definition 3.3

Let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space X. Then, by F-β-limN(An), we denote the fuzzy β-lower limit of the net {An, nN} in JX, that is, the fuzzy set which is the union of all fuzzy points psλ in X such that for every fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhood U of psλ in X, there exists an element n0N such that AnqU, for every nN and nn0. In other cases, we set F-β-limN(An)=0¯.

Definition 3.4

A net {An, nN} of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy topological space X is said to be fuzzy β-convergent to the fuzzy set A if F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN¯(An)=A. We then write F-β-limN(An)=A.

Proposition 3.5

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in X. Then, the following statements are true:

  • (i) The fuzzy β-upper limit is β-closed.

  • (ii) F-β-limN¯(An)=F-limN¯(βCl(A)).

  • (iii) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN¯(An)=βCl(A).

  • (iv) The fuzzy upper limit is not affected by changing a finite number of An.

  • (v) F-β-limN¯(An)βCl({An:nN}).

  • (vi) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).

  • (vii) F-β-limN¯(AnBn)=F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).

  • (viii) F-β-limN¯(AnBn)F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).


We prove only Statements (i) to (v).

  • (i) It is sufficient to prove that βCl(F-β-limN¯(An))F-β-limN¯(An).

    Let psλβCl(F-β-limN¯(An)), and let U be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of ptr. Then, we have UqF-β-limN¯(An).

    Hence, there exists an element sX such that U(s)+F-β-limN¯(An)(s)>1.

    Let F-β-limN¯(An)(t)=k. Then, for the fuzzy point psk in X, we have pskqU and pskF-β-limN¯(An).

    Thus, for every element n0N, there exists nn0, nN such that AnqU. This means that psrF-β-limN¯(An).

  • (ii) Clearly, it is sufficient to prove that for every fuzzy β-open set U, the condition UqAn is equivalent to UqβCl(An).

    Let UqAn. Then, there exists an element sX such that U(t)+An(s)>1. As we have U(s)+βCl(An)(s)>1, then UqβCl(An). Conversely, let UqβCl(An). Then, AnβCl(An). Then, there exists an element sX such that U(s)+βCl(An)(s)>1. Let βCl(An)(s)=r. Then, psrβCl(An), and the fuzzy β-open set U is a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of psr. Thus, UqAn.

  • (iii) This follows by Proposition 2.4 and the definition of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

  • (iv) This follows by definition of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

  • (v) Let psrF-β-limN¯(An) and U be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of psr in X. Then, for every n0N, there exists nN, nn0 such that AnqU, and therefore, {An,nN}qU. Thus, psrβCl({An,nN}).

Proposition 3.6

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in Y. Then, the following statements are true:

  • (1) The fuzzy β-lower limit is β-closed.

  • (2) F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN(βCl(An).

  • (3) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)=βCl(A).

  • (4) The fuzzy upper limit is not affected by changing a finite number of An.

  • (5) {An:nN}F-β-limN(An).

  • (6) F-β-limN(An)βCl({An:nN}).

  • (7) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (8) F-β-limN(AnBn)F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (9) F-β-limN(AnBn)F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).


The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.5.

Proposition 3.7

For the fuzzy upper and lower limit, we have the relation F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN¯(An).


This is a consequence of the definitions of fuzzy β-upper and fuzzy β-lower limits.

Proposition 3.8

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space Y. Then, the following propositions are true (in the following properties, the nets {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} are supposed to be fuzzy β-convergent):

  • (1) βCl(F-β-limN(An))=F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN(βCl(An)).

  • (2) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)=βCl(A).

  • (3) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (4) F-β-limN(AnBn)=F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).


The proof of this proposition follows by Propositions 3.5 and 3.6.

The main goals of this part is to study and discuss the notions of fuzzy β-continuous functions, fuzzy β-continuous convergence, and fuzzy points.

Definition 4.1

A function f from a fuzzy space Y into a fuzzy space Z is called fuzzy β-continuous if for every fuzzy point psλ in Y and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of f(psλ), there exists a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of psλ such that f(U)v.

Let Y and Z be two fuzzy spaces. Then, by FβC(Y, Z), we denote the set of all fuzzy β-continuous maps of Y into Z.

Example 4.2

Let (Y, T1) and (Y, T2) be two fuzzy spaces such that Y={s,t},T1={0¯,1¯} and T2={0¯,1¯,ps12}.

We consider the map i:(Y,T1)(Y,T2) for which i(z) = z for every zY. We prove that the map i is not fuzzy continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8 but is fuzzy β-continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8. Indeed, for the fuzzy open Q-neighborhood v=ps12 of i(ps0.8)=ps0.8, a fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of ps0.8 such that i(U)v does not exist. The only fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of ps0.8 in (Y, T1) is the fuzzy set 1̄, and i(1̄) ≰ υ.

Now, we prove that the map i is fuzzy β-continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8. Let υ be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of i(ps0.8)=ps0.8.

The family of all fuzzy β-open sets in (Y, T2) is given by the following fuzzy sets υ of Y:

  • (i) υIY such that v(s)[0,12] and v(t)=0 and

  • (ii) υIY such that v(s)(0,12] and v(t)=[0,1].

The above fuzzy sets V (cases (i) and (ii)) are also fuzzy β-open sets of (Y, T1). Thus, for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of i(ps0.8) in (Y, T2), there exists the fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U = V of ps0.8 in (Y, T1) such that i(U) ≤ V.

