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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(1): 20-33

Published online March 25, 2023

© The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems

An Application of Maximality to Nilpotent and Finitely Generated -Subgroups of an -Group

Iffat Jahan1 and Ananya Manas2

1Department of Mathematics, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
2Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Correspondence to :
Iffat Jahan (

Received: November 25, 2020; Revised: September 3, 2022; Accepted: February 16, 2023

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This study is a continuation of the study on the maximal and Frattini L subgroups of an L-group. The normality of the maximal L subgroups of a nilpotent L group was explored. Subsequently, the concept of a finitely generated L-subgroup is introduced, and its relation with the maximal condition on L subgroups is established. Thereafter, several results of the notions of the Frattini L-subgroup and finitely generated L-subgroups have been investigated.

Keywords: L-algebra, L-subgroup, Generated L-subgroup, Normal L-subgroup, Maximal L-subgroup, Frattini L-subgroup, Finitely generated L-subgroup

In 1965, Zadeh’s pioneering paper [1] established the foundations of employing fuzzy logic to approximate reasoning. Since its inception, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic have been applied in various fields such as information theory, linear programming, and pattern recognition. In 1971, Rosenfeld [2] introduced fuzzy groups using fuzzy sets. Following this, various group theoretic concepts have been extended to the fuzzy setting, for example, the notion of a set product of two fuzzy subgroups and the notion of normality of a fuzzy subgroup developed by Liu [3]. All these studies were conducted within the framework of a fuzzy setting. Moreover, in these studies, the parent structure was considered ordinary algebra (i.e., group, ring, and semigroup). Therefore, most researchers have defined and studied the notion of a fuzzy subgroup of an ordinary group. However, this approach does not permit the transference of several properties of algebraic structures into the fuzzy setting. This shortcoming can be easily overcome if the parent structure is considered a fuzzy group rather than a classical group. Significantly few researchers, such as Martinez [4] and Malik and Mordeson [5], have studied the properties of an L-subalgebra of an L-algebra. Prajapati and Ajmal [6, 7] defined and explored the notion of maximal L-ideals of a fuzzy ring. However, these studies have been inadequate for L-groups. Recently, various concepts of classical group theory have been extended to L-settings, particularly considering their compatibility [812]. Moreover, in [13], the authors investigated the maximal and Frattini L-subgroups of an L-group. The notion of non-generators of an L-group was also introduced, and a relationship between the Frattini L-subgroup and the set of non-generators of an L-group was established. This study is a continuation of these topics.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 3, we begin by demonstrating that every maximal L-subgroup of a nilpotent L-group μ having the same tip and tail as μ is normal in μ. To establish this result, the concepts of nilpotent L-subgroups [10], the normalizer of an L-subgroup of an L-group [11], and the normal closure of an L-subgroup of an L-group [9] are used. This section demonstrates the compatibility of these concepts. In Section 4, the maximal condition on L-subgroups is introduced. An L-group satisfies the maximal condition on L-subgroups if and only if every proper ascending chain of its L-subgroups is finite. Thereafter, the notion of a finitely generated L-subgroup was established through L-points. A relationship between the maximal condition on L-subgroups and the finitely generated L-subgroups is also established, similar to their classical counterparts. Section 5 shows that if L is an upper well-ordered lattice and μ is a normal L-group, then Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ) is normal in μ. Thereafter, we demonstrate that every finitely generated L-group, where L is an upper well-ordered lattice, has a maximum L-subgroup. Moreover, several relations between Frattini L-subgroups, finitely generated L-subgroups, and the set product of L-subgroups are established.

In this study, L = 〈L,≤, ∨, ∧〉 denotes a completely distributive lattice where ’’ denotes the partial ordering on L, and ’∨’ and ’∧’ denote the join (supremum) and meet (infimum) of the elements of L, respectively. The maximal and minimal elements of L are denoted by 1 and 0, respectively. The concept of a completely distributive lattice can be found in any standard text on this subject [14].

The notion of a fuzzy subset of a set was introduced by Zadeh [1] in 1965. In 1967, Goguen [15] extended this concept to L-fuzzy sets. In this section, we recall the basic definitions and results associated with L-subsets used throughout the remainder of this paper. These definitions can be found in Chapter 1 of [16].

Let X be a non-empty set. A subset of X with cardinality L is a mapping from X to L. The set of L-subsets of X is called the L-power set of X and is denoted by LX. For μLX, the set {μ(x) | xX} is called the image of μ and is denoted by Im μ. The tip and tail of μ are defined as xXμ(x) and xXμ(x), respectively. An L-subset μ of X is said to be contained in an L-subset η of X if μ(x) ≤ η(x) for all xX. This is denoted as μ ⊆ η. For a family {μi | iI} of L-subsets in X, where I is a non-empty index set, the union iIμi and intersection iIμi of {μi | iI} are, respectively, defined by

iIμi(x)=iIμ(x)and iIμi(x)=iIμ(x),

for each xX. If μLX and aL, then the level subset μa and strong level subset μa> of μ are defined as follows:




respectively. For μ, νLX, it is easy to verify that, if μ ⊆ ν, then μa ⊆ νa for each aL.

For aL and xX, we define axLX as follows: for all yX,

ax(y)={aif y=x,0if yx.

In the equation above, ax is referred to as an L-point or L-singleton. We say that ax is an L-point of μ if and only if μ(x) ≥ a, and we write axμ.

Let S be a groupoid. The set product μη of μ, ηLS is an L-subset of S defined by


Note that if x cannot be factored as x = yz in S, then μη(x), being the least upper bound of the empty set, is zero. We can verify that the set product is associative in LS if S is a semigroup.

Let f be the mapping from set X to set Y. If μLX and νLY, then the image f(μ) of μ under f and the preimage f−1(ν) of ν under f are L-subsets of Y and X respectively, defined by

f(μ)(y)=xf-1(y){μ(x)}and f-1(ν)(x)=ν(f(x)).

If f−1(y) = ϕ, then f(μ)(y) is the least upper bound of the empty set and is zero.

Proposition 2.1 ([16]

Theorem 1.1.12). Let f : XY be a mapping.

  • (i) Let {μi}iI be a family of L-subsets of X. Then, f(iIμi)=iIf(μi) and f(iIμi)iIf(μi).

  • (ii) Let μLX. Then, f−1(f(μ)) ⊇ μ. The equality holds if f is injective.

  • (iii) Let νLY. Then, f(f−1(ν)) ⊆ ν. The equality holds if f is surjective.

  • (iv) Let μLX and νLY. Then, f(μ) ⊆ ν if and only if μ ⊆ f−1(ν). Moreover, if f is injective, then f−1(ν) ⊆ μ if and only if ν ⊆ f(μ).

In this study, G denotes an ordinary group with the identity element ‘e’, and I denotes a non-empty indexing set. In addition, 1A denotes the characteristic function of a non-empty set A.

In 1971, Rosenfeld [2] applied the notion of fuzzy sets to groups to introduce a fuzzy subgroup of a group. Liu [3], in 1981, extended the notion of fuzzy subgroups to L-fuzzy subgroups (L-subgroups), which we define below.

Definition 2.2 ([2])

Let μLG. Then, μ is called an L-subgroup of G if for each x, yG,

  • (i) μ(xy) ≥ μ(x) ∧ μ(y),

  • (ii) μ(x−1) = μ(x).

The set of L-subgroups of G is denoted by L(G). Clearly, the tip of the L-subgroup is attained for the identity element of G.

Theorem 2.3 ([17])

Let μLG. Then, μ is an L-subgroup of G if and only if each non-empty level subset μa is a subgroup of G.

Theorem 2.4 ([17])

Let f : GH be the group homomorphism. Let μL(G) and νL(H). Then, f(μ) ∈ L(H) and f−1(ν) ∈ L(G).

It is well known that the intersection of an arbitrary family of L-subgroups of a group is an L-subgroup of a given group.

Definition 2.5 ([2])

Let μLG. Then, the L-subgroup of G generated by μ is defined as the smallest L-subgroup of G that contains μ. It is denoted by 〈μ〉, that is,


In 1982, Liu [18] introduced the concept of a normal fuzzy subgroup of a group. We define the normal L-subgroup of group G as follows:

Definition 2.6 ([18])

Let μL(G). Then, μ is called a normal L-subgroup of G if, for all x, yG, μ(xy) = μ(yx). The set of normal L-subgroups of G is denoted by NL(G).

Theorem 2.7 ([16]

Theorem 1.3.3). Let μL(G). Then, μNL(G) if and only if each non-empty level subset μa is a normal subgroup of G.

Let η, μLG such that η ⊆ μ. Then, η is said to be an L-subset of μ. The set of all L-subsets of μ is denoted by Lμ. Moreover, if η, μL(G) such that η ⊆ μ, then η is considered an L-subgroup of μ. The set of all L-subgroups of μ is denoted by L(μ).

Henceforth, μ denotes an L-subgroup of G which is considered as the parent L-group. The variable μ is an L-subgroup of G if and only if μ is an L-subgroup of 1G.

Definition 2.8 ([12])

Let ηL(μ) such that η is nonconstant and ημ. Then, η is said to be a proper L-subgroup of μ.

