The International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems

eISSN 2093-744X
pISSN 1598-2645

IVIF representation for Tables 1 to 4

§1[(0.43, 0.56), (0.34, 0.43)][(0.43, 0.65), (0.21, 0.43)][(0.78, 0.90), (0.43, 0.56)]
§2[(0.65, 0.78), (0.21, 0.34)][(0.65, 0.78), (0.21, 0.34)][(0.34, 0.65), (0.87, 0.90)]
§3[(0.34, 0.65), (0.34, 0.43)][(0.56, 0.65), (0.34, 0.43)][(0.45, 0.56), (0.78, 0.90)]
§4[(0.78, 0.87), (0.12, 0.21)][(0.65, 0.78), (0.12, 0.34)][(0.65, 0.78), (0.87, 0.90)]
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 2024;24:360~377
© 2020. The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems. / Powered by INFOrang Co., Ltd