Definition 4.3

A fuzzy net S = {sλ, λ ∈ Λ} in a fuzzy space (X, T) is said to be β-convergent to a fuzzy point e in X relative to T and write β lim sλ = e if for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of e and for every λ ∈ Λ, there exists m ∈ Λ such that Uqsm and mλ.

Proposition 4.4

Let f : YZ be a fuzzy β-continuous map. Then, p is a fuzzy point in U, and U, υ are fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhoods of p and f(p), respectively, such that f(U)v. Then, there exists a fuzzy point p1 in Y such that p1qU and f(p1)v.


Because f(U)v,Uf-1(v), and hence, sY such that U(s)>f-1(v)(s) or U(s)-f-1(v)(s)>0, and therefore, U(s)+1-f-1(v)(s)>1 or U(s)+(f-1(v))c(s)>1. Let (f-1(v))c(s)=r. Clearly, for the fuzzy point psr, we have psrqU and psr(f-1(v))c. Hence, for the fuzzy point p1psr, then p1qU and f(p1)v.

Definition 4.5

A net {fμ, μM} in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if for every fuzzy net {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} in Y, which β-converges to a fuzzy point p in Y. Thus, we have that the fuzzy net {fμ(pλ), (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M} β-converges to the fuzzy point f(p) in Z.

Proposition 4.6

A net {fμ, μM}in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if and only if for every fuzzy point p in Y and for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of f(p) in Z, there exist an element μ0M and fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y such that fμ(U)v for every μμ0, μM.


Let p be a fuzzy point in Y and υ be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z such that for every μM and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y, there exists μ′ ≥ μ such that fμ(U)v. Then, for every fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhood U of p in Y, we can choose a fuzzy point pU in Y (Proposition 4.5) such that pUqU and fμ(pU)v.

Clearly, the fuzzy net pU,UNQ-p-n(P)}β-converges top, but the fuzzy net {fμ(pU),(U,μ)NQ-p-n(P)×M} does not β-converge to f(p) in Z.

Conversely, let {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a fuzzy net in FβC(Y, Z), which β-converges to the fuzzy point p in Y, and let υ be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. By assumption, there exist a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y and an element μ0M such that fμ(U)v for every μμ0, μM. Because the fuzzy net {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} β-converges to p in Y, there exists λ0 ∈ Λ such that pλqU for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Let (λ0, μ0) ∈ Λ × M. Then, for every (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M, (λ, μ) ≥ (λ0, μ0), we have fμ(pλ)qfμ(U)v, that is, fμ(pλ)qv. Thus, the net {fμ(pλ), (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M} β-converges to f(p), and the net {fμ, μM} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

Proposition 4.7

A net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if and only if


for every fuzzy β-closed subset K of Z.


Let {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a net in FβC(Y, Z), which fuzzy β-continuously converges to f, and let K be an arbitrary fuzzy β-closed subset of Z. Let pF-β-limΛ¯(fλ-1(K))

and W be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. Because the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f, there exist a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of p in Y and an element λ0 ∈ Λ such that fλ(υ) ≤ W for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Meanwhile, there exists an element λλ0 such that vqfλ-1(K). Hence, fλ(υ)qK, and therefore, WqK. This means that f(p)βCl(K)=K. Thus, pf-1(K).

Conversely, let {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a net in FβC(Y, Z) and fFβC(Y, Z) such that the relation (1) holds for every fuzzy β-closed subset K of Z. We prove that the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy continuously converges to f. Let p be a fuzzy point of Y and W be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. Because pf-1(K), where K = Wc, we have pF-β-limΛ¯(fλ-1(K)). This means that there exist an element λ0 ∈ Λ and fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of p in Y such that fλ-1(K)v for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Then, we have v(fλ-1(K))c=fλ-1(Kc)=fλ-1(W). Therefore, fλ(υ) ≤ W for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0, that is, the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

Proposition 4.8

The following statements are true:

  • (1) If {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} is a net in FβC(Y, Z) such that fλ = f, for every λ ∈ Λ, then {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z).

  • (2) If {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} is a net in FβC(Y, Z), which fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) and {gμ, μM} is a subnet of {fλ, λ ∈ Λ}, then the net {gμ, μM} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

The notions of the sets, separation axioms, and functions in fuzzy topological spaces are highly developed and are used extensively in many practical and engineering problems, computational topology for geometric design, computer-aided geometric design, engineering design research, and mathematical science. In this paper, we discussed and studied some topological structures of fuzzy point applications in fuzzy topological spaces. Namely, we defined the fuzzy β-neighborhood, fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood, β-boundary point, fuzzy β-generalized closed, β-T0, β-T1, β-Hausdorff, β-regular-quasi β-T1, and other related topics. Moreover, many results and examples were investigated to illustrate the importance of our methods. In future works, we will study and apply these concepts in many fields, including bipolar hypersoft topological spaces [24], topological soft rough sets [44], covering rough sets [45], and neighborhood systems of rough sets [45].

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Radwan Abu-Gdairi is assistant professor of Mathematics Faculty of Science, Zarqa University, Jordan. He received Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Tanta University, in 2011, Egypt. His research interests are in the areas of pure and applied mathematics including topology, fuzzy topology, rough sets. E-mail:

Arafa A. Nasef is professor of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Kafer Elsheikh, Egypt. He received the B.Sc., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Pure Mathematics from Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. He published more than 300 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. His research interests are topology and its applications, rough sets, fuzzy sets, soft sets, graph theory and granular computing. His h-index is 17 in Google Scholar. E-mail:

Mostafa A. El-Gayar received Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Tanta University, in 2009, Egypt. His research interests are topology, rough set, data mining, fuzzy sets and information systems. His h-index is 7 in Google Scholar. E-mail:

Mostafa K. El-Bably received the B.Sc., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Pure Mathematics from Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. He has authored/co-authored over 30 papers in top-ranked international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests are topology, rough sets, fuzzy sets, and soft sets. His h-index is 11 in Google Scholar. E-mail: mkamel


Original Article

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(2): 162-172

Published online June 25, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems.