Clearly, η is a proper L-subgroup of μ if and only if η has distinct tip and tail and ημ.

Definition 2.9 ([10])

Let ηL(μ). Let a0 and t0 denote the tips and tails of η, respectively. We define the trivial L-subgroup of η as follows:

ηt0a0(x)={a0if x=e,t0if xe.

Theorem 2.10 ([10]

Theorem 2.1). Let ηLμ. Then,

  • (i) ηL(μ) if and only if each non-empty level subset ηa is a subgroup of μa.

  • (ii) ηL(μ) if and only if each non-empty strong level subset ηa> is a subgroup of μa>, provided L is a chain.

In 1981, the normal fuzzy subgroup of a fuzzy group was introduced by Wu [19]. To develop this concept, Wu [19] preferred the L-setting. Below, we recall the notion of a normal L-subgroup of an L-group.

Definition 2.11 ([19])

Let ηL(μ). Then, we say that η is a normal L-subgroup of μ if

η(yxy-1)η(x)μ(y)for all x,yG.

The set of normal L-subgroups of μ is denoted by NL(μ). If ηNL(μ), we write η _ μ.

In this case, the arbitrary intersection of a family of normal L-subgroups of an L-group μ is again a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 2.12 ([20])

Let ηL(μ). Then, ηNL(μ) if and only if each non-empty level subset ηa is a normal subgroup of μa.

Definition 2.13 ([2])

Let μLX. Then, μ is said to possess sup-propery if, for each A ⊆ X, there exists a0A such that aAμ(a)=μ(a0).

Finally, recall the following form [8, 12].

Theorem 2.14 ([8]

Theorem 3.1). Let ηLμ. Let a0=xG{η(x)}, and define an L-subset η̂ of G by


Then, η̂L(μ) and η̂ = 〈η〉.

Theorem 2.15 ([8]

Theorem 3.7). Let ηLμ and possess the sup-property. If a0=xG{η(x)}, then for all b ≤ a0, 〈ηb〉 = 〈ηb.

Theorem 2.16 ([12]

Lemma 3.27). Let f : GH be a group homomorphism, and let μL(G) and νL(H). Then, for all ηLμ, 〈f(η)〉 = f(〈η〉) and for all θLν, 〈f−1(θ)〉 = f−1(〈θ〉).

In this section, we demonstrate that if μ is a nilpotent L-group, then the maximal L-subgroups of μ having the same tip and tail as μ are normal in μ (Theorem 3.15). To demonstrate this result, the concepts of nilpotent L-subgroups, normalizer of an L-subgroup of an L-group, and normal closure of an L-subgroup in an L-group are used. We begin by recalling the notion of cosets and the normalizer of an L-subgroup from [11].

Definition 3.1 ([11])

Let ηL(μ) and ax be an L-point of μ. The left (right) coset of η in μ with respect to ax is defined as the set product axη (ηax). From the definition of set product of two L-subsets, it can be easily seen that for all zG,

(axη)(z)=aη(x-1z)and (ηax)(z)=aη(zx-1).

Definition 3.2 ([11])

Let ηL(μ). The normalizer of η in μ, denoted by N(η), is the L-subgroup defined as follows:


N(η) is the largest L-subgroup of μ such that η is a normal L-subgroup of N(η). It was also established in [11] that ηNL(μ) if and only if N(μ) = μ. Below, we provide an L-point characterization for an L-subgroup to be contained in the normalizer.

Lemma 3.3

Let η and θL(μ). If axbyax–1η for all axθ and byη, then θ ⊆ N(η).


Suppose axbyax–1η for all axθ and byη. First, we show that for all x, yG


Let x, yG and let a = θ(x) and b = η(y). Then, axθ and byη. Hence, by hypothesis,


which implies that


This proves (1). Next, to show that θ ⊆ N(η), we claim that for all axθ,


Therefore, we set zG and axθ. Then,

(axη)(z)=aη(x-1z)=aη(x-1(zx-1)x)aθ(x)η(zx-1)         (by (1))=aη(zx-1)         (since axθ)=(ηax)(z).

Similarly, it can be shown that (ηax)(z) ≥ (axη)(z), which proves the claim. In this case, we write A = {axμ : ηax = axη}. From (2), it follows that

axAfor all axθ.

Finally, let xG, and observe


The equation above completes the proof.

The notion of a nilpotent L-subgroup was developed by Ajmal and Jahan [10]. For this purpose, the definition of the commutator of two L-subgroups was modified, and this modified definition was used to develop the notion of the descending central chain of an L-subgroup. We recall the following concepts as follows:

Definition 3.4 ([10])

Let η and θLμ. The commutator of η and θ is the L-subset (η, θ) of μ defined as follows:

(η,θ)(x)={{η(y)θ(z)}if x=[y,z]for some y,zG,inf ηinf θif x[y,z]for any y,zG.

The commutator L-subgroup of η, θLμ, denoted by [η, θ], is defined to be the L-subgroup of μ generated by (η, θ).

Definition 3.5 ([10])

Let ηL(μ). Take Z0(η) = η and for each i ≥ 0, define Zi+1(η) = [Zi(η), η]. Then, the chain


of L-subgroups of μ is called the descending central chain of η.

Definition 3.6 ([10])

Let ηL(μ) with tip a0 and tail t0 and a0t0. If the descending central chain


terminates to the trivial L-subgroup ηt0a0 in a finite number of steps, then η is called a nilpotent L-subgroup of μ. Moreover, η is said to be nilpotent for class c if c is the smallest non-negative integer such that Zc(η)=ηt0a0.

In this case, we define the successive normalizers of η as follows:

η0=ηand ηi+1=N(ηi)for all i0.

Then, according to the definition of normalizer (see Definition 3.2), ηi+1 is the largest L-subgroup of μ containing ηi such that ηiηi+1. Consequently,


is an ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ starting from η such that each ηi is a normal L-subgroup of ηi+1. We call (3) the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ.

Lemma 3.7

Let μL(G) be a nilpotent L-group and η be an L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Then, the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ is finite and terminates at μ.


Let μ be a nilpotent L-group and let η be an L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Let a0 and t0 denote the tip and tail of μ, respectively. Let


be the descending central chain of μ, where

Zi(μ)=[Zi-1(μ),μ]for all i1.

Successive normalizers of η are defined as follows:

η0=ηand ηi+1=N(ηi)for all i0.



is the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ. We claim that

Zc-i(μ)ηifor all i0.

We apply induction on i. When i = 0,


Hence, this claim is true for i = 0. Suppose that the claim holds for some i ≥ 0, that is, Zci(μ) ⊆ ηi. We shall demonstrate that


Therefore, let axZci–1(μ). Then, for all byηi,

axbyax-1=(ab)xyx-1=(ab)[x,y]y=(ab)[x,y]by[Zc-i-1(μ),μ]ηi(since axZc-i-1(μ),byμ)=Zc-i(μ)ηi(by definition,[Zc-i-1(μ),μ]=Zc-i(μ))ηi(by the induction hypoythesis,Zc-iηi).

Therefore, by Lemma 3.3,


Hence, this claim holds true. In particular, when i = c, μ = Z0⊆ ηc. Thus, ηc = μ, which proves the result.

We now recall the definition of the normal closure of an L-subgroup in an L-group from [9]

Definition 3.8 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). The Lsubset μημ−1 of μ is defined as

μημ-1(x)=x=zyz-1{η(y)μ(z)}for each xG

is called the conjugate of η in μ.

Definition 3.9 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). The normal closure of η in μ, denoted by ημ, is defined as the L-subgroup of μ generated by the conjugate μημ−1; that is,


Moreover, ημ is the smallest normal L-subgroup of μ that contains η.

Definition 3.10 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). We inductively define a descending series of L-subgroups of μ as follows:

η(0)=μand η(i)=ηη(i-1)for all i1.

Then, η(i) is the smallest normal L-subgroup of η(i–1) that contains η. We call η(i) the ith normal closure of η in μ. The series of L-subgroups


is called the normal closure series of η in μ.

Theorem 3.11 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). Then, ηNL(μ) if and only if ημ = η.

Proposition 3.12

Let ηNL(μ) and θL(μ). Then, η ∩ θNL(θ).

Lemma 3.13

Let μL(G) and ηL(μ). Then, there exists an ascending chain of L-subgroups


These subgroups terminate at μ in a finite number of steps such that each θi is normal in θi+1 if and only if the normal closure series of η in μ terminates at η in a finite number of steps.




is a finite ascending chain of L-subgroups such that each θi is normal in θi+1. Let η(i) denote the ith normal closure of η in μ. We claim that

η(i)θn-ifor all i0.

We apply induction on i. When i = 0,


Hence, this claim is true for i = 0. Suppose that the claim holds for some i ≥ 0, that is, η(i)⊆ θni. We shall demonstrate that


Note that, by the hypothesis, θni–1 is normal in θni. In addition, by the induction hypothesis, η(i)⊆ θn–1. Therefore, by Proposition 3.12, we have


Moreover, according to this hypothesis, η ⊆ θni–1. In addition, by the definition of normal closure (see Definition 3.11), η ⊆ η(i). This implies,


Furthermore, by the definition of a normal closure, η(i+1) is the smallest normal L-subgroup of η(i) containing η. Therefore,


This proves the result by induction. In particular, when i = n,


Thus, η(n) = η and the normal closure series of η in μ terminates at η in n steps.

Conversely, if η(n) = η for some nonnegative integer n, then the series of L-subgroups


is a finite ascending chain such that each η(i) is normal in η(i–1).

Now, we recall the definition of a maximal L-subgroup of an L-group from [13]:

Definition 3.14

Let μL(G). A proper L-subgroup η of μ is said to be a maximal L-subgroup of μ if, whenever η ⊆ θ ⊆ μ for some θL(μ), either θ = η or θ = μ.

Theorem 3.15

Let μL(G) be a nilpotent L-group. Then, every maximal L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ is normal in μ.


Let η be a maximal L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Since μ is nilpotent, by Lemma 3.7, the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ is finite and terminates at μ after finitely many steps. Therefore, by Lemma 3.13, the normal closure series of η in μ is also finite and terminates at η in finitely many steps, for example, m. Let the finite normal closure series be


where η(i) = ηη(i–1). Here, we note that η(1)η(0). If η(1) = η(0), then


which implies that η = η(m) = η(0) = μ, contradicting the fact that ημ. Therefore, we have


Since η is a maximal L-subgroup of μ, we must have η = η(1) = ημ. By Theorem 3.11, it follows that η is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Below, we provide an example of a nilpotent L-group and its maximal normal L-subgroup η:

Example 1

Let M = {l, f, a, b, c, d, u} be the lattice shown in Figure 1. Let 2 be a chain 0 < 1. Then,


Let G = S4 or the group of all permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, 4} with identity element e. Let


denote the dihedral subgroups of G and V4 = {e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)} denote the Klein-4 subgroup of G. We define the L-subset μ of G as follows:

μ(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(d,1)if xV4\{e},(a,1)if xD41\V4,(b,1)if xD42\V4,(c,1)if xD43\V4,(f,0)if xS4\i=13D4i.

Since each non-empty level subset μt is a subgroup of G, by Theorem 2.3, μ is an L-subgroup of G. We show that μ is a nilpotent L-group. Since G′ = A4, it is easy to verify that the commutator (μ, μ) is given by

(μ,μ)(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(a,1)(d,1)=(a,1)if x=(13),(24)(b,1)(d,1)=(b,1)if x=(12),(34),(c,1)(d,1)=(c,1)if x=(14)(23),(f,0)if xS4\V4.

Since every non-empty level subset (μ, μ)t is a subgroup of μt, by Theorem 2.10, (μ, μ) is an L-subgroup of μ; hence, Z1(μ) = [μ, μ] = (μ, μ). Subsequently, we can easily verify that Z2(μ) = [μ,Z1(μ)] is given by

Z2(μ)={(u,1)if x=e,(f,0)if xS4\{e}.

Hence, Z2(μ)=μt0a0, where a0 = (u, 0) and t0 = (f, 0) are the tips and tails of μ, respectively. We conclude that μ is a nilpotent L-group. We now define ηLμ as follows:

η(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(d,1)if xV4\{e},(a,1)if xD41\V4,(b,0)if xD42\V4,(c,1)if xD43\V4,(f,0)if xS4\i=13D4i.

Since every non-empty level subset ηt is a subgroup of μt, by Theorem 2.10, ηL(μ). We demonstrate that η is a maximal L-subgroup of μ.

Suppose there exists θL(μ) such that ηθ ⊆ μ. Since η(x) = μ(x) for all xS4\(D42\V4),θ(x)=η(x) for all xS4\(D42\V4). Hence, there exists x0D42\V4 such that


that is, θ(x0) = (b, 1). However, θ(x) = (b, 1) = μ(x) for all xD42\V4. This result implies that θ = μ. We conclude that η is the maximal L-subgroup of μ. Finally, note that ηt = μt for all tL \ {(b, 1)} and η(b,1) = V4 is a normal subgroup of μ(b,1)=D42. Hence, ηt is a normal subgroup of μt for each tL. By Theorem 2.12, η is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

In this section, we introduce the concepts of the maximal condition on L-subgroups and finitely generated L-groups. These notions are closely related to classical group theory. A similar relation between these concepts has been provided in Theorem 4.10.

Definition 4.1

Let μL(G). Then, μ is said to satisfy the maximal condition if every non-empty set S of L-subgroups of μ contains a maximal element.

Theorem 4.2

An L-subgroup μ satisfies the maximal condition if and only if each proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ is finite.


Suppose μ satisfies the maximal condition. Let


be the proper ascending chain of L-subgroups in μ. Let S = {ηi | i ∈ ℕ}. Then, by hypothesis, S contains a maximal element θ, that is, there exists θS such that θ is not contained in any other ηi. Since (7) is a proper chain, it must be terminated at θ.

Conversely, suppose that each proper ascending chain of L-subgroups in μ is finite. Let S be a non-empty set of L-subgroups of μ. We demonstrate that S contains an L-subgroup θ that is not contained in any other element of S. Since S is non-empty, there exists η0 in S. If η0 is not contained in any other element of S, then we set θ = η0. Otherwise, there exists η1S such that η0η1. Furthermore, if η1 is not contained in any other element of S, then we set θ = η1. Otherwise, there exists η2S such that η1η2. Continuing in this manner, we obtain the ascending chain


By hypothesis, (8) is finite. Hence, there exists θS that is not contained in any other element of S, thus, explaining the result.

Theorem 4.3

Let μL(G) satisfy the maximal condition, and let ηL(μ). Thus, η also satisfies the maximal condition. In [21], the authors have introduced the notion of finitely generated fuzzy ideals of a ring through fuzzy singletons:

Definition 4.4 ([21])

A fuzzy ideal μ of a ring R is said to be finitely generated if there exists a finite set of fuzzy singletons ϕ such that μ = 〈ϕ〉. Below, we define the finitely generated L-subgroup of a group using the above definition.

Definition 4.5

An L-subgroup μ of G is said to be finitely generated if there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, . . ., anxn in μ such that μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn 〉. Recall the definition of a minimal generating set for a fuzzy set as given in [16].

Definition 4.6 ([16])

Let μF(G). Let S denote a set of fuzzy singletons such that if xa, xbS, then a = b > 0 and x ≠ 0. We define the fuzzy subset χ(S) of G as follows: for all xG,

χ(S)(x)={a,if xaS,0,otherwise.

We set 〈S〉 = 〈χ(S)〉.

Note that the following condition

if xa,xbS,then a=b>0,

becomes redundant in Definition 4.5, as the concept of a finitely generated L-subgroup involves the union of L-points. Hence, Definition 4.5 is a simple version of this definition. Here, we prove the following:

Theorem 4.7

Let H be a subgroup of G. Then, H is finitely generated if and only if the characteristic function 1H is a finitely generated L-subgroup of G.


Let H be a finitely generated subgroup of G. Then, there exist finitely many elements x1, x2, . . ., xn in H such that


We claim that


Since 1x1, 1x2, . . ., 1xn ∈ 1H,


To demonstrate the reverse inclusion, let 1z ∈ 1H. Subsequetly, zH = 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉. This implies

z=y1y2yk,where yior yi-1{x1,x2,,xn}.



Hence, 1H = 〈1x1, 1x2, . . . 1xn〉.

Conversely, suppose that 1H is finitely generated. Then, by definition, there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, a2x2, . . . anxn of 1H such that


Clearly, we can assume that ai > 0. This implies

1H(xi)ai<0for all i=1,2,n,

that is,


Thus, 1x1, 1x2, . . . , 1xn ∈ 1H; therefore,


Thus, 1H = 〈1x1, 1x2, . . . 1xn〉. We claim that H = 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉.

Suppose, if possible, that H ≠ 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉. Then, there exists zH such that z ∉x1, x2, . . . xn〉. Note that since 1H=i=1n1xi by Theorem 2.14,


Now, since z ∉x1, x2, . . ., xn〉, zi=1n(1xi)a for any value of a > 0. It follows that 1 = 1H(z) = 0, and this is absent. Hence, we conclude that


The following example illustrates Definition 4.5:

Example 2

Let G = D8, the dihedral group of order eight is given by


Let H1 = {e, r2} be the center of G, H2 = {e, s} and K = {e, r2, s, sr2}. Let L be a lattice represented by the following equation: We define μ : GL as follows.

μ(x)={1if x=e,bif xH1\{e},cif xH2\{e},aif xK\H1H2,0if xD8\K.

Because each non-empty level subset μt is a subgroup of G, by Theorem 2.3, μL(G). We demonstrate that μ = 〈br2, cs〉. Let η = br2cs. Then, ηLμ. Hence, 〈η⊆ μ. Now, tip(η)=xGη(x). Hence, by Theorem 2.14, for all xG,


Note that




Thus, 〈η〉 = 〈br2, cs〉 = μ.

Recall that a lattice L is said to be upper well-ordered if every non-empty subset of L contains its supremum. Clearly, if L is upper well-ordered, then each L-subset η satisfies the sup-property. Additionally, every upper well-ordered lattice is a chain.

Lemma 4.8

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Then, every proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ whose set union equals μ is finite.