On Fuzzy Point Applications of Fuzzy Topological Spaces

Radwan Abu-Gdairi1, Arafa A. Nasef2, Mostafa A. El-Gayar3, and Mostafa K. El-Bably4

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
2Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt
4Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Correspondence to:Mostafa K. El-Bably (

Received: January 31, 2023; Revised: March 21, 2023; Accepted: April 7, 2023

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In this study, different kinds of fuzzy point applications in fuzzy topological spaces were examined. In addition, the characteristics of fuzzy β-closed sets via the contribution of fuzzy points, as well as new separation axioms, were investigated. Besides, some properties related to the β-closure of such points using the notions of weak and strong fuzzy points were examined with illustrated examples. New ideas regarding fuzzy β-upper limit, fuzzy β-lower limit, and fuzzy β-limit using the idea of fuzzy points were also discussed. Lastly, the fuzzy -continuous convergence on the set of fuzzy β-continuous functions was characterized with the help of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

Keywords: Fuzzy topological space, Fuzzy point, Fuzzy convergence, Fuzzy separation axioms, Fuzzy &beta,-open sets

1. Introduction

Recently, topological structures have been used in many approaches and applications, such as rough sets and their extensions [16], decision-making problems [79], medical applications [1014], topological reduction of attributes for predicting lung cancer and heart failure [15,16], biochemistry [1720], fuzzy sets applications [21, 22], and bipolar hypersoft classes [2326]. Thus, the main goal of this study is to discuss and study some topological structures in fuzzy topological spaces. First, we summarize some properties of fuzzy β-closed sets via the contribution of fuzzy points, and new separation axioms in fuzzy topological spaces are examined. In addition, based on the ideas of weak and strong fuzzy points, some properties related to the β-closure of such points are presented. Section 3 is describes the investigation of the concepts of fuzzy β-upper limit, fuzzy β-lower limit, and fuzzy β-limit. As a final point, the fuzzy β-continuous convergence on the set of fuzzy β-continuous functions is given. Accordingly, a characterization of the fuzzy β-continuous convergence with the assistance of fuzzy β-upper limit is discussed in Section 4. In this paper, we customize the symbol / to denote the unit interval [0, 1].

The main notion of a fuzzy set, which led to the expansion of fuzzy mathematics, was established in 1965 by Zadeh [27]. Let X be a nonempty set, and then a fuzzy set in X is defined by a function with domain X and values in I, i.e., an element of IX.

Then, for any members M,N of IX, we say that M is contained in N if M(s)N(s) for every sX, denoted by MN.

Definition 1.1 ([27])

For each M,NIX, we define the next fuzzy sets in IX as follows:

(i) (MN)(s)=min{M(s),N(s)}, for each sX.

(ii) (MN)(s)=max{M(s),N(s)}, for each sX.

(iii) Mc(s)=1-M(s), for each sX.

(iv) Letting f:XY,MIX and NIY, then f(M) is a fuzzy set in Y, such that f(M)(t)=sup{M(s):sf-1(t)}, if f-1(t)Φ. Moreover, f(M)(t)=0 if f-1(t)=Φ. Also, f-1(N) is a fuzzy set in X, given by f-1(N)(s)=N(f(s)),sX.

Definition 1.2 ([27])

A fuzzy topology T on a set X is defined by a family of fuzzy sets (TIX) such that T satisfies the following three conditions:

(i) If 0̄ and 1̄ are the characteristic functions of χΦ and χX, respectively, then 0̄, 1¯T.

(ii) MNT, for each M,NT.

(iii) If {Mj:jJ}T, then {Mj:jJ}T.

Therefore, the pair (X, T) is called a fuzzy topological space (and in briefly, we call X a fuzzy space).

Wong [28] used the concept of fuzzy set to present and examine the ideas of fuzzy points. In the current article, we assumed the definition of a fuzzy point in the sense of Pu and Liu [29,30] as follows:

Considering a set X, the point sX is called a fuzzy point if it takes the value 0 for all tX except one 1. Moreover, if its value at s is λ such that 0 < λ ≤ 1, then the fuzzy point is denoted by psλ, and the point s is called its support, denoted by supp(psλ), that is supp(psλ)=s. We symbolize the class of all fuzzy points in X by ℵ.

Definition 1.3 ([29, 30])

Suppose that psλ is a fuzzy point and M is a fuzzy set. We say that psλ is contained in M or belongs to M, indicated by psλM, if λM(s). Obviously, each fuzzy set M can be represented as a union of all fuzzy points that belong to M.

Definition 1.4 ([29, 30])

A fuzzy point psλ is called quasi-coincident with a fuzzy set M if and only if λ>Mc(s) or λ+M(s)>1 and denoted by psλqM. Furthermore, the fuzzy set M is said to be quasi-coincident with N, denoted by MqN, if and only if there exists sX such that M(s)>Nc(s) or M(s)+N(s)>1. On the contrary, we write MN if M is not quasi-coincident with N.

The following results were proved in [2938].

For any function f from X to Y, the following properties are true:

  • i. f-1(Nc)=(f-1(N))c, for any fuzzy set NY.

  • ii. f(f-1(N))N, for any fuzzy set NY.