Suppose that μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉. Let


be a proper ascending chain of L subgroups of μ such that ∪ηi = μ. Then,

ajxjηifor all j=1,,n.

This implies

ηi(xj)ajfor all j=1,,n.

Since L is upper-well ordered, there existsmj such that ηmj (xj) ≥ aj, that is, ajxjηmj . Let m be the maximum value of m1, . . ., mn. Then, ajxjηm for all j = 1, . . ., n. Thus, μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn⊆ ηm. Hence, the chain terminates at some k ≤ m.

Lemma 4.9 ([13])

Let L be a chain, and let μL(G). Let C be a chain of L-subgroups of μ: Then,


Theorem 4.10

Let μL(G). If μ satisfies the maximal condition, then every L-subgroup of μ is finitely generated. The converse holds if L is an upper well-ordered lattice.


Suppose that μ satisfies the maximal condition. Let ηL(μ) and a1x1η. If η = 〈a1x1 〉, then η is finitely generated, and the proof is done. Hence, suppose that η ≠ 〈a1x1 〉. Then, there exists a2x2η such that a2x2a1x1 〉. If η = 〈a1x1, a2x2 〉, then the proof is done. Otherwise, there exists a3x3η such that a3x3a1x1, a2x2 〉. Continuing this process, we can define the L-subgroups ηi of η by choosing, as long as possible, L-points a1x1, a2x2, . . ., of η such that

ηi=a1x1,,aix1and ai+1xi+1ηi.

Then, η1η2. . . is a proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of η. By Theorem 4.3, η satisfies the maximal condition. Hence, according to Theorem 4.2, this chain terminates at a finite m. Thus, there does not exist any byη such that bya1x1, . . ., amxm〉 = ηm. This implies η = ηm; thus, η is finitely generated.

Conversely, suppose that L is upper well-ordered, and let μL(G) such that every L-subgroup of μ is finitely generated. Let η1η2. . . be a proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ. Since L is an upper well-ordered lattice, by Lemma 4.9, η = ∪ηi is an L-subgroup of μ. According to this hypothesis, η is finitely generated. Hence, by Lemma 4.8, the above chain of L-subgroups must be finite. Therefore, μ satisfies the maximal condition.

In this section, we explore some properties of the maximal and Frattini L-subgroups of the finitely generated L-subgroups. The Frattini L-subgroup of an L-group was investigated by Jahan and Manas [13]. Moreover, the authors defined the nongenerators of an L-group and established a relationship between the non-generators and the Frattini L-subgroup of μ. We recall these below.

Definition 5.1 ([13])

Let μL(G). The Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ) of μ is defined as the intersection of all maximal L-subgroups of μ. If μ has no maximal L-subgroups, we define Φ(μ) = μ.

Definition 5.2 ([13])

Let μL(G). An L-point axμ is said to be a non-generator of μ if whenever 〈η, ax〉 = μ for some ηLμ, then 〈η〉 = μ.

Theorem 5.3 ([13])

Let μL(G) and define λLμ as follows:

λ={axaxis a non-generator of μ}.

Then, λL(μ) and λ ⊆ Φ(μ). Moreover, if L is an upper well-ordered lattice, then λ = Φ(μ).

Theorem 5.4 ([13])

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and let μ be a normal L-subgroup of G. Then, Φ(μ) is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 5.5

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μL(G) be a nontrivial finitely generated L-group. Then, μ has a maximal L-subgroup.


Since μ is finitely generated, there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, . . . , anxn such that μ = 〈a1x1, . . . , anxn〉. Let S be the set of all proper L-subgroups of μ. Then, S is non-empty because of the trivial L-subgroup μt0a0S, where a0 = μ(e) and t0 = inf μ. Let C = {ηi}iI be a chain in S. We claim that


First, we note that by Lemma 4.9, iIηiL(μ). Hence, we only need to show that iIηi is a proper L-subgroup of μ. Suppose that iIηi is not a proper L-subgroup of μ, that is,


Then, a1x1, . . ., a1x1,,anxniIηi. This implies that

iiηi(xj)ajfor each 1jn.

Since L is upper well-ordered, for each j, there exists an L-subgroup, say ηij, in C such that ηij (xj) ≥ aj. Moreover, because C is a chain without loss of generality, we may assume that




which contradicts the assumption that the elements of C are proper L-subgroups of μ. Hence, iIηi is an appropriate L-subgroup of μ. Consequently, iIηiS, and we conclude that each chain in S has an upper bound in S. By Zorn’s lemma, S has a maximal element, which is the required maximal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 5.6

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice μ be an L-group with a finitely generated Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ). Then, the only L-subgroup η of μ such that


is η = μ.


Since Φ(μ) is finitely generated, there exists a finite number of L-points a1x1, . . ., anxn in Φ(μ) such that




Now, since L is upper well-ordered, by Theorem 5.3,

Φ(μ)={axaxis a non-generator of μ}.

Therefore, each aixi is a non-generator of μ. This implies


Hence, η = μ.

Lemma 5.7

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μL(G). Suppose that θL(μ), and let ax be an L-point of μ such that ax ∉ θ. Then, there exists ηL(μ) such that η is maximal with respect to the conditions θ ⊆ η and ax ∉ η.


Consider the set S = {νL(μ) | θ ⊆ ν and ax ∉ ν}. Then, S is non-empty because θS. Let C = {θi}iI be the chain in S. We claim that


By Lemma 4.9, iIθiL(μ). Additionally, θiIθi. Now, since L is upper well-ordered and ax ∉ θi for all iI, axiIθi. Hence, iIθiS such that every chain in S has an upper bound in S. Therefore, according to Zorn’s lemma, S has the maximal element η, which proves the result.

Theorem 5.8

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let η be a proper L-subgroup of μ. Then, η is contained in the maximal L-subgroup of μ.


Let μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉. Since ημ, let b1y1 be the first of a1x1, . . ., anxn such that b1y1∉ η. From Lemma 5.7, there exists θ1L(μ) such that θ1 is maximal with respect to the conditions η ⊆ θ1 and b1y1∉ θ1. Hence, any L-subgroup of μ containing θ1 also contains b1y1 . Let 〈θ1, b1y1 〉 = ν1. If ν1 = μ, then θ1 is the required maximal L-subgroup. Otherwise, let b2y2 be the first of a1xn, . . ., anxn that is not contained in ν1. Then, there exists θ2L(μ) that is maximal with respect to the conditions that ν1⊆ θ2 and b2y2∉ θ2. Since μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉, by continuing this process, we obtain L-points b1y1, b2y2, . . ., biyi and a finite chain of L-subgroups


such that 〈θi, biyi 〉 = μ. Thus, θi is the required maximal L-subgroup of μ that contains η.

Lemma 5.9

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let ηNL(μ). Suppose that η, Φ(μ) and μ have the same tip. Then, η ⊆ Φ(μ) if and only if there is no proper subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ.


Let η ⊆ Φ(μ). Let θ be a proper L-subgroup of μ. Then, by Theorem 5.8, there exists a maximal L-subgroup ν of μ such that θ ⊆ ν. Then, η ⊆ Φ(μ) ⊆ ν and θ ⊆ ν, implying that


Hence, there does not exist any proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ. Conversely, suppose there is no proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ. If η ⊈ Φ(μ), then there exists a maximal L-subgroup ν of μ such that ην. Since the tip of Φ(μ) equals the tip of μ, tip ν = tip μ. Therefore,


Since ν is a maximal L-subgroup of μ, we must have ην = μ, which contradicts our assumption. Therefore, η ⊆ Φ(μ).

Lemma 5.10

Let η, θ, σL(μ) such that σ ⊆ η. Then,


Let xG. Then,


Hence, η ∩ (θσ) ⊆ η ∩ θ) ○ σ. Conversely, for all y, zG such that x = yz. Hence,


Taking the supremum over all y and z, we obtain




Theorem 5.11

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let ηL(μ) and σNL(μ) such that η, σ, Φ(η) and Φ(μ) have tips equal to tip μ. If σ ⊆ Φ(η), then σ ⊆ Φ(μ).


Suppose that σ ⊈ Φ(μ). Then, by Lemma 5.9, there exists a proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that μ = θσ. Since tip μ = tip σ, tip θ = tip μ. Now, since σ ⊆ Φ(η), σ ⊆ η ⊆ μ = θσ. Therefore, by Lemma 5.10,


Again, since σ ⊆ Φ(η), η ∩ θ = η by Lemma 5.9. Therefore, σ ⊆ η ⊆ θ, which implies that μ = θσ = θ, contradicting the assumption that θ is a proper L-subgroup of μ. Hence, we must have σ ⊆ Φ(μ).

This study was supported by a Junior Research Fellowship jointly funded by CSIR and UGC, India (to Ananya Manas), during the development of this paper.
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Iffat Jahan received a Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, India, in 2014. She is working as a professor in the Department of Mathematics, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, India. She has authored more than 15 research papers in the area of L-group theory. Her areas of interest and research are group theory, ring theory, lattice theory, and fuzzy sets. E-mail:

Ananya Manas is a doctoral student at the Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi. His areas of research are group theory, lattice theory, and L-groups. E-mail:


Original Article

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2023; 23(1): 20-33

Published online March 25, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems.