  • iii. Mf-1(f(M)), for any fuzzy set MX.

  • iv. Let p be a fuzzy point of X and M,N be fuzzy sets in X. Then, we get

    • (1) if f(p)qN, then pqf-1(N), and

    • (2) if pqM, then f(p)qf(m).

  • v. Let M (resp. N) be a fuzzy set in X (resp. Y) and p be a fuzzy point in X. Then,

    • (1) pf-1(N) if f(p)N, and

    • (2) f(p)f(M) if pM.

Definition 1.5 ([28])

For a directed set Λ and ordinary set X, a function S:Λχ is called a fuzzy net in X and we denote S(λ), ∀λ ∈ Λ by Sλ. Accordingly, the net S is symbolized as {Sλ, λ ∈ Λ}.

Definition 1.6 ([29])

Consider the fuzzy space X and let {An, nN} represent a net of fuzzy sets in X. Thus, we denote the fuzzy upper limit of the net {An, nN} in IX by F-limN¯(An). Thus, the fuzzy set that is a union of all fuzzy points pxλ in X such that for all n0N and each fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of pxλ in X, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. Otherwise, we write F-limN¯(An)=0¯.

Definition 1.7 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space. Then, a fuzzy subset A of X is said to be

(i) fuzzy β-open (or fuzzy semi-preopen) if ACl(Int(Cl(A))) and

(ii) fuzzy β-closed if Int(Cl(Int(A))) ≤ A.

The family of all fuzzy β-open (resp. fuzzy β-closed) sets of X is denoted by FβO(X) (resp. FβC(X)).

Definition 1.8 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space and A be a fuzzy subset of X. Then,

(i) the fuzzy β-closure of A is defined by the intersection of all fuzzy β-closed sets containing A and is symbolized by βCl(A), that is, βCl(A) = inf{K : AK, KFβC(X)}, and

(ii) the fuzzy β-interior of A, denoted by βInt(A), is defined as follows:


Definition 1.9 ([3942])

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. If A is fuzzy β-open (resp. β-closed), then βInt(A) = A (resp. βCl(A) = A), and we get βCl(Ac) = 1̄ − βInt(A) = 1̄ − A = Ac (resp. βInt(Ac) = 1̄ − βCl(A) = 1̄ − A = Ac). Hence, the fuzzy set Ac is fuzzy β-closed (resp. β-open).

2. Study of Fuzzy Points, β-Closed Sets, and Separation Axioms in Fuzzy Topological Space

In this section, we introduce and study the concept of fuzzy points and β-closed sets. Moreover, we give and discuss separation axioms in fuzzy topological space.

Definition 2.1

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, A is said to be a fuzzy β-neighborhood of a fuzzy point pxλ there exists a υFβO(X) such that pxλvA. Therefore, a fuzzy β-neighborhood is fuzzy β-open if AFβO(X).

Definition 2.2

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, A is said to be a fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood of pxλ if there exists BFβO(X) such that pxλqB and BA.

Remark 2.3

In general, we note that any point does not belong to its fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood.

In the following, we denote a family of all fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhoods of the fuzzy point pxλ in X by NQ-p-n(pxλ). The set NQ-p-n(pxλ) with relation ≤* (that is, U1*U2 if and only if U2U1) forms a directed set.

Proposition 2.4

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space and AX. Then, a fuzzy point pxλβCl(A) if and only if for all UFβO(X) for which pxλqU, we get UqA.


First, a fuzzy point pxλβCl(A) if and only if pxλF, for each fuzzy β-closed set F of X for which AF. Thus, this is equivalent to pxλβCl(A) if and only if λ1-U(s), for all fuzzy β-open sets U for which A1¯-U. Consequently, pxλβCl(A) if and only if U(s)1-λ, for each fuzzy β-open set U for which U1¯-A. Therefore, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X such that U(s)>1-λ,U1¯-A. Consequently, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X, U(s)+λ>1 and UqA. Thus, pxλβCl(A) if and only if for each fuzzy β-open set U of X, pxλqU and UqA.

Definition 2.5

Let X be a fuzzy space and AX. Then, the fuzzy point pxλ is called a β-boundary point of a fuzzy set A if and only if pxλβCl(A)(1¯-βCl(A)). Moreover, the fuzzy set βCl(A) ∧ (1̄ − βCl(A)) is denoted by βBd(A).

Proposition 2.6

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space and AX. Then, AβBd(A) ≤ βCl(A).


First, if pxλAβBd(A), then pxλA or pxλβBd(A). Obviously, if pxλβBd(A), then pxλβCl(A). Now, let us suppose that pxλA. Then, we get βCl(A) = ∧{F : FIX, F is β-closed and AF}. Accordingly, if pxλA, then pxλF, for each fuzzy β-closed set F of X for which AF, and hence, pxλβCl(A).

Example 2.7

Consider a fuzzy topological space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}. Then, the fuzzy sets A of X contained in the family of all fuzzy β-closed sets of X are

  • (i) AIX such that A(s)[0,12) and A(t)[0,1].

    Consequently, Int(Cl(Int(A))) = Int(Cl(0̄)) = Cl(0̄) = 0̄ ≤ A.

  • (ii) AIX such that A(s)[12,1] and A(t)=1.

    Consequently, Int(Cl(Int(A)))=Cl(ps12)(ps12)cA.

Similarly, the family of all fuzzy β-open sets of X is given by the following fuzzy sets Uof X:

  • (i) UIX such that U(s)[0,12] and U(t)=0.

    Consequently, Cl(Int(Cl(U)))=Int((ps12)c)ps12U.

  • (ii) UIX such that U(s)[12,1) and U(t)[0,1].

    Consequently, Cl(Int(Cl(U)))=Int(1¯)=1¯U.

Now, take a fuzzy set BIX, where B=ps23. Accordingly, we get βCl(B)=(ps13)c such that (ps13)c(z)=23 if z=s, and (ps13)c(z)=1 if z=s.

Also, we get 1¯-βCl(B)=ps13 and βBd(B)=βCl(B)(1¯-βCl(B))=ps13. Thus, BβBd(B) = BβCl(B).

Definition 2.8

If for every two fuzzy points psλ and ptμ such that psλptμ, either psλβCl(ptμ) or ptμβCl(psλ), then a fuzzy space X is said to be β-T0.

Definition 2.9

If every fuzzy point is fuzzy β-closed, then the fuzzy space X is called β-T1.

Remark 2.10

Obviously, every β-T1 fuzzy space is β-T0.

Proposition 2.11

A fuzzy space X is β-T1 if and only if for each sX and each λ ∈ [0, 1], there exists a fuzzy β-open set A such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts.


(Necessity) Suppose that λ = 0. We set A = 1̄. Then, A is a fuzzy β-open set such that A(s)=1-0 and A(t)=1 for all ts. Now, let λ ∈ (0, 1] and sX. We set A=(psλ)c. The set A is fuzzy β-open such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts.

(Sufficiency) Let psλ be an arbitrary fuzzy point of X. We prove that the fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed. By assumption, there exists a fuzzy β-open set A such that A(s)=1-λ and A(t)=1 for all ts. Evidently, Ac=psλ. Accordingly, the fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed, and therefore, the fuzzy space X is β-T1.

Definition 2.12

A fuzzy space X is called a β-Hausdorff space if for any fuzzy points psλ and ptμ for which supp(psλ)=ssupp(ptμ)=t, there exist two fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhoods U and υ of psλ and ptμ, respectively, such that Uv=0¯.

Example 2.13

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}.

The fuzzy point ps12 is not fuzzy β-closed. Certainly, we get Int(Cl(Int(ps12)))=Cl(ps12)cps12. Hence, the fuzzy space X is not β-T1. Meanwhile, it is clear that X is β-T0.

Example 2.14

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯}. Therefore, every fuzzy point psλ is fuzzy β-closed. Certainly, we get Int(Cl(Int(psλ)))=0¯psλ. Consequently, the fuzzy space X is β-T1 and hence is β-T0. Meanwhile, it is clear that X is β-Hausdorff.

Note: According to the definitions of T0,T1, and Hausdorff spaces in [21], it is clear that the fuzzy space X is not T0,T1, and Hausdorff.

Definition 2.15

A fuzzy space X is called a β-regular space if for any fuzzy point pxλ and fuzzy β-closed set F not containing pxλ, there exist U, υFβO(X) such that pxλU, Fυ and Uv=0¯.

Example 2.16

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯}. Thus, X is β-Hausdorff but not β-regular, as illustrated as follows:

Suppose the fuzzy point ps13 and fuzzy set A of X such that A(s)=14 and A(t)=1.

For the fuzzy set A, we obtain Int(Cl(Int(A))) = 0̄ ≤ A. Thus, A is fuzzy β-closed. Also, we get ps13A. Now, let U and υ be two arbitrary fuzzy β-open sets such that ps13U and Aυ. Then, (Uv)(s)14, and hence, Uv0¯. Consequently, X is not β-regular.

Definition 2.17

The fuzzy space X is called quasi β-T1 if for any fuzzy points psλ and pyμ for which supp(psλ)=ssupp(ptμ)=t, there exists a fuzzy β-open set U such that psλU,ptμU and another υ such that pxλv and ptμv.

Example 2.18

Consider the fuzzy space (X, T), where X={s,t} and T={0¯,1¯,ps12}. Thus, X is quasi β-T1 but not β-T1.

Definition 2.19 ([43])

A fuzzy point psλ is called weak (resp. strong) if λ12 (resp. λ>12).

Definition 2.20

A fuzzy set A of a fuzzy space X is called fuzzy β-generalized closed (or fβg-closed) if βCl(A)U whenever AU and U is a fuzzy β-open set of X.

Proposition 2.21

Let X be a fuzzy space, and let pxλ and ptμ be weak and strong fuzzy points, respectively. If psλ is β-generalized closed, then


Let ptμβCl(psλ) and psλβCl(ptμ). Then, βCl(ptμ)(s)<λ. Also, λ12. Thus, βCl(ptμ)(s)1-λ, and then λ1-βCl(ptμ)(s). Therefore, psλ(βCl(ptμ))c, but psλ is β-generalized closed and (βCl(ptμ))c is fuzzy β-open. Thus, βCl(psλ)(βCl(ptμ))c. By assumption, we get ptμβCl(psλ). Thus, ptμ(βCl(ptμ))c.

Now, we prove that this is a contradiction. Indeed, we have μ1-βCl(ptμ)(t) or βCl(ptμ)(t)1-μ. Also, ptμβCl(ptμ). Thus, μ ≤ 1 − μ.

However, ptμ is a strong fuzzy point, that is, μ>12. Thus, the above relation μ ≤ 1 − μ is a contradiction. Hence, psλβCl(ptμ).

Proposition 2.22

If X is a quasi β-T1 fuzzy space and psλ a weak fuzzy point in X, then (pxλ)c is a fuzzy β-neighborhood of each fuzzy point ptμ with ts.