An Application of Maximality to Nilpotent and Finitely Generated -Subgroups of an -Group

Iffat Jahan1 and Ananya Manas2

1Department of Mathematics, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
2Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Correspondence to:Iffat Jahan (

Received: November 25, 2020; Revised: September 3, 2022; Accepted: February 16, 2023

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This study is a continuation of the study on the maximal and Frattini L subgroups of an L-group. The normality of the maximal L subgroups of a nilpotent L group was explored. Subsequently, the concept of a finitely generated L-subgroup is introduced, and its relation with the maximal condition on L subgroups is established. Thereafter, several results of the notions of the Frattini L-subgroup and finitely generated L-subgroups have been investigated.

Keywords: L-algebra, L-subgroup, Generated L-subgroup, Normal L-subgroup, Maximal L-subgroup, Frattini L-subgroup, Finitely generated L-subgroup

1. Introduction

In 1965, Zadeh’s pioneering paper [1] established the foundations of employing fuzzy logic to approximate reasoning. Since its inception, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic have been applied in various fields such as information theory, linear programming, and pattern recognition. In 1971, Rosenfeld [2] introduced fuzzy groups using fuzzy sets. Following this, various group theoretic concepts have been extended to the fuzzy setting, for example, the notion of a set product of two fuzzy subgroups and the notion of normality of a fuzzy subgroup developed by Liu [3]. All these studies were conducted within the framework of a fuzzy setting. Moreover, in these studies, the parent structure was considered ordinary algebra (i.e., group, ring, and semigroup). Therefore, most researchers have defined and studied the notion of a fuzzy subgroup of an ordinary group. However, this approach does not permit the transference of several properties of algebraic structures into the fuzzy setting. This shortcoming can be easily overcome if the parent structure is considered a fuzzy group rather than a classical group. Significantly few researchers, such as Martinez [4] and Malik and Mordeson [5], have studied the properties of an L-subalgebra of an L-algebra. Prajapati and Ajmal [6, 7] defined and explored the notion of maximal L-ideals of a fuzzy ring. However, these studies have been inadequate for L-groups. Recently, various concepts of classical group theory have been extended to L-settings, particularly considering their compatibility [812]. Moreover, in [13], the authors investigated the maximal and Frattini L-subgroups of an L-group. The notion of non-generators of an L-group was also introduced, and a relationship between the Frattini L-subgroup and the set of non-generators of an L-group was established. This study is a continuation of these topics.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 3, we begin by demonstrating that every maximal L-subgroup of a nilpotent L-group μ having the same tip and tail as μ is normal in μ. To establish this result, the concepts of nilpotent L-subgroups [10], the normalizer of an L-subgroup of an L-group [11], and the normal closure of an L-subgroup of an L-group [9] are used. This section demonstrates the compatibility of these concepts. In Section 4, the maximal condition on L-subgroups is introduced. An L-group satisfies the maximal condition on L-subgroups if and only if every proper ascending chain of its L-subgroups is finite. Thereafter, the notion of a finitely generated L-subgroup was established through L-points. A relationship between the maximal condition on L-subgroups and the finitely generated L-subgroups is also established, similar to their classical counterparts. Section 5 shows that if L is an upper well-ordered lattice and μ is a normal L-group, then Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ) is normal in μ. Thereafter, we demonstrate that every finitely generated L-group, where L is an upper well-ordered lattice, has a maximum L-subgroup. Moreover, several relations between Frattini L-subgroups, finitely generated L-subgroups, and the set product of L-subgroups are established.

2. Preliminaries

In this study, L = 〈L,≤, ∨, ∧〉 denotes a completely distributive lattice where ’’ denotes the partial ordering on L, and ’∨’ and ’∧’ denote the join (supremum) and meet (infimum) of the elements of L, respectively. The maximal and minimal elements of L are denoted by 1 and 0, respectively. The concept of a completely distributive lattice can be found in any standard text on this subject [14].

The notion of a fuzzy subset of a set was introduced by Zadeh [1] in 1965. In 1967, Goguen [15] extended this concept to L-fuzzy sets. In this section, we recall the basic definitions and results associated with L-subsets used throughout the remainder of this paper. These definitions can be found in Chapter 1 of [16].

Let X be a non-empty set. A subset of X with cardinality L is a mapping from X to L. The set of L-subsets of X is called the L-power set of X and is denoted by LX. For μLX, the set {μ(x) | xX} is called the image of μ and is denoted by Im μ. The tip and tail of μ are defined as xXμ(x) and xXμ(x), respectively. An L-subset μ of X is said to be contained in an L-subset η of X if μ(x) ≤ η(x) for all xX. This is denoted as μ ⊆ η. For a family {μi | iI} of L-subsets in X, where I is a non-empty index set, the union iIμi and intersection iIμi of {μi | iI} are, respectively, defined by

iIμi(x)=iIμ(x)and iIμi(x)=iIμ(x),

for each xX. If μLX and aL, then the level subset μa and strong level subset μa> of μ are defined as follows:




respectively. For μ, νLX, it is easy to verify that, if μ ⊆ ν, then μa ⊆ νa for each aL.

For aL and xX, we define axLX as follows: for all yX,

ax(y)={aif y=x,0if yx.

In the equation above, ax is referred to as an L-point or L-singleton. We say that ax is an L-point of μ if and only if μ(x) ≥ a, and we write axμ.

Let S be a groupoid. The set product μη of μ, ηLS is an L-subset of S defined by


Note that if x cannot be factored as x = yz in S, then μη(x), being the least upper bound of the empty set, is zero. We can verify that the set product is associative in LS if S is a semigroup.

Let f be the mapping from set X to set Y. If μLX and νLY, then the image f(μ) of μ under f and the preimage f−1(ν) of ν under f are L-subsets of Y and X respectively, defined by

f(μ)(y)=xf-1(y){μ(x)}and f-1(ν)(x)=ν(f(x)).

If f−1(y) = ϕ, then f(μ)(y) is the least upper bound of the empty set and is zero.

Proposition 2.1 ([16]

Theorem 1.1.12). Let f : XY be a mapping.

  • (i) Let {μi}iI be a family of L-subsets of X. Then, f(iIμi)=iIf(μi) and f(iIμi)iIf(μi).

  • (ii) Let μLX. Then, f−1(f(μ)) ⊇ μ. The equality holds if f is injective.

  • (iii) Let νLY. Then, f(f−1(ν)) ⊆ ν. The equality holds if f is surjective.

  • (iv) Let μLX and νLY. Then, f(μ) ⊆ ν if and only if μ ⊆ f−1(ν). Moreover, if f is injective, then f−1(ν) ⊆ μ if and only if ν ⊆ f(μ).

In this study, G denotes an ordinary group with the identity element ‘e’, and I denotes a non-empty indexing set. In addition, 1A denotes the characteristic function of a non-empty set A.

In 1971, Rosenfeld [2] applied the notion of fuzzy sets to groups to introduce a fuzzy subgroup of a group. Liu [3], in 1981, extended the notion of fuzzy subgroups to L-fuzzy subgroups (L-subgroups), which we define below.

Definition 2.2 ([2])

Let μLG. Then, μ is called an L-subgroup of G if for each x, yG,

  • (i) μ(xy) ≥ μ(x) ∧ μ(y),

  • (ii) μ(x−1) = μ(x).

The set of L-subgroups of G is denoted by L(G). Clearly, the tip of the L-subgroup is attained for the identity element of G.

Theorem 2.3 ([17])

Let μLG. Then, μ is an L-subgroup of G if and only if each non-empty level subset μa is a subgroup of G.

Theorem 2.4 ([17])

Let f : GH be the group homomorphism. Let μL(G) and νL(H). Then, f(μ) ∈ L(H) and f−1(ν) ∈ L(G).

It is well known that the intersection of an arbitrary family of L-subgroups of a group is an L-subgroup of a given group.

Definition 2.5 ([2])

Let μLG. Then, the L-subgroup of G generated by μ is defined as the smallest L-subgroup of G that contains μ. It is denoted by 〈μ〉, that is,


In 1982, Liu [18] introduced the concept of a normal fuzzy subgroup of a group. We define the normal L-subgroup of group G as follows:

Definition 2.6 ([18])

Let μL(G). Then, μ is called a normal L-subgroup of G if, for all x, yG, μ(xy) = μ(yx). The set of normal L-subgroups of G is denoted by NL(G).

Theorem 2.7 ([16]

Theorem 1.3.3). Let μL(G). Then, μNL(G) if and only if each non-empty level subset μa is a normal subgroup of G.

Let η, μLG such that η ⊆ μ. Then, η is said to be an L-subset of μ. The set of all L-subsets of μ is denoted by Lμ. Moreover, if η, μL(G) such that η ⊆ μ, then η is considered an L-subgroup of μ. The set of all L-subgroups of μ is denoted by L(μ).

Henceforth, μ denotes an L-subgroup of G which is considered as the parent L-group. The variable μ is an L-subgroup of G if and only if μ is an L-subgroup of 1G.

Definition 2.8 ([12])

Let ηL(μ) such that η is nonconstant and ημ. Then, η is said to be a proper L-subgroup of μ.

Clearly, η is a proper L-subgroup of μ if and only if η has distinct tip and tail and ημ.