Let ts and ptμ be a fuzzy point of X. Because X is quasi β-T1, there exists a fuzzy β-open U of X such that ptμU and pxλU. This implies that λ>U(s). Also, λ12. Thus, U(s)1-λ. Hence, U(t)1=(psλ)c(t) for every tX\{s}. Thus, U(psλ)c. Therefore, the fuzzy point psλ is a β-neighborhood of (ptμ)c.

Proposition 2.23

If X is a β-regular fuzzy space, then for any strong fuzzy point psλ and any fuzzy β-open set U containing psλ, there exists a fuzzy β-open set W containing psλ such that βCl(W)U.


Suppose that psλ is any strong fuzzy point contained in UFβO(X). Then, 12<λU(s). Thus, the complement of U, that is, the fuzzy set Uc, is a fuzzy β-closed set that does not contain the fuzzy point psλ. Thus, there exist W, VFβO(X) such that psλW

and Uc<v with Wυ = 0̄. Hence, we have Wυc and βCl(W) ≤ βCl(υc) = υc. Now, Ucv implies vcU. This means that βCl(W)U, which completes the proof.

Proposition 2.24

If X is a fuzzy β-regular space, then the strong fuzzy points in X are fβg-closed.


Let psλ be any strong fuzzy point in X and U be a fuzzy open set such that psλU. By Proposition 2.23, there exists a WFβO(X) such that psλW and βCl(W)U. Now, we have βCl(psλ)βCl(W)U. Thus, the fuzzy point psλ is fβg-closed.

Definition 2.25

A fuzzy space X is called a weakly β-regular space if for any weak fuzzy point psλ and fuzzy β-closed set F not containing psλ, there exist U, υFβO(X) such that psλU, Fυ and Uυ = 0̄. Observe that every β-regular fuzzy space is weakly β-regular.

Definition 2.26

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space. A fuzzy set U in X is said to be fuzzy β-nearly crisp if βCl(U)(βCl(U))c=0¯.

Proposition 2.27

Suppose that X is a fuzzy space. If for any weak fuzzy point psλ and any UFβO(X) containing psλ, there exists a fuzzy β-open and β-nearly crisp fuzzy set W containing psλ such that βCl(W)U, then X is fuzzy weakly β-regular.


Assume that F is a fuzzy β-closed set not containing the weak fuzzy point psλ. Then, Fc is a fuzzy β-open set containing psλ. By hypothesis, there exists a fuzzy β-open and β-nearly crisp fuzzy set W such that psλW and βCl(W) ≤ Fc. We set N = βInt(βCl(W)) and M = 1 − βCl(W). Then, N is fuzzy β-open, psλN, and FM. We are going to prove that MN = 0̄. Now, assume that there exists tX such that (NM)(y) = μ ≠ 0̄. Then, ptμNM. Hence, ptμβCl(W) and ptμ(βCl(W))c. This is a contradiction because W is β-nearly crisp. Thus, the fuzzy space X is weakly β-regular.

Definition 2.28

Let X be a fuzzy space. A fuzzy point psλ in X is said to be well-β-closed if there exists ptμβCl(psλ) such that supppsλsupp(ptμ).

Proposition 2.29

If X is a fuzzy space and psλ is a fβg-closed and well-β-closed fuzzy point, then X is not a quasi β-T1 space.


Let X be a fuzzy quasi β-T1 space. By the fact that psλ is well-β-closed, there exists a fuzzy point ptμ with supppsλsupp(ptμ) such that ptμβCl(psλ). Then, there exists UFβO(X) such that psλU and ptμU. Therefore, βCl(psλ)U and ptμU. However, this is a contradiction, and hence, X cannot be a quasi β-T1 space.

Definition 2.30

Let X be a fuzzy space. A fuzzy point psλ is said to be just-β-closed if the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is again a fuzzy point. Clearly, in a fuzzy β-T1 space every fuzzy point is just-β-closed.

Proposition 2.31

Let X be a fuzzy space. If psλ and ptμ are two fuzzy points such that λ < μ and ptμ is fuzzy β-open, then psλ is just-β-closed if it is fβg-closed.


We prove that the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is again fuzzy point. We have psλpsμ and the fuzzy set psμ is fuzzy β-open. Since psλ is fβg-closed we have βCl(psλ)psμ. Thus βCl(psλ)(s)μ and βCl(psλ)(z)0, for every zX\{s}. So, the fuzzy set βCl(psλ) is a fuzzy point.

3. Fuzzy β-Convergence and Fuzzy Points

In this section, we discuss the fuzzy β-convergence and fuzzy points, and some of their properties are investigated.

Definition 3.1

Let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space X. Then, by F-β-limN¯(An), we denote the fuzzy β-upper limit of the net {An, nN} in X, that is, the fuzzy set which is the union of all fuzzy points psλ in X, such that for every n0N and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of pxλ in X, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. In other cases, we set F-β-limN¯(An)=0¯.

Example 3.2

Let (X, T) be a fuzzy space such that X={s,t} and T={0,1¯,ps12}. Also, let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets of X such that An(X) = {0.5} for every nN. The fuzzy point ps12F-β-limN¯(An). Indeed, for every n0N and for the only fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U=1¯ of ps12, there exists an element nN for which nn0 and AnqU. The fuzzy point ps12F-β-limN¯(An). Indeed, for every n0N and for the fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U=px23 of ps12, there is no element nN such that nn0 and AnqU. However, from the above, we have F-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(An).

Definition 3.3

Let {An, nN} be a net of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space X. Then, by F-β-limN(An), we denote the fuzzy β-lower limit of the net {An, nN} in JX, that is, the fuzzy set which is the union of all fuzzy points psλ in X such that for every fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhood U of psλ in X, there exists an element n0N such that AnqU, for every nN and nn0. In other cases, we set F-β-limN(An)=0¯.

Definition 3.4

A net {An, nN} of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy topological space X is said to be fuzzy β-convergent to the fuzzy set A if F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN¯(An)=A. We then write F-β-limN(An)=A.

Proposition 3.5

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in X. Then, the following statements are true:

  • (i) The fuzzy β-upper limit is β-closed.

  • (ii) F-β-limN¯(An)=F-limN¯(βCl(A)).

  • (iii) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN¯(An)=βCl(A).

  • (iv) The fuzzy upper limit is not affected by changing a finite number of An.

  • (v) F-β-limN¯(An)βCl({An:nN}).

  • (vi) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).

  • (vii) F-β-limN¯(AnBn)=F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).

  • (viii) F-β-limN¯(AnBn)F-β-limN¯(An)F-β-limN¯(Bn).


We prove only Statements (i) to (v).

  • (i) It is sufficient to prove that βCl(F-β-limN¯(An))F-β-limN¯(An).

    Let psλβCl(F-β-limN¯(An)), and let U be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of ptr. Then, we have UqF-β-limN¯(An).

    Hence, there exists an element sX such that U(s)+F-β-limN¯(An)(s)>1.

    Let F-β-limN¯(An)(t)=k. Then, for the fuzzy point psk in X, we have pskqU and pskF-β-limN¯(An).

    Thus, for every element n0N, there exists nn0, nN such that AnqU. This means that psrF-β-limN¯(An).

  • (ii) Clearly, it is sufficient to prove that for every fuzzy β-open set U, the condition UqAn is equivalent to UqβCl(An).

    Let UqAn. Then, there exists an element sX such that U(t)+An(s)>1. As we have U(s)+βCl(An)(s)>1, then UqβCl(An). Conversely, let UqβCl(An). Then, AnβCl(An). Then, there exists an element sX such that U(s)+βCl(An)(s)>1. Let βCl(An)(s)=r. Then, psrβCl(An), and the fuzzy β-open set U is a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of psr. Thus, UqAn.

  • (iii) This follows by Proposition 2.4 and the definition of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

  • (iv) This follows by definition of the fuzzy β-upper limit.

  • (v) Let psrF-β-limN¯(An) and U be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of psr in X. Then, for every n0N, there exists nN, nn0 such that AnqU, and therefore, {An,nN}qU. Thus, psrβCl({An,nN}).

Proposition 3.6

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in Y. Then, the following statements are true:

  • (1) The fuzzy β-lower limit is β-closed.

  • (2) F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN(βCl(An).

  • (3) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)=βCl(A).

  • (4) The fuzzy upper limit is not affected by changing a finite number of An.

  • (5) {An:nN}F-β-limN(An).

  • (6) F-β-limN(An)βCl({An:nN}).

  • (7) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (8) F-β-limN(AnBn)F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (9) F-β-limN(AnBn)F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).


The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.5.

Proposition 3.7

For the fuzzy upper and lower limit, we have the relation F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN¯(An).


This is a consequence of the definitions of fuzzy β-upper and fuzzy β-lower limits.

Proposition 3.8

Let {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} be two nets of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy space Y. Then, the following propositions are true (in the following properties, the nets {An, nN} and {Bn, nN} are supposed to be fuzzy β-convergent):

  • (1) βCl(F-β-limN(An))=F-β-limN(An)=F-β-limN(βCl(An)).

  • (2) If An = A for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)=βCl(A).

  • (3) If AnBn for every nN, then F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).

  • (4) F-β-limN(AnBn)=F-β-limN(An)F-β-limN(Bn).


The proof of this proposition follows by Propositions 3.5 and 3.6.

4. Fuzzy-Continuous Functions, Fuzzy-Continuous Convergence, and Fuzzy Points

The main goals of this part is to study and discuss the notions of fuzzy β-continuous functions, fuzzy β-continuous convergence, and fuzzy points.

Definition 4.1

A function f from a fuzzy space Y into a fuzzy space Z is called fuzzy β-continuous if for every fuzzy point psλ in Y and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of f(psλ), there exists a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of psλ such that f(U)v.

Let Y and Z be two fuzzy spaces. Then, by FβC(Y, Z), we denote the set of all fuzzy β-continuous maps of Y into Z.

Example 4.2

Let (Y, T1) and (Y, T2) be two fuzzy spaces such that Y={s,t},T1={0¯,1¯} and T2={0¯,1¯,ps12}.

We consider the map i:(Y,T1)(Y,T2) for which i(z) = z for every zY. We prove that the map i is not fuzzy continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8 but is fuzzy β-continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8. Indeed, for the fuzzy open Q-neighborhood v=ps12 of i(ps0.8)=ps0.8, a fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of ps0.8 such that i(U)v does not exist. The only fuzzy open Q-neighborhood U of ps0.8 in (Y, T1) is the fuzzy set 1̄, and i(1̄) ≰ υ.

Now, we prove that the map i is fuzzy β-continuous at the fuzzy point ps0.8. Let υ be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of i(ps0.8)=ps0.8.

The family of all fuzzy β-open sets in (Y, T2) is given by the following fuzzy sets υ of Y:

  • (i) υIY such that v(s)[0,12] and v(t)=0 and

  • (ii) υIY such that v(s)(0,12] and v(t)=[0,1].