Definition 2.9 ([10])

Let ηL(μ). Let a0 and t0 denote the tips and tails of η, respectively. We define the trivial L-subgroup of η as follows:

ηt0a0(x)={a0if x=e,t0if xe.

Theorem 2.10 ([10]

Theorem 2.1). Let ηLμ. Then,

  • (i) ηL(μ) if and only if each non-empty level subset ηa is a subgroup of μa.

  • (ii) ηL(μ) if and only if each non-empty strong level subset ηa> is a subgroup of μa>, provided L is a chain.

In 1981, the normal fuzzy subgroup of a fuzzy group was introduced by Wu [19]. To develop this concept, Wu [19] preferred the L-setting. Below, we recall the notion of a normal L-subgroup of an L-group.

Definition 2.11 ([19])

Let ηL(μ). Then, we say that η is a normal L-subgroup of μ if

η(yxy-1)η(x)μ(y)for all x,yG.

The set of normal L-subgroups of μ is denoted by NL(μ). If ηNL(μ), we write η _ μ.

In this case, the arbitrary intersection of a family of normal L-subgroups of an L-group μ is again a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 2.12 ([20])

Let ηL(μ). Then, ηNL(μ) if and only if each non-empty level subset ηa is a normal subgroup of μa.

Definition 2.13 ([2])

Let μLX. Then, μ is said to possess sup-propery if, for each A ⊆ X, there exists a0A such that aAμ(a)=μ(a0).

Finally, recall the following form [8, 12].

Theorem 2.14 ([8]

Theorem 3.1). Let ηLμ. Let a0=xG{η(x)}, and define an L-subset η̂ of G by


Then, η̂L(μ) and η̂ = 〈η〉.

Theorem 2.15 ([8]

Theorem 3.7). Let ηLμ and possess the sup-property. If a0=xG{η(x)}, then for all b ≤ a0, 〈ηb〉 = 〈ηb.

Theorem 2.16 ([12]

Lemma 3.27). Let f : GH be a group homomorphism, and let μL(G) and νL(H). Then, for all ηLμ, 〈f(η)〉 = f(〈η〉) and for all θLν, 〈f−1(θ)〉 = f−1(〈θ〉).

3. Maximal L-Subgroups of a Nilpotent L-Group

In this section, we demonstrate that if μ is a nilpotent L-group, then the maximal L-subgroups of μ having the same tip and tail as μ are normal in μ (Theorem 3.15). To demonstrate this result, the concepts of nilpotent L-subgroups, normalizer of an L-subgroup of an L-group, and normal closure of an L-subgroup in an L-group are used. We begin by recalling the notion of cosets and the normalizer of an L-subgroup from [11].

Definition 3.1 ([11])

Let ηL(μ) and ax be an L-point of μ. The left (right) coset of η in μ with respect to ax is defined as the set product axη (ηax). From the definition of set product of two L-subsets, it can be easily seen that for all zG,

(axη)(z)=aη(x-1z)and (ηax)(z)=aη(zx-1).

Definition 3.2 ([11])

Let ηL(μ). The normalizer of η in μ, denoted by N(η), is the L-subgroup defined as follows:


N(η) is the largest L-subgroup of μ such that η is a normal L-subgroup of N(η). It was also established in [11] that ηNL(μ) if and only if N(μ) = μ. Below, we provide an L-point characterization for an L-subgroup to be contained in the normalizer.

Lemma 3.3

Let η and θL(μ). If axbyax–1η for all axθ and byη, then θ ⊆ N(η).


Suppose axbyax–1η for all axθ and byη. First, we show that for all x, yG


Let x, yG and let a = θ(x) and b = η(y). Then, axθ and byη. Hence, by hypothesis,


which implies that


This proves (1). Next, to show that θ ⊆ N(η), we claim that for all axθ,


Therefore, we set zG and axθ. Then,

(axη)(z)=aη(x-1z)=aη(x-1(zx-1)x)aθ(x)η(zx-1)         (by (1))=aη(zx-1)         (since axθ)=(ηax)(z).

Similarly, it can be shown that (ηax)(z) ≥ (axη)(z), which proves the claim. In this case, we write A = {axμ : ηax = axη}. From (2), it follows that

axAfor all axθ.

Finally, let xG, and observe


The equation above completes the proof.

The notion of a nilpotent L-subgroup was developed by Ajmal and Jahan [10]. For this purpose, the definition of the commutator of two L-subgroups was modified, and this modified definition was used to develop the notion of the descending central chain of an L-subgroup. We recall the following concepts as follows:

Definition 3.4 ([10])

Let η and θLμ. The commutator of η and θ is the L-subset (η, θ) of μ defined as follows:

(η,θ)(x)={{η(y)θ(z)}if x=[y,z]for some y,zG,inf ηinf θif x[y,z]for any y,zG.

The commutator L-subgroup of η, θLμ, denoted by [η, θ], is defined to be the L-subgroup of μ generated by (η, θ).

Definition 3.5 ([10])

Let ηL(μ). Take Z0(η) = η and for each i ≥ 0, define Zi+1(η) = [Zi(η), η]. Then, the chain


of L-subgroups of μ is called the descending central chain of η.

Definition 3.6 ([10])

Let ηL(μ) with tip a0 and tail t0 and a0t0. If the descending central chain


terminates to the trivial L-subgroup ηt0a0 in a finite number of steps, then η is called a nilpotent L-subgroup of μ. Moreover, η is said to be nilpotent for class c if c is the smallest non-negative integer such that Zc(η)=ηt0a0.

In this case, we define the successive normalizers of η as follows:

η0=ηand ηi+1=N(ηi)for all i0.

Then, according to the definition of normalizer (see Definition 3.2), ηi+1 is the largest L-subgroup of μ containing ηi such that ηiηi+1. Consequently,


is an ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ starting from η such that each ηi is a normal L-subgroup of ηi+1. We call (3) the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ.

Lemma 3.7

Let μL(G) be a nilpotent L-group and η be an L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Then, the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ is finite and terminates at μ.


Let μ be a nilpotent L-group and let η be an L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Let a0 and t0 denote the tip and tail of μ, respectively. Let


be the descending central chain of μ, where

Zi(μ)=[Zi-1(μ),μ]for all i1.

Successive normalizers of η are defined as follows:

η0=ηand ηi+1=N(ηi)for all i0.



is the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ. We claim that

Zc-i(μ)ηifor all i0.

We apply induction on i. When i = 0,


Hence, this claim is true for i = 0. Suppose that the claim holds for some i ≥ 0, that is, Zci(μ) ⊆ ηi. We shall demonstrate that


Therefore, let axZci–1(μ). Then, for all byηi,

axbyax-1=(ab)xyx-1=(ab)[x,y]y=(ab)[x,y]by[Zc-i-1(μ),μ]ηi(since axZc-i-1(μ),byμ)=Zc-i(μ)ηi(by definition,[Zc-i-1(μ),μ]=Zc-i(μ))ηi(by the induction hypoythesis,Zc-iηi).

Therefore, by Lemma 3.3,


Hence, this claim holds true. In particular, when i = c, μ = Z0⊆ ηc. Thus, ηc = μ, which proves the result.

We now recall the definition of the normal closure of an L-subgroup in an L-group from [9]

Definition 3.8 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). The Lsubset μημ−1 of μ is defined as

μημ-1(x)=x=zyz-1{η(y)μ(z)}for each xG

is called the conjugate of η in μ.

Definition 3.9 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). The normal closure of η in μ, denoted by ημ, is defined as the L-subgroup of μ generated by the conjugate μημ−1; that is,


Moreover, ημ is the smallest normal L-subgroup of μ that contains η.

Definition 3.10 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). We inductively define a descending series of L-subgroups of μ as follows:

η(0)=μand η(i)=ηη(i-1)for all i1.

Then, η(i) is the smallest normal L-subgroup of η(i–1) that contains η. We call η(i) the ith normal closure of η in μ. The series of L-subgroups


is called the normal closure series of η in μ.

Theorem 3.11 ([9])

Let ηL(μ). Then, ηNL(μ) if and only if ημ = η.

Proposition 3.12

Let ηNL(μ) and θL(μ). Then, η ∩ θNL(θ).

Lemma 3.13

Let μL(G) and ηL(μ). Then, there exists an ascending chain of L-subgroups


These subgroups terminate at μ in a finite number of steps such that each θi is normal in θi+1 if and only if the normal closure series of η in μ terminates at η in a finite number of steps.




is a finite ascending chain of L-subgroups such that each θi is normal in θi+1. Let η(i) denote the ith normal closure of η in μ. We claim that

η(i)θn-ifor all i0.

We apply induction on i. When i = 0,


Hence, this claim is true for i = 0. Suppose that the claim holds for some i ≥ 0, that is, η(i)⊆ θni. We shall demonstrate that


Note that, by the hypothesis, θni–1 is normal in θni. In addition, by the induction hypothesis, η(i)⊆ θn–1. Therefore, by Proposition 3.12, we have


Moreover, according to this hypothesis, η ⊆ θni–1. In addition, by the definition of normal closure (see Definition 3.11), η ⊆ η(i). This implies,


Furthermore, by the definition of a normal closure, η(i+1) is the smallest normal L-subgroup of η(i) containing η. Therefore,


This proves the result by induction. In particular, when i = n,


Thus, η(n) = η and the normal closure series of η in μ terminates at η in n steps.

Conversely, if η(n) = η for some nonnegative integer n, then the series of L-subgroups


is a finite ascending chain such that each η(i) is normal in η(i–1).

Now, we recall the definition of a maximal L-subgroup of an L-group from [13]:

Definition 3.14

Let μL(G). A proper L-subgroup η of μ is said to be a maximal L-subgroup of μ if, whenever η ⊆ θ ⊆ μ for some θL(μ), either θ = η or θ = μ.

Theorem 3.15

Let μL(G) be a nilpotent L-group. Then, every maximal L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ is normal in μ.


Let η be a maximal L-subgroup of μ having the same tip and tail as μ. Since μ is nilpotent, by Lemma 3.7, the ascending chain of normalizers of η in μ is finite and terminates at μ after finitely many steps. Therefore, by Lemma 3.13, the normal closure series of η in μ is also finite and terminates at η in finitely many steps, for example, m. Let the finite normal closure series be


where η(i) = ηη(i–1). Here, we note that η(1)η(0). If η(1) = η(0), then


which implies that η = η(m) = η(0) = μ, contradicting the fact that ημ. Therefore, we have


Since η is a maximal L-subgroup of μ, we must have η = η(1) = ημ. By Theorem 3.11, it follows that η is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Below, we provide an example of a nilpotent L-group and its maximal normal L-subgroup η:

Example 1

Let M = {l, f, a, b, c, d, u} be the lattice shown in Figure 1. Let 2 be a chain 0 < 1. Then,


Let G = S4 or the group of all permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, 4} with identity element e. Let


denote the dihedral subgroups of G and V4 = {e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)} denote the Klein-4 subgroup of G. We define the L-subset μ of G as follows:

μ(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(d,1)if xV4\{e},(a,1)if xD41\V4,(b,1)if xD42\V4,(c,1)if xD43\V4,(f,0)if xS4\i=13D4i.

Since each non-empty level subset μt is a subgroup of G, by Theorem 2.3, μ is an L-subgroup of G. We show that μ is a nilpotent L-group. Since G′ = A4, it is easy to verify that the commutator (μ, μ) is given by

(μ,μ)(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(a,1)(d,1)=(a,1)if x=(13),(24)(b,1)(d,1)=(b,1)if x=(12),(34),(c,1)(d,1)=(c,1)if x=(14)(23),(f,0)if xS4\V4.

Since every non-empty level subset (μ, μ)t is a subgroup of μt, by Theorem 2.10, (μ, μ) is an L-subgroup of μ; hence, Z1(μ) = [μ, μ] = (μ, μ). Subsequently, we can easily verify that Z2(μ) = [μ,Z1(μ)] is given by

Z2(μ)={(u,1)if x=e,(f,0)if xS4\{e}.

Hence, Z2(μ)=μt0a0, where a0 = (u, 0) and t0 = (f, 0) are the tips and tails of μ, respectively. We conclude that μ is a nilpotent L-group. We now define ηLμ as follows:

η(x)={(u,1)if x=e,(d,1)if xV4\{e},(a,1)if xD41\V4,(b,0)if xD42\V4,(c,1)if xD43\V4,(f,0)if xS4\i=13D4i.

Since every non-empty level subset ηt is a subgroup of μt, by Theorem 2.10, ηL(μ). We demonstrate that η is a maximal L-subgroup of μ.

Suppose there exists θL(μ) such that ηθ ⊆ μ. Since η(x) = μ(x) for all xS4\(D42\V4),θ(x)=η(x) for all xS4\(D42\V4). Hence, there exists x0D42\V4 such that


that is, θ(x0) = (b, 1). However, θ(x) = (b, 1) = μ(x) for all xD42\V4. This result implies that θ = μ. We conclude that η is the maximal L-subgroup of μ. Finally, note that ηt = μt for all tL \ {(b, 1)} and η(b,1) = V4 is a normal subgroup of μ(b,1)=D42. Hence, ηt is a normal subgroup of μt for each tL. By Theorem 2.12, η is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

4. Finitely Generated L-Subgroups

In this section, we introduce the concepts of the maximal condition on L-subgroups and finitely generated L-groups. These notions are closely related to classical group theory. A similar relation between these concepts has been provided in Theorem 4.10.

Definition 4.1

Let μL(G). Then, μ is said to satisfy the maximal condition if every non-empty set S of L-subgroups of μ contains a maximal element.

Theorem 4.2

An L-subgroup μ satisfies the maximal condition if and only if each proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ is finite.


Suppose μ satisfies the maximal condition. Let


be the proper ascending chain of L-subgroups in μ. Let S = {ηi | i ∈ ℕ}. Then, by hypothesis, S contains a maximal element θ, that is, there exists θS such that θ is not contained in any other ηi. Since (7) is a proper chain, it must be terminated at θ.

Conversely, suppose that each proper ascending chain of L-subgroups in μ is finite. Let S be a non-empty set of L-subgroups of μ. We demonstrate that S contains an L-subgroup θ that is not contained in any other element of S. Since S is non-empty, there exists η0 in S. If η0 is not contained in any other element of S, then we set θ = η0. Otherwise, there exists η1S such that η0η1. Furthermore, if η1 is not contained in any other element of S, then we set θ = η1. Otherwise, there exists η2S such that η1η2. Continuing in this manner, we obtain the ascending chain


By hypothesis, (8) is finite. Hence, there exists θS that is not contained in any other element of S, thus, explaining the result.

Theorem 4.3

Let μL(G) satisfy the maximal condition, and let ηL(μ). Thus, η also satisfies the maximal condition. In [21], the authors have introduced the notion of finitely generated fuzzy ideals of a ring through fuzzy singletons:

Definition 4.4 ([21])

A fuzzy ideal μ of a ring R is said to be finitely generated if there exists a finite set of fuzzy singletons ϕ such that μ = 〈ϕ〉. Below, we define the finitely generated L-subgroup of a group using the above definition.

Definition 4.5

An L-subgroup μ of G is said to be finitely generated if there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, . . ., anxn in μ such that μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn 〉. Recall the definition of a minimal generating set for a fuzzy set as given in [16].

Definition 4.6 ([16])

Let μF(G). Let S denote a set of fuzzy singletons such that if xa, xbS, then a = b > 0 and x ≠ 0. We define the fuzzy subset χ(S) of G as follows: for all xG,

χ(S)(x)={a,if xaS,0,otherwise.

We set 〈S〉 = 〈χ(S)〉.

Note that the following condition

if xa,xbS,then a=b>0,

becomes redundant in Definition 4.5, as the concept of a finitely generated L-subgroup involves the union of L-points. Hence, Definition 4.5 is a simple version of this definition. Here, we prove the following:

Theorem 4.7

Let H be a subgroup of G. Then, H is finitely generated if and only if the characteristic function 1H is a finitely generated L-subgroup of G.


Let H be a finitely generated subgroup of G. Then, there exist finitely many elements x1, x2, . . ., xn in H such that


We claim that


Since 1x1, 1x2, . . ., 1xn ∈ 1H,


To demonstrate the reverse inclusion, let 1z ∈ 1H. Subsequetly, zH = 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉. This implies

z=y1y2yk,where yior yi-1{x1,x2,,xn}.



Hence, 1H = 〈1x1, 1x2, . . . 1xn〉.

Conversely, suppose that 1H is finitely generated. Then, by definition, there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, a2x2, . . . anxn of 1H such that


Clearly, we can assume that ai > 0. This implies

1H(xi)ai<0for all i=1,2,n,

that is,


Thus, 1x1, 1x2, . . . , 1xn ∈ 1H; therefore,


Thus, 1H = 〈1x1, 1x2, . . . 1xn〉. We claim that H = 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉.

Suppose, if possible, that H ≠ 〈x1, x2, . . ., xn〉. Then, there exists zH such that z ∉x1, x2, . . . xn〉. Note that since 1H=i=1n1xi by Theorem 2.14,


Now, since z ∉x1, x2, . . ., xn〉, zi=1n(1xi)a for any value of a > 0. It follows that 1 = 1H(z) = 0, and this is absent. Hence, we conclude that


The following example illustrates Definition 4.5:

Example 2

Let G = D8, the dihedral group of order eight is given by


Let H1 = {e, r2} be the center of G, H2 = {e, s} and K = {e, r2, s, sr2}. Let L be a lattice represented by the following equation: We define μ : GL as follows.

μ(x)={1if x=e,bif xH1\{e},cif xH2\{e},aif xK\H1H2,0if xD8\K.

Because each non-empty level subset μt is a subgroup of G, by Theorem 2.3, μL(G). We demonstrate that μ = 〈br2, cs〉. Let η = br2cs. Then, ηLμ. Hence, 〈η⊆ μ. Now, tip(η)=xGη(x). Hence, by Theorem 2.14, for all xG,


Note that




Thus, 〈η〉 = 〈br2, cs〉 = μ.

Recall that a lattice L is said to be upper well-ordered if every non-empty subset of L contains its supremum. Clearly, if L is upper well-ordered, then each L-subset η satisfies the sup-property. Additionally, every upper well-ordered lattice is a chain.