The above fuzzy sets V (cases (i) and (ii)) are also fuzzy β-open sets of (Y, T1). Thus, for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of i(ps0.8) in (Y, T2), there exists the fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U = V of ps0.8 in (Y, T1) such that i(U) ≤ V.

Definition 4.3

A fuzzy net S = {sλ, λ ∈ Λ} in a fuzzy space (X, T) is said to be β-convergent to a fuzzy point e in X relative to T and write β lim sλ = e if for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of e and for every λ ∈ Λ, there exists m ∈ Λ such that Uqsm and mλ.

Proposition 4.4

Let f : YZ be a fuzzy β-continuous map. Then, p is a fuzzy point in U, and U, υ are fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhoods of p and f(p), respectively, such that f(U)v. Then, there exists a fuzzy point p1 in Y such that p1qU and f(p1)v.


Because f(U)v,Uf-1(v), and hence, sY such that U(s)>f-1(v)(s) or U(s)-f-1(v)(s)>0, and therefore, U(s)+1-f-1(v)(s)>1 or U(s)+(f-1(v))c(s)>1. Let (f-1(v))c(s)=r. Clearly, for the fuzzy point psr, we have psrqU and psr(f-1(v))c. Hence, for the fuzzy point p1psr, then p1qU and f(p1)v.

Definition 4.5

A net {fμ, μM} in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if for every fuzzy net {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} in Y, which β-converges to a fuzzy point p in Y. Thus, we have that the fuzzy net {fμ(pλ), (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M} β-converges to the fuzzy point f(p) in Z.

Proposition 4.6

A net {fμ, μM}in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if and only if for every fuzzy point p in Y and for every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of f(p) in Z, there exist an element μ0M and fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y such that fμ(U)v for every μμ0, μM.


Let p be a fuzzy point in Y and υ be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z such that for every μM and every fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y, there exists μ′ ≥ μ such that fμ(U)v. Then, for every fuzzy β-open Q-neighborhood U of p in Y, we can choose a fuzzy point pU in Y (Proposition 4.5) such that pUqU and fμ(pU)v.

Clearly, the fuzzy net pU,UNQ-p-n(P)}β-converges top, but the fuzzy net {fμ(pU),(U,μ)NQ-p-n(P)×M} does not β-converge to f(p) in Z.

Conversely, let {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a fuzzy net in FβC(Y, Z), which β-converges to the fuzzy point p in Y, and let υ be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. By assumption, there exist a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood U of p in Y and an element μ0M such that fμ(U)v for every μμ0, μM. Because the fuzzy net {pλ, λ ∈ Λ} β-converges to p in Y, there exists λ0 ∈ Λ such that pλqU for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Let (λ0, μ0) ∈ Λ × M. Then, for every (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M, (λ, μ) ≥ (λ0, μ0), we have fμ(pλ)qfμ(U)v, that is, fμ(pλ)qv. Thus, the net {fμ(pλ), (λ, μ) ∈ Λ × M} β-converges to f(p), and the net {fμ, μM} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

Proposition 4.7

A net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} in FβC(Y, Z) fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) if and only if


for every fuzzy β-closed subset K of Z.


Let {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a net in FβC(Y, Z), which fuzzy β-continuously converges to f, and let K be an arbitrary fuzzy β-closed subset of Z. Let pF-β-limΛ¯(fλ-1(K))

and W be an arbitrary fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. Because the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f, there exist a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood V of p in Y and an element λ0 ∈ Λ such that fλ(υ) ≤ W for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Meanwhile, there exists an element λλ0 such that vqfλ-1(K). Hence, fλ(υ)qK, and therefore, WqK. This means that f(p)βCl(K)=K. Thus, pf-1(K).

Conversely, let {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} be a net in FβC(Y, Z) and fFβC(Y, Z) such that the relation (1) holds for every fuzzy β-closed subset K of Z. We prove that the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy continuously converges to f. Let p be a fuzzy point of Y and W be a fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood of f(p) in Z. Because pf-1(K), where K = Wc, we have pF-β-limΛ¯(fλ-1(K)). This means that there exist an element λ0 ∈ Λ and fuzzy β-open Q-β-neighborhood υ of p in Y such that fλ-1(K)v for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0. Then, we have v(fλ-1(K))c=fλ-1(Kc)=fλ-1(W). Therefore, fλ(υ) ≤ W for every λ ∈ Λ, λλ0, that is, the net {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

Proposition 4.8

The following statements are true:

  • (1) If {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} is a net in FβC(Y, Z) such that fλ = f, for every λ ∈ Λ, then {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z).

  • (2) If {fλ, λ ∈ Λ} is a net in FβC(Y, Z), which fuzzy β-continuously converges to fFβC(Y, Z) and {gμ, μM} is a subnet of {fλ, λ ∈ Λ}, then the net {gμ, μM} fuzzy β-continuously converges to f.

5. Conclusion

The notions of the sets, separation axioms, and functions in fuzzy topological spaces are highly developed and are used extensively in many practical and engineering problems, computational topology for geometric design, computer-aided geometric design, engineering design research, and mathematical science. In this paper, we discussed and studied some topological structures of fuzzy point applications in fuzzy topological spaces. Namely, we defined the fuzzy β-neighborhood, fuzzy Q-β-neighborhood, β-boundary point, fuzzy β-generalized closed, β-T0, β-T1, β-Hausdorff, β-regular-quasi β-T1, and other related topics. Moreover, many results and examples were investigated to illustrate the importance of our methods. In future works, we will study and apply these concepts in many fields, including bipolar hypersoft topological spaces [24], topological soft rough sets [44], covering rough sets [45], and neighborhood systems of rough sets [45].


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