Lemma 4.8

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Then, every proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ whose set union equals μ is finite.


Suppose that μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉. Let


be a proper ascending chain of L subgroups of μ such that ∪ηi = μ. Then,

ajxjηifor all j=1,,n.

This implies

ηi(xj)ajfor all j=1,,n.

Since L is upper-well ordered, there existsmj such that ηmj (xj) ≥ aj, that is, ajxjηmj . Let m be the maximum value of m1, . . ., mn. Then, ajxjηm for all j = 1, . . ., n. Thus, μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn⊆ ηm. Hence, the chain terminates at some k ≤ m.

Lemma 4.9 ([13])

Let L be a chain, and let μL(G). Let C be a chain of L-subgroups of μ: Then,


Theorem 4.10

Let μL(G). If μ satisfies the maximal condition, then every L-subgroup of μ is finitely generated. The converse holds if L is an upper well-ordered lattice.


Suppose that μ satisfies the maximal condition. Let ηL(μ) and a1x1η. If η = 〈a1x1 〉, then η is finitely generated, and the proof is done. Hence, suppose that η ≠ 〈a1x1 〉. Then, there exists a2x2η such that a2x2a1x1 〉. If η = 〈a1x1, a2x2 〉, then the proof is done. Otherwise, there exists a3x3η such that a3x3a1x1, a2x2 〉. Continuing this process, we can define the L-subgroups ηi of η by choosing, as long as possible, L-points a1x1, a2x2, . . ., of η such that

ηi=a1x1,,aix1and ai+1xi+1ηi.

Then, η1η2. . . is a proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of η. By Theorem 4.3, η satisfies the maximal condition. Hence, according to Theorem 4.2, this chain terminates at a finite m. Thus, there does not exist any byη such that bya1x1, . . ., amxm〉 = ηm. This implies η = ηm; thus, η is finitely generated.

Conversely, suppose that L is upper well-ordered, and let μL(G) such that every L-subgroup of μ is finitely generated. Let η1η2. . . be a proper ascending chain of L-subgroups of μ. Since L is an upper well-ordered lattice, by Lemma 4.9, η = ∪ηi is an L-subgroup of μ. According to this hypothesis, η is finitely generated. Hence, by Lemma 4.8, the above chain of L-subgroups must be finite. Therefore, μ satisfies the maximal condition.

5. Frattini L-Subgroup of Finitely Generated L-Group

In this section, we explore some properties of the maximal and Frattini L-subgroups of the finitely generated L-subgroups. The Frattini L-subgroup of an L-group was investigated by Jahan and Manas [13]. Moreover, the authors defined the nongenerators of an L-group and established a relationship between the non-generators and the Frattini L-subgroup of μ. We recall these below.

Definition 5.1 ([13])

Let μL(G). The Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ) of μ is defined as the intersection of all maximal L-subgroups of μ. If μ has no maximal L-subgroups, we define Φ(μ) = μ.

Definition 5.2 ([13])

Let μL(G). An L-point axμ is said to be a non-generator of μ if whenever 〈η, ax〉 = μ for some ηLμ, then 〈η〉 = μ.

Theorem 5.3 ([13])

Let μL(G) and define λLμ as follows:

λ={axaxis a non-generator of μ}.

Then, λL(μ) and λ ⊆ Φ(μ). Moreover, if L is an upper well-ordered lattice, then λ = Φ(μ).

Theorem 5.4 ([13])

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and let μ be a normal L-subgroup of G. Then, Φ(μ) is a normal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 5.5

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μL(G) be a nontrivial finitely generated L-group. Then, μ has a maximal L-subgroup.


Since μ is finitely generated, there exist finitely many L-points a1x1, . . . , anxn such that μ = 〈a1x1, . . . , anxn〉. Let S be the set of all proper L-subgroups of μ. Then, S is non-empty because of the trivial L-subgroup μt0a0S, where a0 = μ(e) and t0 = inf μ. Let C = {ηi}iI be a chain in S. We claim that


First, we note that by Lemma 4.9, iIηiL(μ). Hence, we only need to show that iIηi is a proper L-subgroup of μ. Suppose that iIηi is not a proper L-subgroup of μ, that is,


Then, a1x1, . . ., a1x1,,anxniIηi. This implies that

iiηi(xj)ajfor each 1jn.

Since L is upper well-ordered, for each j, there exists an L-subgroup, say ηij, in C such that ηij (xj) ≥ aj. Moreover, because C is a chain without loss of generality, we may assume that




which contradicts the assumption that the elements of C are proper L-subgroups of μ. Hence, iIηi is an appropriate L-subgroup of μ. Consequently, iIηiS, and we conclude that each chain in S has an upper bound in S. By Zorn’s lemma, S has a maximal element, which is the required maximal L-subgroup of μ.

Theorem 5.6

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice μ be an L-group with a finitely generated Frattini L-subgroup Φ(μ). Then, the only L-subgroup η of μ such that


is η = μ.


Since Φ(μ) is finitely generated, there exists a finite number of L-points a1x1, . . ., anxn in Φ(μ) such that




Now, since L is upper well-ordered, by Theorem 5.3,

Φ(μ)={axaxis a non-generator of μ}.

Therefore, each aixi is a non-generator of μ. This implies


Hence, η = μ.

Lemma 5.7

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μL(G). Suppose that θL(μ), and let ax be an L-point of μ such that ax ∉ θ. Then, there exists ηL(μ) such that η is maximal with respect to the conditions θ ⊆ η and ax ∉ η.


Consider the set S = {νL(μ) | θ ⊆ ν and ax ∉ ν}. Then, S is non-empty because θS. Let C = {θi}iI be the chain in S. We claim that


By Lemma 4.9, iIθiL(μ). Additionally, θiIθi. Now, since L is upper well-ordered and ax ∉ θi for all iI, axiIθi. Hence, iIθiS such that every chain in S has an upper bound in S. Therefore, according to Zorn’s lemma, S has the maximal element η, which proves the result.

Theorem 5.8

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let η be a proper L-subgroup of μ. Then, η is contained in the maximal L-subgroup of μ.


Let μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉. Since ημ, let b1y1 be the first of a1x1, . . ., anxn such that b1y1∉ η. From Lemma 5.7, there exists θ1L(μ) such that θ1 is maximal with respect to the conditions η ⊆ θ1 and b1y1∉ θ1. Hence, any L-subgroup of μ containing θ1 also contains b1y1 . Let 〈θ1, b1y1 〉 = ν1. If ν1 = μ, then θ1 is the required maximal L-subgroup. Otherwise, let b2y2 be the first of a1xn, . . ., anxn that is not contained in ν1. Then, there exists θ2L(μ) that is maximal with respect to the conditions that ν1⊆ θ2 and b2y2∉ θ2. Since μ = 〈a1x1, . . ., anxn〉, by continuing this process, we obtain L-points b1y1, b2y2, . . ., biyi and a finite chain of L-subgroups


such that 〈θi, biyi 〉 = μ. Thus, θi is the required maximal L-subgroup of μ that contains η.

Lemma 5.9

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let ηNL(μ). Suppose that η, Φ(μ) and μ have the same tip. Then, η ⊆ Φ(μ) if and only if there is no proper subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ.


Let η ⊆ Φ(μ). Let θ be a proper L-subgroup of μ. Then, by Theorem 5.8, there exists a maximal L-subgroup ν of μ such that θ ⊆ ν. Then, η ⊆ Φ(μ) ⊆ ν and θ ⊆ ν, implying that


Hence, there does not exist any proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ. Conversely, suppose there is no proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that ηθ = μ. If η ⊈ Φ(μ), then there exists a maximal L-subgroup ν of μ such that ην. Since the tip of Φ(μ) equals the tip of μ, tip ν = tip μ. Therefore,


Since ν is a maximal L-subgroup of μ, we must have ην = μ, which contradicts our assumption. Therefore, η ⊆ Φ(μ).

Lemma 5.10

Let η, θ, σL(μ) such that σ ⊆ η. Then,


Let xG. Then,


Hence, η ∩ (θσ) ⊆ η ∩ θ) ○ σ. Conversely, for all y, zG such that x = yz. Hence,


Taking the supremum over all y and z, we obtain




Theorem 5.11

Let L be an upper well-ordered lattice and μ be a finitely generated L-group. Let ηL(μ) and σNL(μ) such that η, σ, Φ(η) and Φ(μ) have tips equal to tip μ. If σ ⊆ Φ(η), then σ ⊆ Φ(μ).


Suppose that σ ⊈ Φ(μ). Then, by Lemma 5.9, there exists a proper L-subgroup θ of μ such that μ = θσ. Since tip μ = tip σ, tip θ = tip μ. Now, since σ ⊆ Φ(η), σ ⊆ η ⊆ μ = θσ. Therefore, by Lemma 5.10,


Again, since σ ⊆ Φ(η), η ∩ θ = η by Lemma 5.9. Therefore, σ ⊆ η ⊆ θ, which implies that μ = θσ = θ, contradicting the assumption that θ is a proper L-subgroup of μ. Hence, we must have σ ⊆ Φ(μ).


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